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OT Arafat clinically dead


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Easy on the Arafat hating. Can anyone truly say that ANY nation or leader is truly clean in Israel situation???



What bothers me is that we dump stupid $ into Israel and back them 100% no mater what, right or wrong???



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Do some research on Arafat before telling others how to feel.  The man is a terrorist and should have been on a slab a LONG time ago.


I believe that the Isrealis are as guilty of the Palestinians if not more in this whole conflict, but Darin is right, you have to look at Arafats whole history, not just the past 5 years or so (Sharon's as well for that matter).

Arafat was as bad as any of the butchers that we decry today, he has somehow gained legitimacy (some) in the past few years, but his past will always be there.

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Do some research on Arafat before telling others how to feel.  The man is a terrorist and should have been on a slab a LONG time ago.


Amen to that.

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Do some research on Arafat before telling others how to feel.  The man is a terrorist and should have been on a slab a LONG time ago.


i'm not telling you how to feel. you are right - he's seriously shady, not a nice guy.


but i don't think that arafat is any worse than the israeli leadership has been, or the US and the UK for that matter. one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. the actions of israel are as deplorable as the palestinians. the fact that the US and the UK fund the israelis is reprehensible and we only do it because their intelligence service is the best in the world, and we want to us it for our own gains.


that region is billsfanone. one less idiot leader just emboldens the others and i think the situation will go on getting worse before it gets any better.


see where we get when we meddle with the politics of other nations??? a war that last for years.

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I don't think that pork gravy will fit through an IV tube. They could however shove a porkchop up his ass.


don't you remember on the superfans skit when bob swerski had a heart attack and the doctor pumped him full of bacon fat?



"Ok Bill, picture the scenerio: Bears vs. God. Who would it be?"


"Well Bob, i'm going to have to go with God, but it would be in overtime"


"DA God"

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