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The 2009 Buffalo Bills season expectation


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We don't have quality starters at: LG, TE, LDE nor LOLB. We're NOT getting 4 starters out of this, or any, draft. In fact, one starter might be the reasonable expectation. Since it's only March, we have time to fill a few of these w/ vets, but the FO should have done that by now if they were planning on it. Soooo, we've got some holes. But so does every other team. I think Trent will prove the naysayers wrong, but I see a big hole in our lack of a pass rush. Hence, at THIS point, 7-9 again.

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We don't have quality starters at: LG, TE, LDE nor LOLB. We're NOT getting 4 starters out of this, or any, draft. In fact, one starter might be the reasonable expectation. Since it's only March, we have time to fill a few of these w/ vets, but the FO should have done that by now if they were planning on it. Soooo, we've got some holes. But so does every other team. I think Trent will prove the naysayers wrong, but I see a big hole in our lack of a pass rush. Hence, at THIS point, 7-9 again.



Facts are facts, we were 7-9 last year. The addition of T.O., a more experienced Trent Edwards, DEPTH added in the draft and POTENTIAL starters after the draft through free egency. Listen I know things look bleak but we havethe same chance as the Giants did a few years ago. We have the same chance as the Cardinals did, we have almost as good as a receiving group as they have.


Our defense has some holes, but the question is are we going to show up the stadium just to watch them get beat? No we're showing up in the hopes that we can win. Don't be optimistic, be real. We have a good football team, lets see if we can take the next step.

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YO, Rome, what up kid!! I like your post.


ya boy lucks from b-lo



What's up lucks! Its my first post, so im content with it. As for someone saying Im smoking crack and not jauron, that's laughable, come on lets be for real Im a pot kind of guy lol. Yo lucks Im coming up there for the game bro, see ya then


Here is an interesting quote we should all remember..."Playoffs? You wanna talk about Playoffs?"

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Facts are facts, we were 7-9 last year. The addition of T.O., a more experienced Trent Edwards, DEPTH added in the draft and POTENTIAL starters after the draft through free egency. Listen I know things look bleak but we havethe same chance as the Giants did a few years ago. We have the same chance as the Cardinals did, we have almost as good as a receiving group as they have.


Our defense has some holes, but the question is are we going to show up the stadium just to watch them get beat? No we're showing up in the hopes that we can win. Don't be optimistic, be real. We have a good football team, lets see if we can take the next step.

I love your optimism and welcome to TBD. It's good to see a little youth on this board. Watch your step around here, because their is alot of old and scorned chicken littles running around. Actually their is alot of knowledge here, too. The Bills have alot of potential players on the team. Potential doesn't amount to much until it actually pans out. I have high hopes and reservations about the upcoming season. Right now the team can't be compared to the Giants or Cardinals, IMO. Those teams absolutely dominate in different aspects of the game. We don't have that and in order to be real contender, we need to get it. This Bills team does everything mediocre right now. That's not horrible either. The team is one great draft away from being a real contender.

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It all begins and ends with the Offensive and Defensive Lines.


I know we have a long way to go until the season begins, but looking at the current state of the lines, I'd say we're going to be in trouble. (This is also taking into consideration Jason Peters questionable status.)


We can have all the offensive weapons in the world, but if Trent doesn't have any time to throw, or if Lynch doesn't get any holes... we're screwed.

In addition to these worries... do you all remember Trent's "deer in the headlights" play-style after he got his concussion?

(MNF against the Browns.) Let's hope and pray that the boy has time to throw.

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It all begins and ends with the Offensive and Defensive Lines.


I know we have a long way to go until the season begins, but looking at the current state of the lines, I'd say we're going to be in trouble. (This is also taking into consideration Jason Peters questionable status.)


We can have all the offensive weapons in the world, but if Trent doesn't have any time to throw, or if Lynch doesn't get any holes... we're screwed.


Worst case = 7-9.

Best case = 7-9.

Most likley = 7-9.

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If you want Romeo to stop posting threads on twobillsdrive, give me a hell yeah.



Ah reviving "Stone Cold" Steve "Austin"...Are you serious? "The Condemned" My best guess is you watch Nash Bridges alot don't ya buddy?


You see it's funny how if you are just a bit optimistic or realistic a swarm of malcontents pop-up out of the wood works to try to offer their opinion, which is never really an opinion. It's usually a series of horrid remarks that stem from their love of television shows, movies, things they saw on billboards or even perhaps things that fictional characters on a "sports" soapopera say as their catchphrase...point is that last guy, rode the short bus, his momma drove, his daddy worked on it and much like him, he wants us all to be doomed to the short bus, atleast as fans...


So put down the can-o-beer, maybe get rid of the mullet and stop Tvo-ing "Mama's Family" or just stop Tvo-ing TBS...just stop it!

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