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Why TO was really cut by the Cowboys

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Look pally, just because you're out of touch and/or only believe what you want to believe, it doesn't mean that other people are like that. Garcia being gay has been talked about for years, especially considering the San Francisco tie-in. As I said, TO shouldn't have said it publicly. But that didn't force him to leave. He left of his own volition.


So let me get this straight. I am supposed to ignore everything that TO has said on the record and on film, because that's the "media" telling me (WTF??) and not the "real TO", yet you can repeat the baseless (and long dead) rumor that Garcia is gay---because TO told you so....in the media?


Yeah, makes sense. You should have someone proof your posts, bud. You knew nothing about Garcia and his potential gayness until TO blurted this out in the Playboy interview (and which he quickly retracted), so stop trying to claim you knew otherwise "for years". My favorite part is "especially considering th San Francisco tie-in." The what?? Hey, TO was inSF longer than Garcia---"Hmmmmmm".



I never said that TO agreed to the contract to avoid going to Baltimore. I said that he accepted whatever the Eagles gave him in a "fine, I'll take whatever, just get me out of Baltimore."


No, this is what you said:



But mostly this was about his contract. He ultimately got traded to the Eagles, and accepted a below-market contract that was severely backloaded to boot, just to get out of Baltimore.


Either way, you're wrong. He had already negotiated a deal with the Eagles because he assumed he was a free agent. Then the 49ers said no, you're not and traded him to Baltimore. The teams worked it out before it went to arbitration and settled with eachother (compensation). TO then went to Philly for the money he and the Eagles already agreed upon.




He more than made-up for it, with the contract he got from the Cowboys.


Is it Randy Moss money?




Great, so we're in agreement that Jones possibly made the wrong decision. Therefore TO's getting cut by them wasn't necessarily a reflection on TO. Huzzah!


Yes, it may have been a mistake. No, it was clear a relection on TO---if you "really" read the article and what Jones Jr. is telling you (through the media).


I can more easily argue that throwing more passes to Witten hurt the team more than throwing more passes to TO would have done, because Romo has been a disappointment with his decision-making. And as you noted, TO had more yards and TD's despite fewer receptions. Hmmmm.


You can easily make that argument because you haven't really thought it through. Whitten had even more catches than TO the previous year and it didn't hurt the team too much, did it? And you can stop scratching your head ("Hmmmm"): you apparently would be surprised to learn that WR and TE are actually different positions used differently in the passing game, therfore we would expect a WR to have more Y/R.

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So let me get this straight. I am supposed to ignore everything that TO has said on the record and on film, because that's the "media" telling me (WTF??) and not the "real TO", yet you can repeat the baseless (and long dead) rumor that Garcia is gay---because TO told you so....in the media?


Yeah, makes sense. You should have someone proof your posts, bud. You knew nothing about Garcia and his potential gayness until TO blurted this out in the Playboy interview (and which he quickly retracted), so stop trying to claim you knew otherwise "for years". My favorite part is "especially considering th San Francisco tie-in." The what?? Hey, TO was inSF longer than Garcia---"Hmmmmmm".

As I said, just because you're ignorant, don't assume everyone else is. And I know you think you know everything, but you obviously don't know all that much period, much less about me, so don't presume to tell me what I knew and when I knew it. The rumors about Garcia well predated TO's comments. But let me apologize for saying "everyone" thought Garcia was gay. Obviously not everyone did.


And outside of being a dumb comment by TO, it wasn't the reason he left the 49'ers, which was the original point. He wanted out because he thought Garcia was a poser. Garcia is a taller version of Flutie. And the funny thing is, they played on the same team in the CFL (Calgary Stampeders), and they couldn't stand each other.


Either way, you're wrong. He had already negotiated a deal with the Eagles because he assumed he was a free agent. Then the 49ers said no, you're not and traded him to Baltimore. The teams worked it out before it went to arbitration and settled with eachother (compensation). TO then went to Philly for the money he and the Eagles already agreed upon.

I didn't recall that, but yes, that is correct. So yes, I was wrong in that regard. But TO still wanted a new contract from the Eagles and that was the main reason he tried to get himself out of there. And he succeeded in doing that AND getting a hefty new contract. It wasn't the 100th TD non-celebration, as you wrongly tried to claim.

Is it Randy Moss money?

Huh? Where did that come from? But since you asked, TO made almost $32M in his 3 years in Dallas. Moss is making $27M over 3 years with the Patriots. So it was better money. I guess the extra ~$5M could be considered payment for the latter half of 2005. :rolleyes:


Yes, it may have been a mistake. No, it was clear a relection on TO---if you "really" read the article and what Jones Jr. is telling you (through the media).


I read the article. "For the team’s highly paid quarterback to become a truly influential leader, the big man on campus had to be jettisoned." That tells me that Romo wasn't the leader of the offense, TO was. And given the money they had invested in Romo and his youth, they decided to build around him. Not to mention they (stupidly) gave-up a ton to get Roy Williams and had to justify their investment by making him the #1 WR, which wouldn't have sat well with TO (as it shouldn't have, since Williams isn't half the receiver TO is). We'll see if this is just another in the ever-growing list of mistakes by Jones (you think keeping Jauron is bad, what about keeping Wade Phillips?) or a masterstroke by Jerruh. I think you'll find that most people believe it is the former.


You can easily make that argument because you haven't really thought it through. Whitten had even more catches than TO the previous year and it didn't hurt the team too much, did it? And you can stop scratching your head ("Hmmmm"): you apparently would be surprised to learn that WR and TE are actually different positions used differently in the passing game, therfore we would expect a WR to have more Y/R.

The Cowboys made the playoffs in 2006, with TO out-catching Witten. So you haven't exactly thought it through, or at least you (are continuing to) think too simplistically.

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