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Everything posted by bigskyfan

  1. they will be better only if they limit false starts to under five a game
  2. always thought joe ferguson was a very underrated qb. but he was probably the bills 3rd greatest qb behind the two JKs
  3. This guy calls himself a sportswriter? Just another "jump on the bandwagon" article rehashed from everything else written the past weeks,,,, not an original thought in the piece. Just more fodder for Bills fans to get a big "us against the world" chip on our shoulder
  4. doesn't matter how the chan got here anyway,,,,,time to move forward and speculate on how buffalo is going to rebuild this team with talent, who will be his assistants, the draft and ultimately building a winner.
  5. agreed Hiring solid assistant coaches and bringing in new front office personal (firing modrak, overdorf and guy) would be all the buzz i need and would be happy with chan gailly. Nothing happens in this franichise until we bring in more talented football players year after year, and that is the repsonsibility of the front office.
  6. I already cancelled too and switched to Dish Network. Way too expensive and frankly watching the bills the last few years ruined my sundays, and I just stopped drinking the wilson kool aid
  7. actually that was discussed too, how this was once a proud franchise, and how far it has fallen
  8. bill cowher will not come to bills because: 1. He would report to buddy nix 2 who would report to russ brandon 3. who would report to RW you think cowher would agree to that chain of command?
  9. Quadry Ishmael (sp) was on espn radio this morning and was asked why everyone was turning down the bills coaching job. Ishmael did not cite the city, lack of talent currently on the team, lack of qb, etc. Ishmael said the feeling around the league was that the bills "lacked a commitment to win" and no coach wants to go into a situation where the team was not committed to winning.
  10. I want a housecleaning, but in the front office, not necessarily with Perry Fewell. Perry was much more competent in his role than Brandon, Modrak, Nix, Guy are in theirs,,,,,unfortunately the wrong people are being let go.
  11. the bills have not figured out how to bring in front office personel who are not question marks
  12. I can't believe there are not good personnel guys that would love to take a shot at rebuilding a team, unfortunately, "me & Russ, we didn't know any of them"
  13. When DJ got fired, Ralph Wilson promised a housecleaning job where "the organization will be examined from top to bottom." Apparently only the cellar got cleaned out as the bills front office, the group of brandon, modrak, guy, et al, are not going to be touched. Brandon get promoted, they put a new "face" out by moving buddy nix around. But the decision makers who are responsible for player personnal and who failed miserably will be here next year. It doesn't matter who the HC is, we are being dished up the same old soap, that never got the house clean.
  14. What you said. If we had clean out the rest of the front office, bring in some scouts good at evaluating talent and start to give Fewell the tools he needs, I think this could be a winning team. If we do not make any other changes in the FO or scouting department, Fewell, or any other coach is resigned to the same fate as the last four HC in buffalo.
  15. Does anyone on this message board really think any of the other HC candidates (including cowher and shanahan) could have done better than the 3-4 record Fewell posted with this team?
  16. The dreadful line play was directly caused by failure to spend money: 1. Released Derrick Dockery-cap casualty 2. Failed to sign Jason Peters-traded away bills only pro bowler 3. Released Langston Walker-salary cut 4. Decided a 7th round draft choice with no experience could play left tackle on the cheap 5. Failed to sign Jon Runyan, Levi Jones when injuries hit 6. Used draft choices 1 & 2 to plug wholes after players left when team was in desperate need of help elsewhere-linebacker, tight end
  17. With exception of ML, every competent HC and GM has been fired or left buffalo with a bad taste. Consider from the beginning: Lou Saban: Coached Bills to 2 championships & ressurected them in 70s,,,Ralph kept him off the Wall in retribution 4 leaving. Bill Polian: Most successful GM in modern era: fired by RW John Butler: Very successful after Polian, ressurected San Diego: fired by RW Wade Phillips: Playoff Coach with winning record wherever he went: not only fired, but had to sue RW to get his rightful pay. All four were highly successful, all were either fired or left with a bad taste, for reasons other than performance. The last three GMs have been fired, and of the 4 previous head coaches, 3 were fired and one left under duress. Is there a pattern here? Why would Cowart, Shanahan et all risk tarnishing their reputation?
  18. don't forget that RW fired Wade for not firing is ST coach.....no doubt he needed firing, but don't you think a coach coming in will remember that and wonder if RW will start telling him who to fire and who to keep?
  19. How could you not mention the greatest bill running back of all time "Mini-Max Anderson
  20. I agree with what you are saying, however while the media speculates who is on top/bottom of priority, i suspect the bills are doing it just as you say. They obviously contacted shanahan, cowher gruden earlier, waiting until after the season to contact the assistant coaches around the league, Their order of contact maybe doesn't reflect their priority. By the way i have seen nearly every bronco game the last ten years, unless they were playing the same time as the bills. While Shanahan is a good coach, he made lots of game day errors and bad draft choices. He brought to the table a sound running game, but rarely had good defenses, and Brian Griese, Jake Plummer and even Jay Cutler were for the most part inconsistent, partly because of scheming and game plan. I don't feel bad we didn't land him.
  21. I think a big factor not mentioned yet is the disfunctional front office overall and their failure to produce good prospects through the draft especially (see mccargo, jp, lynch, maybin, et al). If i am looking for a coaching job, i want a front office i can work with that will locate and bring in quality draft picks and free agents. Bills record has been dismal at best.
  22. Both in the 2007 and 2009 season, I thought Perry's defense played well considering the personal he was given to deal with,,,,lots of injuries in 07 too, but the defense kept the billin games when the offenses couldn't score points out of the single digits. I hope we get Cowher,,,but what I really hope for is that we get rid of modrak and guy, and bring in some scouts and personnel people who know how to evaluate talent.
  23. Congratulations on your win today Perry and for having the team ready to play. You won three games with a bunch of guys that should be in street clothes instead of football uniforms. While you most likely won't be with the Bills next year, thank you for staying and fighting when the team could have mailed it in seven games ago. You proved you have a lot of moxie to get these guys ready to play......if only we had your enthusiasm from the front office.
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