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(OT)Need some Job Search advice

The Poojer

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Pooj - super letter with good flow.


But two points.

1. No one is "perfect". Suggest you replace that word with "excellent fit".

2. Try and rephrase a few of your sentences so you're not starting so many with "I". The objective is to sound confident, not self centered.


Good luck.

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I interviewed with a position in the CC HQ last week in our merchandising department.  The staffing person told me I might hear some feedback by early this week.  So I called her today and did not get a warm fuzzy after our discussion...."we have some more people scheduled later this week..." ..."I have gotten very little feedback yet, but they enjoyed meeting you..."  I am composing a letter to the 2 people i met with and plan on laying it on pretty thick.  I also have 5-6 people in the HQ that I either have worked with in the past, play cards with regularly and or are very good friends with.  Should I impose on these people to maybe do a drop by to say "hey I heard you interviewed The Poojer....".  Its not gonna kill me to not get this position, but Dognabbit I would love it.  What would y'all do?  any suggestions as to how heavy I should lay it on in the letter?  thanks in advance, and yes I know what to do here, i just want suggestions and advice.



1. You may be the wrong sex or color.


2. By all means, pull strings. An ounce of pull is worth a pound of push. How do you think all your idiot managers got their jobs?


3. Your previously posted disdain for customers came back to bite you. :D

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Before the interview they saw your resume. At the interview they saw how you represent the resume. You letter to the interviewers should be to the point. That point is thanks for the interview. The letter is not your second chance to hit the home run you fear you didn’t hit in the interview. I suggest you work some behind the scenes magic with the mutual folks you know and stay subtle on the surface. Then if they don’t take you, you still have your self-respect.

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