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hit and marshawn

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Everything posted by hit and marshawn

  1. sure really loved tonights game. Excuse #1- its just preseason, the steelers weren't trying Tonight i saw a coach who is trusting those hes hired, a qb who is making all the throws, including the ones into traffic, and an offensive line who without its best player opened holes for all running backs, and protected its qb. Ps. That was against the no 1 defense from last year. And if you have a problem with my optimisim, go yourself Heyyy eh eh eh
  2. I hesitate to mention his name anywhere even though i like him for fear that the thread will be highjacked and turned into an argument over why your a homer because you support the team
  3. I am very excited for the long run if we can sign evans to an extension. Having him hardy and lynch as the core of our team would be a very impressive young talented core. Lets lock him up!
  4. No dont say that. Too late, your now a homer, a moron, and prob a rapest since you dont think trent is going to suck based on 5 plays! Be prepaired to answer to his bad games in inclimet weather that were part of his rookie season. Thats not logical thinking though, that is apologizing. Also thinking that the bills may still have a chance to be a decent team this year means that you have genital warts
  5. I didnt say I was satisfied anywhere in there did I? No. I said that im sick of coming on here and reading about how it is time to toss this season aside because trent had a bad 5 snaps in his first live action. Ive seen about 10 posts that have said exactly that. Did i say that you cant say trent had a bad beginning, no. Go ahead, its true. Does that mean i think that this season is lost, we will go 0-16 and move to toronto like some people? no. If this happens again in a month, come and talk to me. Untill then, please hibernate untill that happens
  6. What makes me optimistic is that at this point every team is tied for first, I also feel like we got just what we needed at reciever to turn some of those 3's into 6's and make a ligit run at the playoffs. I also think that going into the year as the starter will do wonders for trent, and that saying he sucks and this season is over after 5 attempts in pre season is ridiculous. By that logic why should we watch the regular season, as the 3-1 preaseason record of the lions and the bengals may as well just determine a league champ. Its ridiculous how so many "fans" will find any excuse to get down on this team before anything is shown. I cant wait for the regular season to start so you all dissappear when trent lights it up with Peters blocking on the left and our FO looks pretty smart for its off season moves, and passing on a 58 year old bret who went surfing with brady and was eaten by a shark
  7. these guys better not all break their legs now
  8. anyone who is ready to throw this team, especially trent, under the bus after 5 pass atempts in the first preseason game, please hand in your bills gear, and leave the internet untill the season is over. I cant stand this non sense. Im not a trent apologist just because i dont think he will suck based on 5 pass attempts in his first live fb action in 6 months. This is pathetic, i honestly feel i get stupider reading each post
  9. your credibility went out the window when you said that losman should be leading "are" team
  10. I noticed something about the schedual, that i think could also help the bills fortune next season. A bunch of the tough teams that the bills play next year have a tough game the week before they play the bills. SD has to play a sunday nighter against NE the week before they play us, where we are coming off a bye. The pats* play a sunday nighter at indy the week before our first game against them, and even jacksonville has a tough divisional game the first week of the season. Cleveland however has a thursday game before our monday nighter, so they may be fresher than us, but some of these week before games may help us somewhat.
  11. I completely agree. He did not sound like he was excited at all to be there, and he sounded more hurt by green bay. That was like watching someone explain a really bad break up, while trying to pretend his rebound fling was something he was excited about. He looked more embarrassed to be there than excited
  12. Easy to protect, we will just let marshawn drive around the stadium pre game
  13. i have to say that 7/8 win teams are usually not that much different from playoff teams though. I can think of 3 games off the top of my head that were determined by a last second play, winning one of the 3 in washington. The cleveland game was a coin flip honestly, it was who could get the best field position on the day( i couldnt even see the field from my seats, not that high up) I could see us anywhere from 8-8 to 11-5, my guess would be closer to the latter
  14. What is the Hypothetical New Stadium, Part 2 going to be
  15. i would like it right next to the falls, along with deals with new sports bars to go in around there. THis would be a boost for the economy, and would also provide awesome overhead shots of the stadium pre commercials at the games. This would also attract canadians to come to our side of the pond instead of it being us always going there
  16. ive also been to tampa, their fans are way more reserved as well, as most do not even stand on third down
  17. I agree that they need to practice him there, i was just curious because i think initial reports were that he would most likely be the starting nickle back at least for the start of the season
  18. Just read the camp review from yesterday on buffalobills.com, and it said that corner was taking first team nickle reps, with james watching from the sideline. Anyone know what McKelvin is doin in camp? PS. Not a freak out post just curious what kind of role they have him working in
  19. I tend to stay away from favorite teams of mine as well, but i just really like the matchups we have against the weak opponents on our schedual
  20. I just bet the bills at over 8 for -120. I really like our chances to win 10-12 games this year
  21. I must say that in the past I have always hated this guy, but I feel like this year he is doing a respectable job. I do not just say that because he thinks the bills will make some noise, but i feel like his reporting actually has some reason behind it. I am finding myself enjoying his blogs and articles more this year than in years past. It also doesn't hurt that he likes the bills this year
  22. Oh, im just curious to see how well the offense rebounded from what i hear was a sloppy practice yesterday
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