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Pissed off


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Who cares who the Bills best or worst qb is or was? For that matter who is or was the best kicker? It really doesn't matter. What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese. Football is a tough sport and demands tough players. Buffalo has very few on the team right now that exemplify this attitude. It sucks to see free agents pass by with the names of like LeCharles Bentley and those nasty attitude type guys. For GOD's sake to the top brass try putting some guys on the field that will scare the sh-- out of their opponents. I'm not talking thugs so don't even go there. I'm talking guys like Cornelius Bennet who put Jeff George out of his first NFL game with a concussion by slamming his head into the turf as he sacked him. Guys like Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennet when they ended Joe Montana's career. Piss on the NFL police who want to control every freakin' play and just let the players play the damn game. What is Buffalo missing that keeps them from winning? It's guys who have this type of mentality to just destroy whoever the hell has the balls to line up against them. So to whoever in the hell has any say or communication with the top brass in the Bills orginization just tell them you don't have to pay all kinds of money to players and free agents who suck just pay a few good players a little bit of money who want to kick the sh-- out of the opponents and all the rest will fall into place.

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Who cares who the Bills best or worst qb is or was? For that matter who is or was the best kicker? It really doesn't matter. What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese. Football is a tough sport and demands tough players. Buffalo has very few on the team right now that exemplify this attitude. It sucks to see free agents pass by with the names of like LeCharles Bentley and those nasty attitude type guys. For GOD's sake to the top brass try putting some guys on the field that will scare the sh-- out of their opponents. I'm not talking thugs so don't even go there. I'm talking guys like Cornelius Bennet who put Jeff George out of his first NFL game with a concussion by slamming his head into the turf as he sacked him. Guys like Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennet when they ended Joe Montana's career. Piss on the NFL police who want to control every freakin' play and just let the players play the damn game. What is Buffalo missing that keeps them from winning? It's guys who have this type of mentality to just destroy whoever the hell has the balls to line up against them. So to whoever in the hell has any say or communication with the top brass in the Bills orginization just tell them you don't have to pay all kinds of money to players and free agents who suck just pay a few good players a little bit of money who want to kick the sh-- out of the opponents and all the rest will fall into place.


Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...



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Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...





So your the least bit mad that the org has done NOTHING first day of free agency, while many teams in the NFL get a head start on making their team better? I understand the whiners and all, hell im one of them. But this organization has a long long long ways to go to repair the fans faith with the team. They could have done so today, making some moves to improve the team. At least show the fans, hey look we understand the frustration and we are doing what we can to improve. Thus far NOTHING!


Its a huge diapointment. We enter yet another night of wondering whats going on with our beloved Buffalo Bills.

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Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...





If I had a dollar for every time someone complains about people who start threads and complain...




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Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...




Hey, it's a message board for fans to speak their mind...sorry if they don't have they have a life and can't post as much as you do. Everyone has a right to post on this board, not just the people who are "all pros" or whatever.


Let people speak their mind, my friend. We gotta listen to you, don't we.

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You really are a snow boot wearin in the summertime type of loser, aint ya??


That long hair you got can't hide the redneck that you truly are. :D

The long hair I had cut at the end of the hippy decade. And as far as boots are concerned I wear sh-- kickers and I'm about to put on up your ass as soon as you get your head out of it.

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Who cares who the Bills best or worst qb is or was? For that matter who is or was the best kicker? It really doesn't matter. What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese. Football is a tough sport and demands tough players. Buffalo has very few on the team right now that exemplify this attitude. It sucks to see free agents pass by with the names of like LeCharles Bentley and those nasty attitude type guys. For GOD's sake to the top brass try putting some guys on the field that will scare the sh-- out of their opponents. I'm not talking thugs so don't even go there. I'm talking guys like Cornelius Bennet who put Jeff George out of his first NFL game with a concussion by slamming his head into the turf as he sacked him. Guys like Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennet when they ended Joe Montana's career. Piss on the NFL police who want to control every freakin' play and just let the players play the damn game. What is Buffalo missing that keeps them from winning? It's guys who have this type of mentality to just destroy whoever the hell has the balls to line up against them. So to whoever in the hell has any say or communication with the top brass in the Bills orginization just tell them you don't have to pay all kinds of money to players and free agents who suck just pay a few good players a little bit of money who want to kick the sh-- out of the opponents and all the rest will fall into place.


Bentley turned out to be awesome too... :D

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What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese.


First, don't worry about Bravo the wonder dog. He's not able to get through to Matt Cassel's mother to verify a report that MC will be traded to the Calgary Roughriders. He's a little frustrated.


Second, Dick Jauron is the HC. Overcoming that single fact will be Buffalo's greatest challenge.

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Hey, it's a message board for fans to speak their mind...sorry if they don't have they have a life and can't post as much as you do. Everyone has a right to post on this board, not just the people who are "all pros" or whatever.


Let people speak their mind, my friend. We gotta listen to you, don't we.


There are countless threads being started to say the same thing...when we are all waiting to see update threads with real info, the whiny ass threads can be condensed into one...a new thread to whine and cry about the exact same thing in a dozen other threads just pollutes the board...


It gets old trying to sift through all the whiny duplicate threads trying to find threads that have real news and merit. You wanna comlain, more power to you, its your right, but we dont need 2 dozens threads on it...

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Its amazing how many of these BS threads have been started today by people who barely post to this site or just joined...If I had a dollar for each whiny ass fan on this board today I could have personally paid Haynesworth salary to play in Buffalo...geezus...


They need a broken record Emoticon or a big piece of cheese so you can give someone some cheese to go with all this wine...



Wine, lmao, whos whining mister alpha dog? Yeah I bet your an alpha dog alright, nice name, alpha in your own mind Im sure. You need to let these people post and keep it zipped if all you are doin is critizing their posts. I am always reading these boards too learn what I can from the intelligent people here. People like you give this board a bad name.

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I hate to say it. I know it's an unpopular thing to say in this particular thread. But this thread is typical.


And it sucks


the best way I can describe it is


that misery loves company

Like every other great Bills fan all I want is for the Bills to win and make the post-season again and get back on the right track. Until that happens get used to the typical threads, as I'm sure you already are.

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Who cares who the Bills best or worst qb is or was? For that matter who is or was the best kicker? It really doesn't matter. What matters is until this team gets some players with a nasty, rotten, don't give a f**k, take no prisoner attitude Buffalo will never again be a winnig team. Like most people agree it all has to start in the front office and that being with the big cheese. Football is a tough sport and demands tough players. Buffalo has very few on the team right now that exemplify this attitude. It sucks to see free agents pass by with the names of like LeCharles Bentley and those nasty attitude type guys. For GOD's sake to the top brass try putting some guys on the field that will scare the sh-- out of their opponents. I'm not talking thugs so don't even go there. I'm talking guys like Cornelius Bennet who put Jeff George out of his first NFL game with a concussion by slamming his head into the turf as he sacked him. Guys like Bruce Smith and Cornelius Bennet when they ended Joe Montana's career. Piss on the NFL police who want to control every freakin' play and just let the players play the damn game. What is Buffalo missing that keeps them from winning? It's guys who have this type of mentality to just destroy whoever the hell has the balls to line up against them. So to whoever in the hell has any say or communication with the top brass in the Bills orginization just tell them you don't have to pay all kinds of money to players and free agents who suck just pay a few good players a little bit of money who want to kick the sh-- out of the opponents and all the rest will fall into place.


Look at the bright side every agent of every UDFA should want to come to Buffalo. We have job openings for those young hungry guys. They could be the next Jason Peters or the next Jim Leonard or the next Fred Jackson. You will be glad we did not sign any of those spoiled lazy big name players when UDFA season rolls around.

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Hey, it's a message board for fans to speak their mind...sorry if they don't have they have a life and can't post as much as you do. Everyone has a right to post on this board, not just the people who are "all pros" or whatever.


Let people speak their mind, my friend. We gotta listen to you, don't we.

speaking one's mind is good....acting like a baby in a soiled diaper because the Bills aren't acting irresponsible in free agency is stupid, though

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