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Lets put it this way I never root for Miami under any circumstances, I just won't be screaming for the jets to win. I think it is " best " for us if Miami wins and the jets would then have 3 losses after we hammer them. The Bills need to have a mindset that they need to win out the season , and if they can pick it up a few losses my the Jests and Patriots won't hurt the cause. If they can't win against the Jests head to head as well as the Patriots then it really doesn't much matter.

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Aussie, while I agree that I hate the fins more, logistically, we need them to win.


As much as all of us say "we have no chance at the playoffs", each team plays 16 games. If the Jets keep winning, that's another Wild Card taken. And there are only two. I know, I know, "PLAYOFFS????", but to think of it from an outsiders view, a Bills fan HAS to want the fin to win tonight.

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