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I just started playing Borderlands today -- very cool game. I wasn't sure what "class" to choose, so I picked the Siren because of her magical powers. Hopefully wasn't a mistake - since she doesn't seem to have many powers to start with! So we'll see what happens... :worthy:


Overall, I played for a couple of hours and it was a lot of fun though. Can't wait to try online.

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I played pretty much all weekend, a much better way to spend that sunday 1pm time slot, I think. Anyway, I'm absolutely hooked. I went with the hunter. Is anyone playing this on PS3 at all? I've gone 2 player so far and I really want to see a whole group of 4 out there at some point.

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I played pretty much all weekend, a much better way to spend that sunday 1pm time slot, I think. Anyway, I'm absolutely hooked. I went with the hunter. Is anyone playing this on PS3 at all? I've gone 2 player so far and I really want to see a whole group of 4 out there at some point.


I've done 3 so far - haven't gotten a foursome going yet [insert group sex joke here]. Still it was pretty good fun.

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I've done 3 so far - haven't gotten a foursome going yet [insert group sex joke here]. Still it was pretty good fun.


And having multiple player definitely helps when you're driving around in the cars. That person sitting in the gunner seat gets to have a hell of a lot of fun.

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