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Spurrier to the 'Phins


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I could hear Spurrier now...


"All right Fiedler, we are going to pull your tackles so I can have more WRs on the field."


"Sir, I dont think that's legal..."


"I'll tell you whats legal boy! Dont make me bring Danny W out of retirement to replace your ass! Now get in there and get clobbered"


*heavy sigh* "Yes sir..."

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this is absolutely fabulous news.


and wow... there has been no shortage of good news this week...


1) Bills win

2) Kerry loses,

3) Dems lose more seats in congress

4) arafat's impending death

5) hammer is down in Fallujah (hallelujah)

6) and now Spurrier to the Fins... guarantees the Bills a sweep each season he's there.


All we need now is for Osama to be diagnosed with Brain cancer and then the Bills kick the stevestojan out of the jets...

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There is no way that their owner can be that friggin stupid. Spurrier will never get another NFL gig. His stojan doesn't work in the big leagues.




















Oh wait, he did hire Dan Marino for 10 days didn't he?

Spurrier to the fins would be the best thing to happen to the Bills franchise in years! Please God please! :D

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