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Corey McIntyre

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Actually, what you've found is the rare voice of reason on TSW, along with the usual smattering of caustic remarks.


Tell me, how many times have you been so aroused by the sight - thru closed blinds- of a 59-year-old-sun-dried-hag at a computer keyboard, that you'd hop off your bike and 'wang it' right outside her kitchen window at 8:30 in the morning?


You would risk your NFL career for that? How would you even see her thru closed blinds?


Please change your screen name to "In space, no one can think" "I'm a fking idiot".



Notice my post was done with a :w00t: ? (do you understand what that means?)


Of all the issues that you choose to start lashing out at people for, you choose this one?


As you so often do on this board you prove to be a classless moron.


I hope you enjoy that reputation. :devil:

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Sure, StoolPusher, you really knocked me back with your rapier-like wit and your 4th-grade literacy.

Answer the question. What grounds or logic have you used to attack this women and call her a liar? You can't because you never use logic. You pretend to be intelligent and use words that no one uses in an attempt to hide your stupidity. Rapier-like wit? Why didn't you back it up with a few :devil::w00t::w00t: ?

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Answer the question. What grounds or logic have you used to attack this women and call her a liar? You can't because you never use logic. You pretend to be intelligent and use words that no one uses in an attempt to hide your stupidity. Rapier-like wit? Why didn't you back it up with a few :devil::w00t::w00t: ?

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

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:devil::w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

Eyewitness testimony is notoriously faulty. There are instances of women who have been raped and actually misidentify their rapist even though they are absolutely convinced that they ID'd the perp. People's memory of details become easily altered by later experience. That is why it is critical to present a lineup of people and to not influence the witness' choice. I am sure this woman is not a B word, not stupid, etc.


She is probably scared, unnerved and desperately wants to get the man who is doing this put away (which is why she completely ignored the fact that he was wearing different clothing). Unfortunately, Corey was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is insufficient evidence for a conviction, and there is no way that any prosecutor in his/her right mind is going to try this case. But it does serve as another example of why eye-witness testimony is some of the most unreliable evidence that can be presented at trial.

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Eyewitness testimony is notoriously faulty. There are instances of women who have been raped and actually misidentify their rapist even though they are absolutely convinced that they ID'd the perp. People's memory of details become easily altered by later experience. That is why it is critical to present a lineup of people and to not influence the witness' choice. I am sure this woman is not a B word, not stupid, etc.


She is probably scared, unnerved and desperately wants to get the man who is doing this put away (which is why she completely ignored the fact that he was wearing different clothing). Unfortunately, Corey was in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is insufficient evidence for a conviction, and there is no way that any prosecutor in his/her right mind is going to try this case. But it does serve as another example of why eye-witness testimony is some of the most unreliable evidence that can be presented at trial.

Thank you....


"Police in Port St. Lucie, Florida confirm that Corey McIntyre was arrested and charged Thursday night with Indecent Exposure. The Official Charge is Misdemeanor Exposure of Sexual Organs. The charge stems from an incident that took place outside the home of a 59 year old woman's home on the morning of March 20th.


Cops arrested Corey McIntyre -- a fullback on the Buffalo Bills -- after a 59-year-old Florida woman claims back in March she heard a muscular black man with dreadlocks banging on the window ... while banging on himself. McIntyre was performing a sex act on himself outside the woman's home on the morning of March 20, police Capt. Scott Bartal said. The woman heard a noise and looked outside, seeing McIntyre. Bartal said there is no evidence that McIntyre knew the woman, whose identity was not released. He said the victim positively identified McIntyre after another officer saw him in the area and stopped him based on the victim's description.


When cops asked if the mysterious whack job was Corey -- a muscular black man with dreadlocks who happened to be in the area at the time -- the woman said, "That's him."



Yeah, right...sounds like a credible case to me :devil:

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Thank you....


"Police in Port St. Lucie, Florida confirm that Corey McIntyre was arrested and charged Thursday night with Indecent Exposure. The Official Charge is Misdemeanor Exposure of Sexual Organs. The charge stems from an incident that took place outside the home of a 59 year old woman's home on the morning of March 20th.


Cops arrested Corey McIntyre -- a fullback on the Buffalo Bills -- after a 59-year-old Florida woman claims back in March she heard a muscular black man with dreadlocks banging on the window ... while banging on himself. McIntyre was performing a sex act on himself outside the woman's home on the morning of March 20, police Capt. Scott Bartal said. The woman heard a noise and looked outside, seeing McIntyre. Bartal said there is no evidence that McIntyre knew the woman, whose identity was not released. He said the victim positively identified McIntyre after another officer saw him in the area and stopped him based on the victim's description.


When cops asked if the mysterious whack job was Corey -- a muscular black man with dreadlocks who happened to be in the area at the time -- the woman said, "That's him."



Yeah, right...sounds like a credible case to me :devil:

Nobody said this was a credible case, you mindless moron. Don't try to turn this around because you acted ignorant.

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Nobody said this was a credible case, you mindless moron. Don't try to turn this around because you acted ignorant.



The Senator is a bit weak in the area of reading comprehension.


He missed the first sentence of your first post on this thread:

"I agree that this sounds like a garbage case and that if so Corey is a victim of bad police work"


But The Senator never let lack of reading comprehension get in the way before, so why would he now? :devil:

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ya know, as loopy is this debate is (the reliability of the claims by a 59 year-old woman who reported that a Buffalo Bills fullback was whacking off in the bushes outside her house), at least it's not a JP vs Trent or fire Jauron thread....


i think i'm convinced that there is nothing that can't be argued on TBD...this is a riot :devil:


also trying to pile on with a bad pun/play on words....all i got is


"....nobody circle-jerks the wagons like the Buffalo Bills...."


yeah...not exactly my best work there

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What grounds or logic have you used to attack this women and call her a liar?

At least try to be accurate, fool, and don't misquote me. I never called her a "liar" - I called her a stupid, senile, sex-starved, sun-dried hag.


I guess, in your book, it's perfectly alright for her to drag an innocent guy's name through the mud and turn his life into a living hell based on her 2-month old foggy memory of "a muscular black man with dreadlocks" that she allegedly saw thru her closed window blinds.

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ya know, as loopy is this debate is (the reliability of the claims by a 59 year-old woman who reported that a Buffalo Bills fullback was whacking off in the bushes outside her house), at least it's not a JP vs Trent or fire Jauron thread....


i think i'm convinced that there is nothing that can't be argued on TBD...this is a riot :devil:


also trying to pile on with a bad pun/play on words....all i got is


"....nobody circle-jerks the wagons like the Buffalo Bills...."


yeah...not exactly my best work there



Agreed Kelso_Helmet: I'm not even in the "debate" and I have three posts on this thread. LOL


The Senator can't discuss an issue without being juvenile (he has proven that over and over again at TSW)

so this thread is going the way of so many he participates in.

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I agree that this sounds like a garbage case and that if so Corey is a victim of bad police work. Although, I am sick of the whole driving while black thing. It is so overused that it has made a joke of the accusation. It really is pathetic that for every public story involving the police and a black person you have one side saying racism and the other side saying race card. It has been debated for every NFL arrest this offseason. Why can't it be that the cops just prematurely arrested a man who very loosely fit the description? Should they have prematurely arrested a hispanic man? I'm willing to bet that if this case of bad police work had involved a hispanic, white, asian, or any other race we wouldn't be calling the cops racist.


You don't even know if the cops involved were white. It's just such a consistently damging assumption that so many people are willing to make. I am not denying that racism has been present and still is present. It is not nearly the problem that it used to be. Racism is a career killer and is not tolerated by the public. If you have an actively racist cop or department it is very likely to be exposed and dealt with quickly. As it should be. In addition to this, police work is one of the most diversified professions out there, yet their is still a widespread assumption that every cop is a white male.


IMO, the more we assume as a society, the more we regress. The media has us believing that every cop is corrupt and every black youth is a criminal. Both are very damaging accusations and both are assumed on a regular basis. Ah well, this is just my two cents on the story and I don't mean to act as though I'm directing this at you LynchMob. I hope this case falls apart and that Corey has some sort of chance to clear his name. Unfortunately the outcome is never as glamorous as the report and he could wind up being screwed over.


Great post. I agree for the most part. The only part I debate is the part about "bad police work". In cases like these, the police are hitched to what the victim says and what the victim wants. Its a sad state of affairs, but thats the way it works in these cases. If the victim is willing to sign a sworn statement that the incident happened, and then identifies the person who did it, the cops have to go with that. Everything else, I agree 100% with.


And, to those who keep saying that the ID is bad because it occurred several months later: read the report. The arrest was made 2 months later - the ID occurred that night. Instead of making the arrest on the spot (which they probably could have), the police decided to run the evidence through the court system first. A judge issued a warrant for McIntyre's arrest, and it was served when he was arrested.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled petty argument... :devil:

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At least try to be accurate, fool, and don't misquote me. I never called her a "liar" - I called her a stupid, senile, sex-starved, sun-dried hag.


I guess, in your book, it's perfectly alright for her to drag an innocent guy's name through the mud and turn his life into a living hell based on her 2-month old foggy memory of "a muscular black man with dreadlocks" that she allegedly saw thru her closed window blinds.

You guess wrong again. I guess you got picked on alot as a kid.

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IMO, the more we assume as a society, the more we regress. The media has us believing that every cop is corrupt and every black youth is a criminal. Both are very damaging accusations and both are assumed on a regular basis. Ah well, this is just my two cents on the story and I don't mean to act as though I'm directing this at you LynchMob. I hope this case falls apart and that Corey has some sort of chance to clear his name. Unfortunately the outcome is never as glamorous as the report and he could wind up being screwed over.


No harm received and I agree - I don't know for sure if the cops involved were white. But I do know the area. In fact, to be honest I'm surprised that McIntyre stayed there after getting into the NFL. I have a few relatives who can't afford to get out of the area and have had encounters I never would have thought of involving cops so I just assumed. As you said, it's not yet true; however, for a person to be brought to a possible victim without a lineup and just "is this him" is shady at the least.


To me, this case is far worse for Corey than for the others I mentioned in my original post. Assuming he is innocent, a crime, no matter how benign of a sexual nature follows you. If only in a dumb joke on a message board or on the field during a game.


If this woman was victimized and not by McIntyre, then the police should say so and be prepared for their work to be called into question and perhaps for Corey to have a suit filed against them.

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No harm received and I agree - I don't know for sure if the cops involved were white. But I do know the area. In fact, to be honest I'm surprised that McIntyre stayed there after getting into the NFL. I have a few relatives who can't afford to get out of the area and have had encounters I never would have thought of involving cops so I just assumed. As you said, it's not yet true; however, for a person to be brought to a possible victim without a lineup and just "is this him" is shady at the least.


To me, this case is far worse for Corey than for the others I mentioned in my original post. Assuming he is innocent, a crime, no matter how benign of a sexual nature follows you. If only in a dumb joke on a message board or on the field during a game.


If this woman was victimized and not by McIntyre, then the police should say so and be prepared for their work to be called into question and perhaps for Corey to have a suit filed against them.

Well said LynchMob. I'm not sure why they didn't go with a lineup. I do feel like this case will be thrown out and the ultimate victim will be Corey. Unless of course he did it. Eitherway, the price of being in the public eye can be very costly.

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Great post. I agree for the most part. The only part I debate is the part about "bad police work". In cases like these, the police are hitched to what the victim says and what the victim wants. Its a sad state of affairs, but thats the way it works in these cases. If the victim is willing to sign a sworn statement that the incident happened, and then identifies the person who did it, the cops have to go with that. Everything else, I agree 100% with.


And, to those who keep saying that the ID is bad because it occurred several months later: read the report. The arrest was made 2 months later - the ID occurred that night. Instead of making the arrest on the spot (which they probably could have), the police decided to run the evidence through the court system first. A judge issued a warrant for McIntyre's arrest, and it was served when he was arrested.


Now, back to your regularly scheduled petty argument... :devil:

I guess "bad police work" is a little too much. Apparently the judge felt it was enough to issue a warrant and bring Corey in. I'm not sure what the cops could have done differently that night.

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