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Other disturbing things about Saturday

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Mitchell was horribly out of place on the rushing TD that the Steelers scored.


Fitz plays against 2nd teamers. Don't get too excited.


Yeah, well, no ones perfect!


Fitz was also playing WITH second teamers. Guys who aren't good enough to start on this team. I'm not too excited. But why not? I remember a few short years ago when we were very excited at how great Trent looked against second and third stringers! Still, he looked good no matter how you slice it. Unless you're counting TDs or points that is! In all fairness he should have gotten at least 3.

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The entire season is going to come down to whether or not this team can run the ball effectively. TO will definitely help but it rests on the o-line and from what I have seen so far it looks like nothing has changed. Now I know it is going to take some time for this line to come together and gain chemistry. However, Jauron is running out of time and I see another long year for Bills fans.

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