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I'll give TO a one year chance!


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Well yea, well defientley be making the lead story every week on ESPN, as much as I used to hate it, it accounts for the first 15 minutes of every show.


ESPN sucks, they'll be negative about the whole thing, they never say anything good about BUFFALO!

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The BILLS are front page news again, we need a kick in the pants!

It's a gamble, but for one year, I'll roll those dice!

TO in B-LO, get the popcorn!


What do you mean , you'll roll the dice? What risk are you taking?

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I don't know if I would be so bold as to give a guy with a one year contract, a one year chance. That's a little crazydingo, don'tcha think?



My sense is that there is little risk of TO becoming a cancer in his first season. In order to be a cancer you must infect other tissue around you. With his lengthy time in SF and in both the Philly case and to some extent the Dallas (a little weird because it was the owner who drank the Kool-Aid and by the golden rule- he who has the gold rules- the cancer was pretty immediate) case it takes some time for TO to build friendships with teammates and a rep with the fans that he can actually divide the team. In Philly he rather quickly took on McNabb but did this so quickly he was a quite survivable cancer as they simply excised the TO boil.


In this one year, TO will not become a cancer for the Bills because even if he is a jerk he will lose the affections of any teammates and fans if he mouths out much at all his first year. TO knows that he can become an FA next year and the biggest threat to him getting yet another big contract as an FA would be if he became a cancer and the Bills cut him lose because he was so nuts in 09 or so bad they choose not to bring him back in 10.


If TO becomes a cancer quickly he consigns himself even despite his outstanding talent to at best a contingency laden FA contract with little more than the vet minimum up front and subject to the salary cap,


A 1 year deal simply forces TO to work not only on producing on the field but being judged to be a productive force off the field. If not, the Bills simply cut the ahole and can say at least they tried.


The other possibility is that TO proves to be a great player on the field and OK but not outstanding off the field. As an FA if we choose to we can even tag him and retain the rights to him. My sense is that if he wants out you let him go (but to some extent if it gets bad with him wanting out and mouthing off it directly lowers the amount folks will pay him as an FA to get him so again I doubt he mouths off after a year and if he does you are smart to let him go.


All in all I would say the only risk the Bills face is the $6 million they are paying him but the bet is that even if he is such a jerk you need to cut him (certainly a likely possibility given what a jerk he has been in the past) you have not committed any salary cap to him in the future and an affordable amount from our large cap room this year.


I think there is little risk for the Bills in a 1 year deal and in fact it puts them in a great position to deal with whatever happens.

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The BILLS are front page news again, we need a kick in the pants!

It's a gamble, but for one year, I'll roll those dice!

TO in B-LO, get the popcorn!



I love it too. I don't even think it's a gamble. A one year deal at a reasonable salary is awesome.

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