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need to ask y'all an opinion before i open my mouth and ruin a �

The Poojer

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those that know me and my past, this if for y'all, but i welcome any opinions....here's the story in a nutshell



i worked in a major electronics retailer....I don't think i ever made know bones about my passion for the company and my work there....


heard from a good friend and also a former co-worker at 'said' electronics retailer.....he starts a part time job tomorrow working at the former corp office working with the liquidator to auction off everything there.....


I am pissed at him...


I view this as no better than crossing the picket line in a union shop.....


I am not sure I can hold my tongue on this one as I he already told me about it and my immediate response was "...i hope you have fun with that....."


the more i thought about it, the more upset I got(am getting).....


am i making much ado about nothing?


am i within my 'right' to say something.....even if it really raises an ugly argument, which i could see it doing? frankly based on how i am feeling and past interactions with him, it would not kill me if this ruined our friendship.....


i really want to tell him that i think he sucks for doing this......


i feel like i am sounding very trivial about this, but it is really bothering me...and not that i really need any one to tell me how to react.....but this place, as odd as this may be, does act the 'voice of reason' alot of times and I value the input of many of the posters here...


hopefully someone gets what i am saying/feeling, as i know i am rambling,


sorry to bother y'all with this little personal issue....

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Would you rather he sit home and collect an unemployment check and have US taxpayers pay for his health insurance, or work for the evil liquidator?


Let the guy work and pay his bills if the only company that will hire him is the one liquidating CC. Its not his fault the company was mismanaged into bankruptcy.

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he had left our company for another job about 3 months prior to our demise, this is a part-time job, and if it matters, none of us are collecting unemployment, we are still paid through march 21st or so, thanks to the WARN act




Would you rather he sit home and collect an unemployment check and have US taxpayers pay for his health insurance, or work for the evil liquidator?


Let the guy work and pay his bills if the only company that will hire him is the one liquidating CC. Its not his fault the company was mismanaged into bankruptcy.

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you are probably right, it just really is rubbing me the wrong way, like i said, i am looking at this as if he crossed a picket line as a scab....


You would be acting like a petulant child. And in addition to ruining a friendship, you would also tarnish your reputation.


Please don't do it, Poojer.

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Take a deep breath and cut the guy some slack Pooj. The CC garage sale is going to continue with or without him. I think that you should actually give your friend some credit for finding employment. It's a part time gig, but he could possibly make some connections or show his value and turn it into a full time job. Either way, he chose to earn a check instead of taking unemployment. That's commendable.

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see my note above, he left the company 3 moths earlier and is working ft, and none of us are collecting unemployment, we are still technically employed and getting paid as such....if that matters


Take a deep breath and cut the guy some slack Pooj. The CC garage sale is going to continue with or without him. I think that you should actually give your friend some credit for finding employment. It's a part time gig, but he could possibly make some connections or show his value and turn it into a full time job. Either way, he chose to earn a check instead of taking unemployment. That's commendable.
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see my note above, he left the company 3 moths earlier and is working ft,

He left 3 months ago , who he works for now is up to him . Do not be mad at him . It is just a job he is doing and if he was not doing it someone would be . Do not be so bitter .

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see my note above, he left the company 3 moths earlier and is working ft, and none of us are collecting unemployment, we are still technically employed and getting paid as such....if that matters


When I began replying, the last post up was at 6:59. I was sidetracked here, so I know it looks like I ignored some info, the fact was, I didn't see those posts. In your OP, you didn't mention that he left 3 mo's prior. I really don't think It matters though. It's apparent that right now the economy is contracting. A man's #1 responsibility is to his family and home. You've got to put food on the table, and I think you shouldn't begrudge your friend's current position.

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i was commenting on your statement that i have more important things to worry about.....i really am capable of having multiple thoughts going on......i am not disputing your opinion that i should drop it, in fact i have alluded to that fact a couple times


Hey, you asked for opinions. Don't ask if you don't want responses.
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i was commenting on your statement that i have more important things to worry about.....i really am capable of having multiple thoughts going on......i am not disputing your opinion that i should drop it, in fact i have alluded to that fact a couple times



And my comment was a figure of speech, not literal.

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When Thurman played for the Dolphins did we all hate him?


Your friend, like many other people right now, is in desperation mode. The guy needs money and is working for it. Don't hold it against him. He's betraying your former employer, not sleeping with your wife.

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he can have her......


I know I am being petty, or trivial, i think that what gets me the most is his carefree attitude about it...he almost is 'throwing it in our faces" about it.....its still to fresh in our minds...


....and yeah 'we' did in fact turn on thurman when he went to the dolphins....


When Thurman played for the Dolphins did we all hate him?


Your friend, like many other people right now, is in desperation mode. The guy needs money and is working for it. Don't hold it against him. He's betraying your former employer, not sleeping with your wife.

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It's obviously going to affect your relationship, so I say be honest with him next time you talk. Tell him that you were disappointed to hear he was working for them, and that you feel like you and his other former co-workers are being disrespected by his decision. Then let him explain himself. Better to get it out in the open than let it simmer and continue to bother you. Maybe after discussing it you'll feel better.

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