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Joseph Cassano cost American taxpayers 150 Billion

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It can be argued that this gem of a guy was ultimately the person responsible for AIG's collapse. Last year he stepped off the doomed AIG plane with the ultimate 34 million golden parachute (with a million a year consulting agreement...AFTER AIG WAS BLEEDING BILLIONS FROM HIS DERIVATIVE BETTING SCHEME). It's no wonder why he's staying put in London...








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It can be argued that this gem of a guy was ultimately the person responsible for AIG's collapse. Last year he stepped off the doomed AIG plane with the ultimate 34 million golden parachute (with a million a year consulting agreement...AFTER AIG WAS BLEEDING BILLIONS FROM HIS DERIVATIVE BETTING SCHEME). It's no wonder why he's staying put in London...









Oh, goody...now we have the person responsible for all this mess....the media's got its whipping boy/poster child/target so we can turn attention AWAY from Congress, AWAY from every other predatory lender and firm that was run worse than a hot dog stand outside a PETA convention and mostly AWAY from OURSELVES.


Cassano bad!!!!!

Cassano bad!!!!!

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Oh, goody...now we have the person responsible for all this mess....the media's got its whipping boy/poster child/target so we can turn attention AWAY from Congress, AWAY from every other predatory lender and firm that was run worse than a hot dog stand outside a PETA convention and mostly AWAY from OURSELVES.


Cassano bad!!!!!

Cassano bad!!!!!

In all fairness, even MSNBC started blaming Congress.

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Oh, goody...now we have the person responsible for all this mess....the media's got its whipping boy/poster child/target so we can turn attention AWAY from Congress, AWAY from every other predatory lender and firm that was run worse than a hot dog stand outside a PETA convention and mostly AWAY from OURSELVES.


Cassano bad!!!!!

Cassano bad!!!!!



The media???? Other than that NY Daily news article, this supreme a-hole is getting near zero coverage in the media. In regards to who should be a whipping boy? Cassano, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Christopher Cox and everyone else who had a hand in (and turned a blind eye to) what eventually led to this economic collapse should be thrown behind bars alongside Bernie Madoff. In the end, we the people have to stop voting in these a-holes.

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Ive had enough of this AIG nonsense.


I guess I missed the part where they held a gun to our collective heads and DEMANDED that they be given the bailout money. Same goes for the auto makers and everyone else.


The FEDS ponied up this money unconditionally. Now they (and we) are all OUTRAGED(!!!!) when we find out its going to go to waste becuase AIG is a bunch of !@#$ups?


Its like giving money free and clear to a gambling addict and acting pissed and worse....surprised...when he books a flight to Vegas.

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Ive had enough of this AIG nonsense.


I guess I missed where they held a gun to our collective heads and DEMANDED that they be given the bailout money. Same goes for the auto makers and everyone else.


The FEDS ponied up this money unconditionally. Now they (and we) are all OUTRAGED(!!!!) when we find out its going to go to waste becuase AIG is a bunch of !@#$ups?


Its like giving money free and clear to a gambling addict and acting pissed when he books a flight to Vegas.


All Americans have had enough. They keep saying they're too big to fail while our country goes bankrupt in the process of not letting them fail.

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Oh, goody...now we have the person responsible for all this mess....the media's got its whipping boy/poster child/target so we can turn attention AWAY from Congress, AWAY from every other predatory lender and firm that was run worse than a hot dog stand outside a PETA convention and mostly AWAY from OURSELVES.


Cassano bad!!!!!

Cassano bad!!!!!

There is a lot of blame to pass around, and a lot of people ought to be investigated. It is important to go after those who created this mess, and who walked away from it with millions. As usual, there will be a poster boy (Madoff) who gets thrown to the media wolves. Financial manipulation and fraud will never end until some more drastic penalties are enacted. Maybe the death penalty is a bit severe, but I think it's time to end limited liability. E.g. Cassano's assets should be fair game for investors trying to recoup losses...

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