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Bills fans will get a kick out of this!

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Having played sports and covered professional sports, I can just imagine the amount of crap Ko Simpson has gotten from his teammates over that one. They probably slam him harder than we do and that's saying a lot. I'm sure he and Donte are great buddies but old Ko ain't ever living that one down.

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Having played sports and covered professional sports, I can just imagine the amount of crap Ko Simpson has gotten from his teammates over that one. They probably slam him harder than we do and that's saying a lot. I'm sure he and Donte are great buddies but old Ko ain't ever living that one down.

at least it didnt involve a transvestite or a one armed hooker from Winslow.

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Having played sports and covered professional sports, I can just imagine the amount of crap Ko Simpson has gotten from his teammates over that one. They probably slam him harder than we do and that's saying a lot. I'm sure he and Donte are great buddies but old Ko ain't ever living that one down.

Gary?? Gary Radnich??

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Having played sports and covered professional sports, I can just imagine the amount of crap Ko Simpson has gotten from his teammates over that one. They probably slam him harder than we do and that's saying a lot. I'm sure he and Donte are great buddies but old Ko ain't ever living that one down.


It still pales in comparison to what A-Rod has endured - Bi*CH T*ts!!!

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Ko is just a kid, he acted and sounded like a kid. He has some talent, maybe all this will light a fire under his arse, and he will fend off Byrd. I am rooting for him.

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