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Bills Bookshelf: "Then Levy Said to Kelly ..."


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Review: "Then Levy Said to Kelly ..."


When I set out to review Jim Gehman's book "Then Levy Said to Kelly ..." back in April -- yes, April -- I planned on making this a series and inviting the authors here to talk about their work, thinking it would fill some time before training camp.


Well, obviously, time got away from me. Still like to hear some feedback, though, both on the review and on the overall plan. If they're willing, what do y'all think about a question-and-answer session with each writer? Not sure whether it would be here on the board, or a mailbag type of thing.

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When I set out to review Jim Gehman's book "Then Levy Said to Kelly ..." back in April -- yes, April -- I planned on making this a series and inviting the authors here to talk about their work, thinking it would fill some time before training camp.


Well, obviously, time got away from me. Still like to hear some feedback, though, both on the review and on the overall plan. If they're willing, what do y'all think about a question-and-answer session with each writer? Not sure whether it would be here on the board, or a mailbag type of thing.


I think it is a worthwhile effort. People are always asking what books are good and what ones to avoid. While I don't see you being overly critical of any book, your reviews will paint a good picture of the subject matter. That gives people enough to make a decision on purchasing the book.


As far as Q-and-A with the author, I think it is a good idea.

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When I set out to review Jim Gehman's book "Then Levy Said to Kelly ..." back in April -- yes, April -- I planned on making this a series and inviting the authors here to talk about their work, thinking it would fill some time before training camp.


Well, obviously, time got away from me. Still like to hear some feedback, though, both on the review and on the overall plan. If they're willing, what do y'all think about a question-and-answer session with each writer? Not sure whether it would be here on the board, or a mailbag type of thing.


Lori - thanks for the offer - I think it is a great idea. A good chance to expose the board to ome different insights.

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Hey Lori...late getting to this. For whatever reason I have a natural tendency to skip past the pinned posts and scroll down to the current ones. I think many others do the same thing. I guess it's force of habit.


That said I have not read Jim's book and have read just one book in the last year, "Buffalo Lockjaw" by Greg Ames. That book was given to me just before I went on vacation and due to this synchronicity, I ended up reading and enjoying it.


I am a prolific reader but not necessarily a book reader. That said, I have read several positive reviews of Jim's book including your own and have become intrigued by the idea of reading it. I'll be sure to put it on my Christmas wish list as I have to confess, I don't buy books for myself.


I did enjoy your review as it was pithy and straightforward. I love the fact that the book is mostly anecdotal and that the author has the skill to provide a frame for his interviewees to speak to the reader. I look forward to reading "Then Levy Said to Kelly..."


I also love the fact that the Forwards (there are two of them) are written by two of the most important figures in Bills' history, the late Jack Kemp, and Joe Ferguson, who has battled cancer for much of his recent life.


Thanks for reviewing the book and for posting this, and thanks to Jim Gehman for writing the book. It will certainly be on my bookshelf soon.

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It sounds like a really good idea to make this a series.


It's interesting that you chose this book as your 1st one to review because my wife got me this one and Paul Wieland's "Then Perreault Said to Rico ..." for Christmas. (Apparently Triumph has a whole series of these books.) I liked the book, but was slightly disappointed in it because I read Wieland's book 1st. Gehman's book was good, but after having read the book by the guy who had been with his book's subject since day one, it was slightly disappointing. It just didn't seem to have as good of a flow. I'd definitely suggest reading them Gehman's book 1st and then Wieland's if anybody is thinking about checking them both out.

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It sounds like a really good idea to make this a series.


It's interesting that you chose this book as your 1st one to review because my wife got me this one and Paul Wieland's "Then Perrealt Said to Rico ..." for Christmas. (Apparently Triumph has a whole series of these books.) I liked the book, but was slightly disappointed in it because I read Wieland's book 1st. Gehman's book was good, but after having read the book by the guy who had been with his book's subject since day one, it was slightly disappointing. It just didn't seem to have as good of a flow. I'd definitely suggest reading them Gehman's book 1st and then Wieland's if anybody is thinking about checking them both out.

You're correct, there is definitely a difference between the two authors' approaches. I got the chance to have lunch with Prof. Wieland at this year's Joyce Symposium, and was absolutely fascinated for more than an hour by the old-time Sabres stories he spun. (Guessing many of them were in the book, but I haven't read it yet.)


You're not going to find too many high-ranking Bills insiders with Wieland's writing chops -- heck, he's a John Domino Award winner, one of the highest honors any sports journalist connected with SBU can receive. (Of note, Adrian Wojnarowski and Mike Vaccaro are the most recent Domino honorees, with a clearly emotional Woj receiving the award this past April.)


And in the interest of full disclosure: I did mention it briefly, but let me be absolutely clear that Jim sent me a review copy of "Then Levy Said to Kelly." Keeping that in mind, KRC's correct -- if I don't like something I read, I probably won't bother writing a lengthy review just to hammer it. Likewise, I can't promise a timetable on the next offering; my football season began last night with a practice for next weekend's Big 30 Game, which means my free time just dropped to zero.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Jim, it was my pleasure, and welcome to the board.

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You're not going to find too many high-ranking Bills insiders with Wieland's writing chops -- heck, he's a John Domino Award winner, one of the highest honors any sports journalist connected with SBU can receive. (Of note, Adrian Wojnarowski and Mike Vaccaro are the most recent Domino honorees, with a clearly emotional Woj receiving the award this past April.)


Until reading this, I never knew SBU had established an award in John's honor. Now that I do, I can only say how well deserved it is. John and I were good friends back in the day. We worked together at the campus radio station and shared our love of all Buffalo sports. Most of all, he was just a great guy who is missed by all who knew him. While not blessed with quantity of life, he clearly was with quality. Sorry for the off topic post, but seeing his name brought back a lot of great memories from what seems like eons ago.

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