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Out now for 360. PS3, and PC.


Think of it as a combination of Fallout 3, Halo, and Diablo. Oh yeah, with 4 player online co-op.


Stolen from another forum:


What is this amazing game?!


Borderlands is the dude who sleeps with your girlfriend while you're at work.


'Course while he's not plowing your girl he is also busy being a CO-OP FPS / RPG / Space Cowboy / Mad Max / Diablo hybrid.


Tell me more about this amazing game!


Borderlands takes place in the future on a distant planet that mankind has tried to colonize. They thought the planet was a harmless little ice world. They were wrong.


Wikipedia wrote:

In the distant future, several colonization ships head to Pandora, a planet on the edge of the galaxy. The colonists are drawn there in search of a better life as well as vast mineral resources said to be on the planet, free for anyone's taking, akin to a futuristic gold rush. Some time after settling, the colonists discover that there is little the planet offers, aside from some decrepit alien ruins. Those who have money leave, and the remaining population devolves into chaos and lawlessness. Some of the settlers seek to get rich quickly by discovering alien technology. Most others are just trying to survive. After seven earth years, the planet's slow orbit brings a transition from winter to spring, and many horrifying creatures emerge from hibernation.


A beacon of hope for the remaining colonists emerges in the form of a mysterious vault carved in the side of a mountain. This vault is said to contain vast stores of alien technology and secrets. The only problem is that the people who discovered the vault were completely wiped out by some sort of protective force. The only evidence of their discovery is a scattered radio transmission, proclaiming the vault's majesty, but not its location.


Okay that's cool, what about game play?


The game is a FPS first and a RPG second. You and up to three other of your buddies can travel the open sandbox world, explore "dungeons", kill bad guys, and tear ass across a desert wasteland in sweet as **** vehicles.


Also check out these awesome videos:




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Anybody pick this up for PC yet? How is it? I'm trying to find a time waster now that they killed Modern Warfare 2.



I'm going old school to waste time until my new quad-core parts come in so that I can play Total War Empire. Been playing Dawn of War. Love that game!

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Anybody pick this up for PC yet? How is it? I'm trying to find a time waster now that they killed Modern Warfare 2.

I can't comment on this game but it looks pretty interesting. One I can recommend is Batman Arhkam Asylum for the PC. Graphics are amazing. Charachters are very well done. I'm no usually into the superhero thing but this one is really kinda cool. My PC is getting a little long in the tooth(Intel dual 6600, GTX280) but still handles this game nicely with graphics all high. It seems best( for me anyway) with a 360 controller as well. Anyway, you can give this one a try.

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Best Buy has a "buy 2, get 1 free" deal on Xbox games this week. I decided to buy Borderlands, Batman, and NHL10. They should be here today.


Unfortunately, I feel like crap today so I'm not sure if I'll be able to play or not... Stupid cold/H1N1/whatever. :lol:

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I can't comment on this game but it looks pretty interesting. One I can recommend is Batman Arhkam Asylum for the PC. Graphics are amazing. Charachters are very well done. I'm no usually into the superhero thing but this one is really kinda cool. My PC is getting a little long in the tooth(Intel dual 6600, GTX280) but still handles this game nicely with graphics all high. It seems best( for me anyway) with a 360 controller as well. Anyway, you can give this one a try.



Long in the tooth? :lol: I'm just now upgrading my single core athlon 64 machine to a quad.

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Best Buy has a "buy 2, get 1 free" deal on Xbox games this week. I decided to buy Borderlands, Batman, and NHL10. They should be here today.


Unfortunately, I feel like crap today so I'm not sure if I'll be able to play or not... Stupid cold/H1N1/whatever. :lol:


H1N1 is a B word (assuming that is what kicked my ass last week).


At any rate; Yeay Borderlands!!!!


I'll probably be playing a bunch this weekend, and would love to get some co-op going. I'd recommend playing solo for a few levels though to get your bearings. Hope to see you online Fez!

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Best Buy has a "buy 2, get 1 free" deal on Xbox games this week. I decided to buy Borderlands, Batman, and NHL10. They should be here today.


Unfortunately, I feel like crap today so I'm not sure if I'll be able to play or not... Stupid cold/H1N1/whatever. :lol:


I can't tell from their website. Do you know if that deal is just online or if it works at stores too? My brother just recently picked up a PS3 and this could be a good chance to finally get a game we can play online. I might try to get 2 copies of the same game out of this deal.

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I can't tell from their website. Do you know if that deal is just online or if it works at stores too? My brother just recently picked up a PS3 and this could be a good chance to finally get a game we can play online. I might try to get 2 copies of the same game out of this deal.


It's both online and in store. :lol:

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H1N1 is a B word (assuming that is what kicked my ass last week).


At any rate; Yeay Borderlands!!!!


I'll probably be playing a bunch this weekend, and would love to get some co-op going. I'd recommend playing solo for a few levels though to get your bearings. Hope to see you online Fez!


Sounds good -- although I won't be able to talk much -- laryngitis from this illness. :lol:

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It's both online and in store. :worthy:


Nice. Thanks for pointing out the deal. I'll be picking up the game on the way home from work tonight. Now I just hope they let me buy games for two different systems under this deal. If not, I'll live.

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Long in the tooth? :worthy: I'm just now upgrading my single core athlon 64 machine to a quad.

It just been so long between upgrades. Im used to upgrading at least once a year but I think I've had this cpu for two years now.

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Nice. Thanks for pointing out the deal. I'll be picking up the game on the way home from work tonight. Now I just hope they let me buy games for two different systems under this deal. If not, I'll live.


You and your bro will really enjoy Borderlands. Especially if you like the Diablo type games where loot is an integral part of the experience.

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You and your bro will really enjoy Borderlands. Especially if you like the Diablo type games where loot is an integral part of the experience.


I've never really played much of that stuff before, but some good reviews have caught my eye for this one. It seems like the perfect fit for some online play too. I'm not crazy about head to head stuff online since I usually suck at most games (my competitive video game skills have not moved much beyond my old Ice Hockey days), but a co-op game is what I want.

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Amazing isn't it. I built a Core i7 machine last spring and I had thought my previous P4 rig was fast.



Enocding and decoding that used to take on the order of 3 hours now takes 30 minutes. I knew it'd be faster, but not THAT much faster. Can't wait to try some of my games on it.

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