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Best game stories from Rich / Ralph Wilson stadium....

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It was sloppy that day in Decemeber... If you noticed!




I still remember my future mother-in-law sending her (my wife) on her way before the game with a pack of Halls (remember it was cold and sloppy)... When she went over the wall (notice in the video how high the walls are and the people leaping) the group she was with came up with the slogan:


"Biv's (her mother's nickname) got the Halls, Barb's got the balls!"


Actually I am glad that SKOOB started this thread... I am gonna show my 10 year son what got me hooked on his mother back in the day! I hope she doesn't kill me!!


Happy Mother's Day... This is your life!



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8th grade. It was the Thursday night game on Sep 16 1982vs. the Minnesota Vikings. I don't know why this game isn't talked about more, I know the later comebacks by Kelly and co. overshadow this one but this one was a great one and underrated.


That is a very unrated game by Bills fans. I drove to HS with a big Vikes fan who had talked sh-- about the game the whole week before. I loved going to school that Friday!

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some quickies


1) Seeing a kid get his ticket ripped from his hand right in front of a gate at the rockpile. I musta been 6, and to this day i never carry tickets in my hand, always in my pockets, so scared someone going to steal them


2) Friggen Tom Dempsay missing that field goal. No chit, the coldest I have ever been at a game. Top row seats, go in 75 and sunny with only shorts and a tee shirt. Storm rolls in and it goes to like 62 and 25 MPH winds. But we stayed and froze and that that block toe mofo missed the kick.


3) Bills- Jets and Jerry Butler going for like 4 TDs. Think was the first game that mutiple touches on offense were legal, and remember Butler getting one last play of the half. For some reason Bills called that play the Big Ben play, not a Hail Mary. We were low on money, so brought in Southern Comfort that day(cheaper then beers). Shots after every touchdown caught up with me, but dude who was driving home would not pull over to let me puke. Distinctly remember going down the Thruway at 55 or 60 MPH, and my chunks hitting the car behind us.


4) Can't remember the game, but sometime late in one of the back to back 2-14 campaigns. Get a bunch of guys from school ( all Steeler fans) to come up for a Bills game. We go to the Library in the Falls night before, and my good friend decides he needs a walk at one point about 12.30. We get back to the car at 1.30AM, and the bastard has got a dog with him. Looks like some kind of black lab.He found the dog all skin and bones and tied up in someones back yard, and stole the critter cause he said he was being abused. Keep in the garage at my folks houdse overnight, then take him to the game with us. The dog stinks to high heaven.


Tie the thing to a tree for the game, and then take him back to college with us. Friggen dog never stopped yippin, hence his names became Yipes. But turned out right decision to take the dog, as we was so dirty he was actually a yellow lab. I would say weighed 40lbs when he took him, and weighed 70 lbs 6 months later. He had that dog for a good nother 6 years, and Yipes turned out to be a really good dog.


5)Bills Steelers to open the 91 season maybe? Was the year after the Gints loss. Anyway, about 12 Steeler fans and 2 Bills fans roll from DC to Rich in a rented Winnebago. Take the winnebago down to Allen to go the Brick, and then someone breaks into the rig. Two of the girls that were with out were passed out in the back, and being the concerned bunch we were, all we were worried about is if they robbed the tickets. Our hiding job was good, and tickets were safe. The chickepoos appeared so as well.

Waking up at Rich was an experience. Having 14 people drunk from the night before go through an entire warm opening day at the Ralph without the benefit of a shower not the most pleasant experience for the folks next to us I am sure. It was after that freaking game OJ predicted the Bills to go undefeated


6) Last year saw the best fight ever after the jets game. It was in the ECC lot, two groups of like 12 each, 18-23 year old drunks ( all Bills fans) just beating the ever living hell out of each other. great for us mid 40's guy to sit and have a beer and watch.

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Bills v. Raiders AFC Championship game 1990.


My dad was heading to the gate near the stadium when he realized he lost his ticket. After searching awhile, he decided to head back to the car. I the way back, my dad saw a guy selling a ticket. My dad said how much and the guy said $50, so my dad bought the ticket. He looked at the back of the ticket and his name was printed on it because his group had a distribution list. My dad said hey, this is my ticket I lost and showed his ID. His friend talked his other friend to give the money back since it was his own ticket he just bought back. My dad was just grateful to get into game and gave the guy $25.


The best additional $25 he spent with a 51-3 blow out of the Raiders.

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Ok, Raiders game 2008 (week 3 I think). I went up there with a buddy from work who's a Raiders fan. We got a late start on tailgating because of a particularly fun sat night. We get to the stadium with like an hour before the game starts and saw the buffalo tumbleweeds rolling by (liquor bottles/beer cans/cigarette packs). There was a special thing going on that day, it seemed like everyone was just plastered - everyone. There were amazing chants going on. We passed by this one Raider fan getting worked over by a group of Bills fans. He had his face painted and they were all giving him crap. This one guy wearing a nice Winfield white jersey was just pointing and yelling at this guy 'you always suck', 'you always suck', 'you always suck' in a way that I can't even do justice to with words. We were sitting in the upper level corner section. During the game we look back right of us and there is this chick wearing a skirt standing in front of this guy. My buddy goes 'look right now' and I look back and she's leaning into his hand getting finger blasted in the middle of the game. From Sat night and that, our trip was complete and topped only by the Bills being 3-0 at that point.

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1980, cold December game and the Bills beat the Rams 10-7 in OT. I am 8 years old at the time and there with my mom. I don't remember the game much, but what sticks in my mind is the end. The place is going crazy and the crowd won't leave, they keep playing Talking Proud over and over and finally the team comes back out, forms a circle and dances for joy to the delight of the crowd. Amazing moment for a third grader!


I was also at The Comeback (still have the stub to prove it) The only reason I didn't leave at halftime was because we dropped $35 bucks a ticket. We all know about the great moments in the game, but the best for me and my buddies was this Houston fan that was sitting right behind us. During the first half he sat there with smug look on his face saying "all day long" on every gain the Oilers made (I can still hear him in my head). Of course there was nothing to say since he was right, but as the game turned we all started in on him, everyone within earshot was taunting him on every big play, it was classic and my favorite part of the non game action.....that and ending up 5 rows from my seat when the place exploded after Reed's third TD.

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1980, cold December game and the Bills beat the Rams 10-7 in OT. I am 8 years old at the time and there with my mom. I don't remember the game much, but what sticks in my mind is the end. The place is going crazy and the crowd won't leave, they keep playing Talking Proud over and over and finally the team comes back out, forms a circle and dances for joy to the delight of the crowd. Amazing moment for a third grader!


I was also at The Comeback (still have the stub to prove it) The only reason I didn't leave at halftime was because we dropped $35 bucks a ticket. We all know about the great moments in the game, but the best for me and my buddies was this Houston fan that was sitting right behind us. During the first half he sat there with smug look on his face saying "all day long" on every gain the Oilers made (I can still hear him in my head). Of course there was nothing to say since he was right, but as the game turned we all started in on him, everyone within earshot was taunting him on every big play, it was classic and my favorite part of the non game action.....that and ending up 5 rows from my seat when the place exploded after Reed's third TD.


It really exploded after most people left and they opened the gate to let everyone back in, but that's another story.

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2) Friggen Tom Dempsay missing that field goal. No chit, the coldest I have ever been at a game. Top row seats, go in 75 and sunny with only shorts and a tee shirt. Storm rolls in and it goes to like 62 and 25 MPH winds. But we stayed and froze and that that block toe mofo missed the kick.


I was at that game too. It rained like hell the whole second half. It would have been worth it to finally beat the fins.



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