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  1. I wish this was all fake news, but it is who Trump is. Just a complete sh it If he was drunk, stoned and ODing fentanyl he would still make more sense than your Trump supporting ass
  2. Has the Dow Jones Industrial Average doubled under Joe Biden? Yes
  3. I wish I was paying better attention back then. The first one was bad, too, but this one with kidnapping children, torture, bombing cities, rapes and mass killings is worse. Hopefully Ukraine is able to get all it's territory back Yes, I was totally wrong on that one, no doubt 👍
  4. Oh, hey, why not just go here with your Trump scumming? Poor Donald, never told a lie, never broke a law 🤮
  5. I guess I was mistaken. No more. Slava Unkrani! What else you got?
  6. Do you ever get tired of defending one of the lowest scumbags ever to run for office? Why do you hate America?
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