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Everything posted by bigskyfan

  1. three things need to be fixed to make the playoffs, 1. Offensive Line 2. Offensive Line 3. Offensive Line
  2. i said the same thing in another thread,,,,, speculating that this team misses mouse mcnally a great deal. I am not worried about the cardinal game,,,,,the defense stunk up the joint, but they will correct the problems and make adjustments. The o line has not had a solid game in both run and pass protection yet this year....on most run plays up the middle they looked overmatched and on sweeps they are often caught before they get out of their lanes for the play to develop. this line IMO needs lots of work. they have regressed from last year and are playing like the days of gandy and benny anderson
  3. you cant put the sacks all on jp, edwards got sacked,, what four times in one half last game? the problem is the oline is getting beat at the point of attack,,,,they are not drive blocking defenders, there is no push, and lynch and edwards are left on there own. A successful running game yesterday could have controlled the ball, kept warner off the field and given the defense time to collect itself. The difference in TOP had a lot to do with lack of controlling the line of scrimmage. and we will be facing much better front sevens in games down the line,,,
  4. The play of the offensive line yesterday continues to be sub par at best,,,,,Mike Gandy looked better than Jason Peters! Butler and Fowler did not open a hole all day for the run game, with the exception of pulling on the Evans run. The whole line failed to keep a mediocre Arizona defense from collapsing the pocket all day,,,,, and for those of you wanting to blame JP for holding the ball too long, it was'nt JP who got clobbered when an Arizona defender got a free pass directly to the qb on the third pass of the game. IMO this team really misses McNally,,,,this group has been together for a year and should be playing much better,,,instead the oline has regressed since last year.........Lynch and Jackson should sue for non support. For some reason, everyone is pinning the blame on the qb and defense and granted they got it coming,,,,but our lack of running game and non existent pass protection were also key in this loss.
  5. dankenstein, thanks for the download,,,it is now on my computer anc can't wait to play for my bronco fan son
  6. I like the fact we are in the top ten, i think 6 is a little high and think 8-10 is good. we still almost got beat by oakland who was ranked in the twenties. but i like the way they are playing and as a young team, should improve their ranking as they gain more experience. Also we have gotten through the first three games pretty injury free,,,,, arizona on the road will be tough and last weekend pointed out there are no givens in the nfl
  7. actually so did I, but he apparently outplayed will james.
  8. Congratulations to Ashton Youboty. The guy had is back to the wall coming into training camp and played his way onto the team..... the old adage "competition makes one better" worked here.
  9. a couple more from the sixties Hagwood Clark Butch Byrd Billie Shaw From the sevenites: Jim Braxton Ahmad Rashad
  10. well this is a christian prayer breakfast, so yea, we expect speaker to talk about God,,,,i appreciate all the feedback from you all,,,,,it will cost a few bucks to bring him here, so i am glad to hear some of you heard him talking and liked him. I always respected frank reich as a man, as he was a great teamate and the perfect guy for jim kelly to have as a backup, but my desire to have him speak might be cause i am a fanatic bills fan for 48 years
  11. wonder if vito will fit in playing on special teams,, he may be a special teams demon
  12. Hi, a group of us in Montana are considering bringing Frank Reich here to speak. The setting is the 50th annual Community Prayer Breakfast, and is attended by men and woman of all economic levels and faiths. As you can tell by the title it is religious in nature. I am wondering if anyone has heard him speak and what you thought of him. I understand he is a good public speaker. Thanks for any input. Rock on
  13. well dick jeuron is a low-key guy, but if the bills finally make the playoffs this year he would have to be regarded as the cornerstone of their success
  14. Given the way he has been handled, JP has been a pretty good soldier through all this, and is showing up for camp and not creating waves. I am also one who hopes he would "get it" and see his talent flourish. look at eli manning, they were ready to tar and feather him out of NYC, then the light came on and they win the superbowl. I figure the coaches know what they are doing, and cannot wait forever on JP, but it would not surprise me if he gets traded that he ends up being a servicable starting NFL qb. Rock on
  15. DJ earned his keep last year, keeping the players fighting despite injuries. This team could have mailed it in after the cowboys game, credit the coaching staff for getting us to at least 7-9. When i think back to the low days of Mularkey and Williams, DJ is a solid upgrade. Having said that, the onus is on DJ and the coaching staff to get us to the playoffs. His team needs to find an identity, decide how they want to win and go with it. NO MORE INDECISION IN PLAYCALLING AND OFFENSIVE GAMEPLANNING. Rock on
  16. Draft is over, most of free agency is completed; do the bills have any remaining areas of need to fill before camp? If so who might be available to fill them. With Steve Johnson and Hardy still rookies, i would still like to see us bring in a good receiver, but pickings are getting thin. Good depth was added to defense through the draft and free agency gave us upgrades there. More offensive line depth would be good, especially someone to push brad butler for starting job, although i look for a good season from him this year.
  17. They may want to trade up to get a top cornerback as PacMan is not assured of being reinstated. Or they may want mendenhall as a rb. It just depends if there is a player available there that they covet.
  18. Buffalo gives up their one and three for the cowboys picks at 22 and 28. Buffalo then could address wide receiver needs at a good value, and also address cb and te needs with there second first round pick and their second round pick. Dallas moves up to 11 where they can pick up the second best running back in the draft, or another teir one cornerback, and then use the third round pick for best player available. seems to make sense
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