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Darth Vader > Picard > Kirk


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This needed it's own thread, not buried in there.

Buried...? It's the 3rd post! <_<


I agree with ya on Jadzia though! We all know that The Sisko > Darth Vader > Picard > Kirk.

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You must be confused -- you put the best thing to the LEFT of the > symbols. Therefore, my original post was correct.


The Sisko > Darth Vader > Picard > Kirk.


Let me know if you need more help with this. <_<

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You must be confused -- you put the best thing to the LEFT of the > symbols. Therefore, my original post was correct.


The Sisko > Darth Vader > Picard > Kirk.


Let me know if you need more help with this. <_<


Do you guys follow this stuff at all? <_<


I mean Vader got punked repeatedly in the movies. What is his claim to fame? Was it getting sliced into half a man in the 3rd movie? Perhaps it was how he managed to be distracted by old Obi-Wan long enough for the rebels to escape in the 4th movie. Perhaps it was getting dusted by his own wingman in the same film. Nice "situational awareness" for a Dark Lord of the Sith. Then he gets beat by a half trained Jedi in the 6th film. Oh, but he turns good at the end, so he loses out on the whole evil aspect there.


Let's not even get into how he was Emperor Palpatine's B word, much less "whiny Anakin".


Oh and to totally geek out (too late), how in the hell could a battle station the size of a moon with a planetary laser (hint: it moves at the speed of light), destroy any ship capable of moving and fighting at warp (FTL) speed?


:P:D :D

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Vader wasn't Palpatine's beyotch until George Lucas decided it was time to make some more money 25 years later


Ok, in all seriousness (discussing sci-fi movies with massive revisions) how do you not see Vader as Palpatine's slave considering the, "My Master" bit. Unless of course you want to argue he was planning to bump the Emperor off. I can see that take, but there is enough give in his character, since he went light/dark/light that I can argue the opposite.

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Do you guys follow this stuff at all? <_<


I mean Vader got punked repeatedly in the movies. What is his claim to fame? Was it getting sliced into half a man in the 3rd movie? Perhaps it was how he managed to be distracted by old Obi-Wan long enough for the rebels to escape in the 4th movie. Perhaps it was getting dusted by his own wingman in the same film. Nice "situational awareness" for a Dark Lord of the Sith. Then he gets beat by a half trained Jedi in the 6th film. Oh, but he turns good at the end, so he loses out on the whole evil aspect there.


Let's not even get into how he was Emperor Palpatine's B word, much less "whiny Anakin".


Oh and to totally geek out (too late), how in the hell could a battle station the size of a moon with a planetary laser (hint: it moves at the speed of light), destroy any ship capable of moving and fighting at warp (FTL) speed?


:P:D :D


"Which one of those buttons on your chest calls your mom to pick you up? " / Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

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