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Brandon Marshall won't be suspended again


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Oh, so you believe the report that Marshall was kicking and punching his woman, but have no problem with Goodell saying that he won't suspend him again over this incident because, hey, he has another case pending against him? Yet Lynch (whose running you love, and we've heard you say it so many times) deserves his 3 game suspension because of a traffic ticket, wholly unsubstantiated pot allegations, and an illegal gun locked in a box in the trunk of his car? LOL!



I've said this three times now (you too, Ramius), I believe the police report--it said they found two people punhing and kicking each other.


and a repeat domestic violence charge wasn't enough to get Marshall suspended again.


There was no "repeat domestic violence charge"--there were no charges from this latest incident. You've already said as much--you are confusing yourself! Slow down. And if he is found guilty on pending charges, I would expect the Commish to suspend him. Simple.


Johnson was suspended for 8 games, not 10 as you state, and at the time of his suspension, Sir Roger said there was the possibility of reducing it to 6 games if he stayed out of trouble and got counselling. But beyond correcting that fact, how many run-ins with the law did Tank Johnson have before a) Goodell even had one of his oh-so-effective "sit downs" with the young lad, and b) before he saw fit to suspend him? Let me tell you, since I doubt you'll get it right yourself. He was first caught with an illegal gun in his car (in the passenger cabin, not locked in a box in his trunk) outside a nightclub. Then he was later arrested for aggravated assault and resisting arrest (and had to be maced), although the charges were eventually dropped. Then the police raided his home and found more illegal guns, some loaded with children in the house, which violated his probation. His bodyguard was also found to be in possession of pot, which was obviously his (wink, wink). It was after all this that Goodell had his "sit down" with Johnson, after which he suspended him for the aforementioned 8 games, for repeated similar offenses/violating parole. Much like he finally suspended Marshall after repeated similar offenses.


So now we're counting "run ins with the law"? You forget ML's first "sit down" with the Police after twice getting caught sneaking booze into a drinking establishment, which is against the law. No charges were filed. Instead, Lynch brought his mamma and a representive of the Bills to a meeting with the cops. He got off without a charge, just like Johnson did in the resisting arrest incident. What's your point now?


But to answer your question, Johnson had two arrests. He plead to a misdemeanor on the first gun charge. The second, was also a misdemeanor for the guns locked up in his house.


Once again, I'd like to know how the Commish even suspends Lynch for 3 games, for 2 dissimilar incidents, with the first being just a traffic ticket? I'd also like to know how it's so unreasonable to want to see the 3-game suspension reduced to 1 game, and why that hasn't happened, yet, seeing as how he appealed a month ago?


ML didn't get a speeding ticket, chief. It was a hit and run. The Commish and the rest of the world (almost) knows this. It weighed in his decision to suspend ML. The pot had nothing to do with that decision. However, the fact that you still insist that the cops "made that part up" is astounding, especially since you still cannot explain why no one (Lynch, his lawyers) bothered to challenge such an outrage--especially if this was the leagal reason for the car search and subsequent arrest. The dissimilarity in charges should make no difference. Pacman was involved in all sorts of bad behavior and got booted for a year.


Why hasn't Goodell ruled on the appeal yet? How the f**k do I know? Send him an e-mail. The point is, both morons (oops, is that a bad word?) deserved a suspension. Both got one on their second strike, for essentially the same misdemeanor charge (unregistered weapons). ML got 3 and Johnson got 8 (my error)--with no prior "sit down"/warning. So stop crying.



And hey, I don't know what makes you think you're a Bills fan, man. When you say idiotic sh-- like "have you not seen [Maybin's] killer first step," it reveals you as a troll. I don't know, what did Maybin ever do to you that you would make such a statement? Has he proven to suck on the playing field? Did he commit any crimes? Does he draw attention to himself and "destroy teams?" Was he a "reach?" Then the stuff about TO is mind-numbingly idiotic. I'm still waiting to hear from you whether TO needs to be the leader in all receiving categories on a catch-by-catch basis, versus game-by-game, or season-by-season? Like if Evans catches 2 passes to start the Patriots* game and TO has 1 or none, will he "destroy" the team then?


Regarding the "killer first step" I was more mocking the fawning of guys like you, who have never seen the kid play, going on and on about what you read in some scouting report---as though you it was a conclusion you personally came to. No doubt you were right on board repeating the "JP Losman is very mobile and a great scrambler" stuff back a few drafts ago, despite never having seen even a clip of a Tulane game.


I liked the Wood pickup, although few of our draftees were going to be playing their natural positions--I and many others pointed that out with some concern.


As for TO, I have already, on more than one occasion, given you the approximate requirement for TO to remain fairly benign in his first year. Regardless, he will let us all know when he's not happy.



And look, it's not a hard concept to grasp that an employee (which Goodell is) would suck-up to his more powerful employers (which Bowlen, Shanahan, Snyder, Jones, etc.) are. I'm sure you do it as well. There is simply NO other reason for his rulings when it comes to Brandon Marshall, as well as other players, versus Lynch.


Shanahan is one of Goodell's "more powerful employers"? Well, that explains it ALL--Shanny's one hard-ass hombre. "NO other reason"! The Commish will certainly do well to heed Shanny's bidding!



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I've said this three times now (you too, Ramius), I believe the police report--it said they found two people punhing and kicking each other.


There was no "repeat domestic violence charge"--there were no charges from this latest incident. You've already said as much--you are confusing yourself! Slow down. And if he is found guilty on pending charges, I would expect the Commish to suspend him. Simple.

Simple is right. Virtually every discussion about James Hardy has you whipping out the "he pulled a gun on his dad" line. Where was there even an investigation of it, much less an arrest, charge, conviction, etc? There was only an elderly lady making that claim and nothing more, yet you took it as gospel. Yet here, simply because charges were dropped against Marshall, it's a non-issue. No surprise there! And again, the Commish doesn't have to go by what the law decides, as has been your and others' reason as to why Goodell had a sit-down with Lynch after getting a traffic ticket.


So now we're counting "run ins with the law"? You forget ML's first "sit down" with the Police after twice getting caught sneaking booze into a drinking establishment, which is against the law. No charges were filed. Instead, Lynch brought his mamma and a representive of the Bills to a meeting with the cops. He got off without a charge, just like Johnson did in the resisting arrest incident. What's your point now?

More poor research on your part. I assume you're referring to this article:




Law enforcement officials in the Southtowns said Lynch attended a meeting several months ago with three high-ranking members of the Town of Hamburg police. At least one member of Lynch’s family and a Bills security official also attended. The meeting was arranged after Lynch complained that police were being tough on him and his family, said a police official who works closely with that department.


“From what I understand, it was a case of ‘Let’s clear the air here,’ ” the source said. “They thought the police were picking on them.”


Also from that article, seeing as how you like to believe whatever is convenient for you:



“The driver never stopped, just kept moving south on Delaware,” the official said. “It could very well be that the driver never saw [shpeley] and didn’t know he hit her.”


But to answer your question, Johnson had two arrests. He plead to a misdemeanor on the first gun charge. The second, was also a misdemeanor for the guns locked up in his house.

He was arrested three times, but had the resisting arrest and aggravated assault charges dropped, even though he was maced (I guess that never happened either :rolleyes: ). And if a gun charge is so serious to Goodell, why no suspension after the gun in the passenger cabin? Or after getting arrested for assault?


ML didn't get a speeding ticket, chief. It was a hit and run. The Commish and the rest of the world (almost) knows this. It weighed in his decision to suspend ML. The pot had nothing to do with that decision. However, the fact that you still insist that the cops "made that part up" is astounding, especially since you still cannot explain why no one (Lynch, his lawyers) bothered to challenge such an outrage--especially if this was the leagal reason for the car search and subsequent arrest. The dissimilarity in charges should make no difference. Pacman was involved in all sorts of bad behavior and got booted for a year.

I said traffic ticket, i.e. moving violations, not a speeding ticket. IOW, he didn't get nailed with a criminal charge. Because there was ZERO evidence he was impaired or knew he hit her. And the official I quoted above (from a newspaper article) didn't seem to think that it was hit and run. So why should you? You "like how he runs" and he's allegedly a player on your favorite team. Yet you seem to think he deserves a harsher penalty than another player got for worse infractions. Curious.

Why hasn't Goodell ruled on the appeal yet? How the f**k do I know? Send him an e-mail. The point is, both morons (oops, is that a bad word?) deserved a suspension. Both got one on their second strike, for essentially the same misdemeanor charge (unregistered weapons). ML got 3 and Johnson got 8 (my error)--with no prior "sit down"/warning. So stop crying.

Not f**king knowing hasn't stopped you from offering your opinion on other stuff, man. Go ahead, tell me WHY Goodell didn't say "Lynch will get a 3 game suspension, but if he stays out of trouble and gets counselling, will only have to serve 1?" Come on Mr. WEO, you know the f**king answer.


Regarding the "killer first step" I was more mocking the fawning of guys like you, who have never seen the kid play, going on and on about what you read in some scouting report---as though you it was a conclusion you personally came to. No doubt you were right on board repeating the "JP Losman is very mobile and a great scrambler" stuff back a few drafts ago, despite never having seen even a clip of a Tulane game.

Oh, you were "mocking the fawning." Who the f**k are you to mock anything, pally? Are you a scout? Have you ever seen him play? Unlike Tulane, Penn State games ARE on TV quite often. This is a classic!



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Simple is right. Virtually every discussion about James Hardy has you whipping out the "he pulled a gun on his dad" line. Where was there even an investigation of it, much less an arrest, charge, conviction, etc? There was only an elderly lady making that claim and nothing more, yet you took it as gospel. Yet here, simply because charges were dropped against Marshall, it's a non-issue. No surprise there! And again, the Commish doesn't have to go by what the law decides, as has been your and others' reason as to why Goodell had a sit-down with Lynch after getting a traffic ticket.


Actually, when mentioning Hardy, I always mentioned that he beat up his girlfriend and his infant child. The pulling the gun on dear old dad is a nice touch by Hardy, though. What do you think was the lady's motivation to make up such a story? Come on genius, tell us. Maybe the old lady is a cop who then falsified a police report? No doubt!


Also from that article, seeing as how you like to believe whatever is convenient for you:


If you understood irony, you would laugh at this quote. You "conveniently" left out the following:




After the impoundment, Lynch went to Police Headquarters to reclaim the vehicle, but police wouldn’t give it to him, because it actually belonged to a local car dealer.


Lynch had a disagreement with some police personnel over the release of the vehicle, apparently prompting the clear-the-air meeting, sources said.


Lynch was tossed out of two Chippewa Street bars in recent months because he brought in his own bottle of liquor, which is illegal under state alcohol laws, according to three law enforcement officials.


“[buffalo police] have been told by bar owners that he’ll walk in, order a glass of pop and pour his own liquor into it,” one officer said. “He was told that you can’t do that, and it doesn’t matter if you’re Marshawn Lynch.”


That is why one law enforcement official was not surprised to hear about the latest incident involving Lynch’s vehicle.


“God, no, I wasn’t surprised at all,” the source said. “It follows a pattern. It’s the kind of stuff he’s been doing. He’s just so cavalier about everything. That was always my impression.”


I have already, long ago, acknowleged that he may not have known he hit her, especially if he was a bit tipsy...and did not hide his car. Still wondering why he didn't answer the door...or if he couldn't bring himself say anything, why his buddies didn't vouch for his innocent activities that night. Curious. Obviously when he was faced with his buds having to spill to the grand jury, ML said "let's make a deal". Why did he fear a grand jury if there was nothing to tell?



I said traffic ticket, i.e. moving violations, not a speeding ticket. IOW, he didn't get nailed with a criminal charge. Because there was ZERO evidence he was impaired or knew he hit her. And the official I quoted above (from a newspaper article) didn't seem to think that it was hit and run. So why should you? You "like how he runs" and he's allegedly a player on your favorite team. Yet you seem to think he deserves a harsher penalty than another player got for worse infractions. Curious.


Actually, what he pleaded guilty to was "failure to exercise due care toward a pedestrian." Which is kind of strange--why would a guy who says he never saw her accept a plea to this offense. Why not fight it, grand jury be damned! Tell us.


Never said he deserves "a harsher penalty than another player got for worse infractions", but it looks like another Bills-hating-Patriots-loving-scribe does:


Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch has hope. His three-game suspension for poor conduct could be reduced on appeal.


There's precedent. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell last summer trimmed Denver Broncos receiver Brandon Marshall's suspension for bad behavior from three games to one.


It would be a bad idea to give Lynch similar treatment.


Why would I believe it was a hit and run? Because for a month after this event, ML never told anyone it wasn't. His cohorts otherwise inexplicalbe clamming up allows me to assume the worst.


The Admin Law Judge who took his license away told ML he found Lynch's behavior on May 31 "constituted a reckless disregard of human life or property."


What does he mean buy that? Curious.



Not f**king knowing hasn't stopped you from offering your opinion on other stuff, man. Go ahead, tell me WHY Goodell didn't say "Lynch will get a 3 game suspension, but if he stays out of trouble and gets counselling, will only have to serve 1?" Come on Mr. WEO, you know the f**king answer.


Oh, that's right EVERYONE knows the answer to this one: it is because the Commissioner of the NFL is engaged in an overt campaign to screw the "small market teams" and "protect" the "big market teams", like Denver...Colorado by handing out wildly diiferent punishment for different individuals. So pervasive is this conspiracy, he even has convinced all other owners--even those of the small market teams that this is good for the League---and not one owner has raised an objection as to how their misbehaving players have been treeated by the league.


Gentleman, Mr. VOR!


Oh, you were "mocking the fawning." Who the f**k are you to mock anything, pally? Are you a scout? Have you ever seen him play? Unlike Tulane, Penn State games ARE on TV quite often. This is a classic!


Got to admit, didn't see many Penn State games. And for what I did see of them, I, unlike you, wasn't scouting out Maybin as the Bills likely 1st round pick. I guess you were way ahead of everyone a TSW. Take a bow.

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Actually, when mentioning Hardy, I always mentioned that he beat up his girlfriend and his infant child. The pulling the gun on dear old dad is a nice touch by Hardy, though. What do you think was the lady's motivation to make up such a story? Come on genius, tell us. Maybe the old lady is a cop who then falsified a police report? No doubt!


Hardy had an incident with his girlfriend, and his infant was in the room. How exactly does that translate to "he beat up his infant child?" It doesn't, and when you deliberately make things up, you lose any and all credibility. (not that a patsy* troll like yourself has much to begin with) Hyperbole is extremely dangerous when you're dealing with someone's guilt/innocence. (like the band of idiots that claim marshawn "left the girl for dead")


So if someone robs a bank, can you charge them with robbing every bank on that block? If someone gets into a bar fight, do they get charged with assault on every single patron in the bar?

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Actually, when mentioning Hardy, I always mentioned that he beat up his girlfriend and his infant child. The pulling the gun on dear old dad is a nice touch by Hardy, though. What do you think was the lady's motivation to make up such a story? Come on genius, tell us. Maybe the old lady is a cop who then falsified a police report? No doubt!

Even if dad-of-the-year didn't press charges, the case would never have gone anywhere because of poor/unreliable witnesses. When all you have is a 70-year old woman who saw something from across her yard and an ex-con dad as your star witnesses, you don't have a case. Just ask the Duke lacrosse players.


If you understood irony, you would laugh at this quote. You "conveniently" left out the following:

Yes, those were real crimes against humanity. Bringing his own alcohol into bars? The horror! Lending a relative a dealer's car and the relative breaking vehicle and traffic laws? Lynch should have been locked-up! It says a lot about the Hamburg PD that this is the best they could come up with to discredit Lynch, and that to them, it's no surprise that based off of these dastardly deeds, Lynch was a shoo-in to commit "hit and run." :lol:


I have already, long ago, acknowleged that he may not have known he hit her, especially if he was a bit tipsy...and did not hide his car. Still wondering why he didn't answer the door...or if he couldn't bring himself say anything, why his buddies didn't vouch for his innocent activities that night. Curious. Obviously when he was faced with his buds having to spill to the grand jury, ML said "let's make a deal". Why did he fear a grand jury if there was nothing to tell?

Why didn't he answer the door? I don't know. Maybe because...he was sleeping? Which would explain why he never contacted anyone for 4 hours after the incident, when the Bills' head of security actually first contacted him. You'd think that he would a) be the one to contact someone first and b) contact somebody immediately. Along with hiding his car somewhere.


And obviously Lynch had something to tell: that he was the driver. Until the desperation move by the DA in convening a grand jury and subpoenaing everyone possible, Lynch kept quiet as per his lawyer's advice. And with no evidence to support that Lynch was impaired or knew he hit her, and with pressure likely from both sides to get a deal done and the case over with, each side agreed to that plea deal. And ultimately the DA lost (face) because what Lynch got was what he deserved to get, since he was the driver and hit the woman, even if accidentally. The DA was probably looking for a DUI hit and run, or a lesser misdemeanor charge.


Actually, what he pleaded guilty to was "failure to exercise due care toward a pedestrian." Which is kind of strange--why would a guy who says he never saw her accept a plea to this offense. Why not fight it, grand jury be damned! Tell us.

You can still be guilty of an act of omission, bud. Just because he didn't see her, it doesn't mean he didn't have fault for hitting her. That's why that charge is there, and why it's a traffic violation.

Never said he deserves "a harsher penalty than another player got for worse infractions", but it looks like another Bills-hating-Patriots-loving-scribe does:

Actually, thanks to you, I've moved-on from Marshall. I'm now wondering why Tank Johnson wasn't suspended for the most heinous of crimes of having an illegal weapon in his car? Or even after he was maced and arrested for resisting arrest and aggravated assault? And in both Marshall's and Johnson's cases, the Commish upon handing out the suspension said that it could be reduced by 2 games with good behavior and counseling.


Why would I believe it was a hit and run? Because for a month after this event, ML never told anyone it wasn't. His cohorts otherwise inexplicalbe clamming up allows me to assume the worst.

Again, his lawyer advised him to keep quiet. And he no doubt relayed that to Steve Johnson, Lynch's "cohort."

The Admin Law Judge who took his license away told ML he found Lynch's behavior on May 31 "constituted a reckless disregard of human life or property."


What does he mean buy that? Curious.

It sounds like the judge thinks that Lynch knew he hit the woman. Which is his right/opinion. But wholly meaningless since there wasn't/isn't a shred of evidence to support it. Unless it was kept secret from everyone, including the media. Is that where you want to go with this?


Oh, that's right EVERYONE knows the answer to this one: it is because the Commissioner of the NFL is engaged in an overt campaign to screw the "small market teams" and "protect" the "big market teams", like Denver...Colorado by handing out wildly diiferent punishment for different individuals. So pervasive is this conspiracy, he even has convinced all other owners--even those of the small market teams that this is good for the League---and not one owner has raised an objection as to how their misbehaving players have been treeated by the league.


Gentleman, Mr. VOR!

The Commish is human and has his own interests and agendas. It's obvious from the Marshall and Johnson cases that he is inconsistent when handing down suspensions, so the next question to ask is "why?"


Got to admit, didn't see many Penn State games. And for what I did see of them, I, unlike you, wasn't scouting out Maybin as the Bills likely 1st round pick. I guess you were way ahead of everyone a TSW. Take a bow.

No, no, I can't be outdone by an alleged Bills fan who "mocked" fellow Bills fans who were ridiculously "fawning" over the high first round pick of the Bills' professionals, without ever having seen him play and thus with no knowledge if he was worth the "fawning" or not. That's some unbelievable arrogance there, and it explains a lot.

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