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John Edwards wife has breast cancer

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God I hated Franco...and Mussolini



Hey, at least Benito made the trains run, which is more than I can say for the godforsaken losers down here. :unsure:


(They actually managed to Rosen two subway trains down here yesterday. No one killed, thankfully, but 20 hurt pretty bad.)

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Hey, at least Benito made the trains run, which is more than I can say for the godforsaken losers down here.  :unsure:


(They actually managed to Rosen two subway trains down here yesterday.  No one killed, thankfully, but 20 hurt pretty bad.)


I was stationed at Pentagon...which line was accident on?

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I was stationed at Pentagon...which line was accident on?



Red line, downtown near the zoo. Woodley park, I believe.


Don't know how it wasn't worse...apparently an empty train came into the station, had its brakes and both backup safety systems fail, and hit the back of a stopped train with passengers. From what I heard the first car of the empty train actually ended up running up on top of the last one in the other.


Washingtonpost.com has some good pictures of the accident...can't link to them, but just go to www.washingtonpost.com, and they should have on on the front page.


Where'd you live during your Pentagon tour? I used to live at River House, right on Army-Navy and S. Joyce. Got a front-row view of 9/11...

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Red line, downtown near the zoo.  Woodley park, I believe. 


Don't know how it wasn't worse...apparently an empty train came into the station, had its brakes and both backup safety systems fail, and hit the back of a stopped train with passengers.  From what I heard the first car of the empty train actually ended up running up on top of the last one in the other. 


Washingtonpost.com has some good pictures of the accident...can't link to them, but just go to www.washingtonpost.com, and they should have on on the front page.


Where'd you live during your Pentagon tour?  I used to live at River House, right on Army-Navy and S. Joyce.  Got a front-row view of 9/11...


i lived at ft lee

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Hey, it wasn't ME that gave her cancer....bad things don't happen to good people.


Further confirming what I always suspected - you sir, are an as$hole.


:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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I read the part where you defended the crass remarks of others:


"I purposely stayed out of this thread until I read your post. It's a sensitve subject for me, but I also understand why the other posts were made. Any fool can understand why they were made. Karma can be a biotch sometimes, don't you think?"


I also read the part where you said "The subject here is her hubby..."  And lastly, I also read the title of the thread "John Edwards Wife has breast cancer".  That led me to the astonishing conclusion that the thread was about his wife, not him and that it was inappropriate to be making negative comments about Edwards in a thread dealing with concern for his wife.  You defended those crass comments and ignored the subject of the thread.


You don't go to a funeral and start bitching about the dead person's wife to the mourners even if she is jerk because that is not the place to do it.  This thread was obviously started to inform people of this terrible news and for the purpose of expressing concern for Mrs. Edwards.  This is not the place to toss in remarks about Mr. Edwards.  It is especially insensitive to do so knowing very well that people who admire the Edwards would be checking in on this thread.  Perhaps that was the point.



Excellent cut and paste job Mick, excellent. Let's see here...


Did I ask you if you read the title of the thread? I'm thinking that I asked you if you:


read the entire thread right?


And because of this most recent post I don't think that you did. Ya see Mick, Campy went off on so called compassionate conservatives in the name of W. That is where he crossed the line and I had to chime in. You can continue to cut and paste and warp my posts in this thread however you want to, but I really think you should read the entire thread before you start chiming in next time. If you had, you just might have browsed over post #70 where I publicly apologized to Campy instead of doing it through PM. I'm not a kitty like that, and it was a misunderstanding.


No hard feelings though Mick. I know you are still bitter from JK and JE getting their collective backsides handed to them on Tuesday. In the battle of Liberalism vs. Conservatism you can continue to take it out on me, but as you will agree, this isn't the thread for it and maybe you should start a new one. I especially like your closing tirade:


You don't go to a funeral and start bitching about the dead person's wife to the mourners even if she is jerk because that is not the place to do it. This thread was obviously started to inform people of this terrible news and for the purpose of expressing concern for Mrs. Edwards. This is not the place to toss in remarks about Mr. Edwards. It is especially insensitive to do so knowing very well that people who admire the Edwards would be checking in on this thread. Perhaps that was the point.


So go ahead and come back with one of your typical responses, you are showing yourself to be no better than John Edwards himself brother.


Is that what this is really about?????????????????????????????????????

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Talk to an OBGYN, see what they say.


They'd probably complain about their inabilaty to practice their love with women all accross this country.








Hey, it wasn't ME that gave her cancer....bad things don't happen to good people.


I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of posting in poor taste!

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They'd probably complain about their inabilaty to practice their love with women all accross this country.




I wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of posting in poor taste!


Really, that was much funnier the first 40 times it was posted here.

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