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I'm sorry, but exactly when did this USA team bully anyone? Please give me one example of this team being a bully to the other nations it has played. They've conducted themselves admirably by owning up to their weaknesses and in turn have treated their opponents with respect (maybe even too much respect). To compare this team to the Dreamteam is laughable, and rooting against the USA very unpatriotic.



I'm not talking about their conduct towards other countries players... sorry that was not clear. I don't have a problem with their on-field behavior. <_<


The concept of the "Dream Team" is my problem. Other countries athletes train and practice together to build a team for the pride of their nation. They see themselves as a team, with all the chemistry and sense of identity that a real team has.


The so-called "dream teams" of the U.S. on the other hand, pluck a bunch of players from different professional teams and put them into a "all-star" type team. The members are selected because of their names and reputation from the NBA, not because they have the skills needed to create a balanced national team. The whole intention of creating a team like this is to provide "stars" for the American viewing public to watch humiliate the international teams (Why else would the two losses this year cause so much consternation in the media and fans?)


That's what I mean by bullies. They're not a team but a collection of ringers, who must win the gold or be a dramatic and complete failure.


I would cheer wildly and support wholeheartedly a true U.S. Men's National Basketball Team. A team that had the same players on its roster for several years. A team that regularly competes in international competition between Olympics. A team with players chosen because of their ability to help our country's team win, not because of their superstar status in the NBA. A team that is meant to represent my country, not one who only reflects the star-power of the NBA.

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Wow. That's pretty sickening.


Yes, I despise Alan Iverson. Not because he's black, or he has cornrows or tatoos. It has a little to do with that "practice" tirade.




Then I suppose you despised Bruce "training camp?" Smith. Or maybe you ARE threatened by Iverson's appearance since you brought it up. Iverson's a gamer just like Smith was, he was just being more honest than Bruce.

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Dear Ann Landers,


There's a team in NewenGland called the "P-A-T-R-I-O-T-S" and THEIR uniforms are RED WHITE AND BLUE, and I actively root against them every minute of every day.


I recently read a Jason Whitlock article on the ESPN website, and he says I'm a racist and hypocrite for not rooting for any team from my country that is wrapped in red white and blue even if they're unfazed by their own underachieving. He says I should be proud of them because there now is parity in world sport and the days of Red Auerbach and team dynasties are gone - like those of the Red Army hockey and Russian gymnastics teams.


Yes, things have changed. The end of the cold war brought us new sports marvels like the Detroit Red Army to the NHL, Vlade Divac and Yao Ming to the NBA, and an outfielder on my favorite baseball team is Japanese -- from JAPAN! My favorite athlete of all time - Michael Jordan - retired years ago. It was a joy to watch him, because he never gave us and did amazing, awe-inspiring things on the court.


So, should I root for any of these foreign players when they play IN the USA for an American team? Do I HAVE to root for the team from NewenGland because of their 'colors'? Must I root for a team that is led by a crazy white guy who can't coach shooters, or could I just buy seasons tickets to an NBA team of Jason Whitlock's choosing?


I guess I've never been that comfortable being told what to do and how I should feel - especially about sports. After watching the AI and Larry Brown clown show in Philadelphia for years, I'm not sure I ever want to watch professional basketball again.




Confused and Befuddled in Princeton


Dear confused and befuddled in Princeton,

The fact that you neglect to mention Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova as marvels brought about because of the end of the Cold War I am lead to believe that you are a troubled young man. You need to embrace who you are, and stop trying to be what everyone else expects. Remember, to find your identity all you need to do is look in the mirror. If the person standing behind you has a 5 o'clock shadow your questions are answered.




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Then I suppose you despised Bruce "training camp?" Smith. Or maybe you ARE threatened by Iverson's appearance since you brought it up. Iverson's a gamer just like Smith was, he was just being more honest than Bruce.



What the F! I brought up Iverson's appearance? Or did the writer of the article? Did you read the article? Or the opening post?

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I'm not rooting against them. If they lose, I think it should be a wake up call to the person really at fault.......



David Stern.


The NBA has ceased being basketball. The NBA players over there are playing a game that has rules and where the home team doesn't shoot 85% of the free throws. It's no wonder they were confused at first. If they win it will be a credit to them and to Larry Brown.


If they win, Stern will go about his business putting a smiley face on the WWE like farce that is the NBA. If they lose, he'll take none of the blame.


I don't think fans should root against the US, but I do give those that are some credit. They may not like the personalities (although how can you not like Tim Duncan for goodness sake), they may not like the NBA, but I doubt race has anything to do with it. If it did, everyone would have rooted against the Jordan-led dream team.

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I'm not rooting against them.  If they lose, I think it should be a wake up call to the person really at fault.......

David Stern.


The NBA has ceased being basketball.  The NBA players over there are playing a game that has rules and where the home team doesn't shoot 85% of the free throws.  It's no wonder they were confused at first.  If they win it will be a credit to them and to Larry Brown.


If they win, Stern will go about his business putting a smiley face on the WWE like farce that is the NBA.  If they lose, he'll take none of the blame. 


I don't think fans should root against the US, but I do give those that are some credit.  They may not like the personalities (although how can you not like Tim Duncan for goodness sake), they may not like the NBA, but I doubt race has anything to do with it.  If it did, everyone would have rooted against the Jordan-led dream team.


Does anyone know the score of the basketball game going on right now?

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well, i just wrote that guy an email:


This email is in response to your article on "Page Two" of ESPN.com.


Its funny that you were the first to bring this up. The race card. Brought up yet again. It seems any time a story breaks (and in this case the story would be why some Americans are rooting against Team USA), we review the situation and check and see if there are any African Americans involved so that people like you finally get to use the race card.  Congrats on being the first one to use it in this case. You were pretty quick on the draw. Give yourself a pat on the back.


Do some Americans hope Team USA loses? Of course. Why? It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the Olympics just don't have that luster they once had (hell, we couldn't even get our VERY best stars to make the trip). But even so, the team that was thrown together walked into Athens as if winning the gold was a mere formality. The overall cockiness put a bad taste in some people's mouths. Then, to see them get their butts handed to them by teams with unknown players was rather refreshing. Was it right to root against your own country? That isn't for me to decide. But was it racist? You have to be kidding.


steve good job man I for one applaud you!


It could also have something to do with the fact that once in turned from a pure amateur sport to another marketing event for the NBAers, its lost a bit of its patriotic magic. To see these guys, who are more than likely "going for the gold" because it will help sell another hundred thousand pairs of their sneakers, lose to men who are really playing for the love of the game makes you think - for maybe a second - that this is what the Olympics were all about.


But then there came you, a guy looking to finally get his name known - by someone, somewhere. Well, you took the scumbag approach and brought what is an interesting topic (why some Americans are rooting against Team USA) and turned it into an issue that was NOT even present: the race issue. And from reading your article, you based this entire theory on ONE caller to a radio show. GREAT journalistic work!


Your entire "race" theory goes right out the door when you look at all the other events. Last night, I stayed up to watch the finals on NBC of the men's 400M and the finals of the long jump. I could have gone on-line and found the results, but I like to watch it for myself. Anyway, aside from being interrupted by the 3 Meter diving competition the night of Olympic TV was great. Oh, and by the way, I simply don't find the sport of diving interesting, nothing against Chinese people (who won gold and silver), please don't let me give you more fuel for your fire.  Anyway, I watched as the US men won Gold, Silver, AND Bronze in the 400M, and Gold and Silver in the long jump. But, with your theory, how could I possibly be happy? I mean, ALL FIVE MEN were African American. And you know how we can't root for our athletes unless they are blonde hair and blue eyes, right?  I was distraught. But I dug down deep and found a way to be happy. Happy for these AMERICANS who don't compete for the millions of dollars, who don't walk into the Olympic games EXPECTING gold, who show some class, and compete against other amateurs. I found a way to be happy for them. And guess what? The color of their skin never once entered my mind.


Again, congrats on finally making a name for yourself. I don't know if that's how I would have gone about doing it, but you finally have what you want. Now that you have your name out there, can you do us all a favor and return the race card to whoever you got it from?  Thanks.


Steve Stojanovich

West Palm Beach, FL



steve good job man i for one applaud you!

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Dear confused and befuddled in Princeton,

The fact that you neglect to mention Anna Kournikova or Maria Sharapova as marvels brought about because of the end of the Cold War I am lead to believe that you are a troubled young man.  You need to embrace who you are, and stop trying to be what everyone else expects.  Remember, to find your identity all you need to do is look in the mirror.  If the person standing behind you has a 5 o'clock shadow your questions are answered.






Dear Anne,


Thank you for your quick response! You're right about Anna and Maria. I feel like such a dolt. Maybe it's work stress, or my concern over Losman's leg injury, or TSW crashing, but I don't feel like I'm able to focus as much as I should lately.


Thanks also for your advice however, the last time I tried to embrace myself, I ended up in traction. In spite of that, I did manage to successfully look in a mirror recently. Luckily I was wearing clothes, because the mirror cracked, then shattered into thousands of tiny little pieces. What a mess! And the broken glass was a B word to clean up too.


I didn't have time to get a good look at the person standing behind me in the mirror. I thought I saw someone who was wearing corn rows. Again, lucky me - I was wearing all my clothes and wasn't bending over! Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. But, I get enough of THAT at work - if you know what I mean. :D


I hope this doesn't mean I'm a racist AND a homophobe too. :D




Dazed and Confused in Princeton

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