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This is laughable. Dude, you can't make 3+2 = 4 no matter how convoluted you arrange your "evidence."

There are hundreds of articles and dozens of very in depth books that cover exactly how FDR's policies pushed what could have been a 1-2 year recession into the great depression. Read "America's Great Depression" if it's actually a topic that interests you (I'm assuming it's really not, but willing to admit I'm wrong). Hiding behind "things were so bad, you just don't know" argument does just as little justice to the true facts of history as do false presumptions of what really went down during that time.


The GDP numbers people often reference to show a positive turnaround in in the economy of the US during the 30's are misleading. GDP, in a contrived formula, basically give you an amount of spending. Just like today (despite what so many still think), spending money created from debt doesn't actually help an economy. It only helps the graphs....for a period of time.


Even saying that it was just the war that pulled us out of depression is a bit misleading. It was the frugal tendencies of Americans who had gone through decades of depression and war that finally pulled us out. When the war was over and we slowly came out of our sanctioned way of life, people realized they had true savings, something not seen in decades. It was these savings that were used to build our country back to power. Unfortunately the desire to push those savings past their natural ability to create wealth is what drove us down again.


FDR pushed as much or more of a socialist agenda than any president before him, and due to a desperate economy, he was able to get much further along in his agenda. Very much like Bush was able to do because of 9-11, and Obama will do both because of an economic fall and because he will be able to build off his predecessors legacy.

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FDR used excise taxes to raise a large portion of tax revenue = fact

Excise taxes hit the poor harder than the rich = fact

These policies hurt the poor = fact


there is no debating it. I'd like to see a response other than retardedness, but i guess that's asking too much.


"There is no debating it?" Your "evidence" is a good example of flawed logic.


Jimmy is a fat and likes broccoli.

Sarah is fat and likes broccoli.

Therefore all fat people like broccoli.

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"There is no debating it?" Your "evidence" is a good example of flawed logic.


Jimmy is a fat and likes broccoli.

Sarah is fat and likes broccoli.

Therefore all fat people like broccoli.

So, what your saying is that increasing taxes on the poor and unemployed didn't hurt them?

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So, what your saying is that increasing taxes on the poor and unemployed didn't hurt them?



90% of Americans don't realize the Globalist elitist pigs were around back then, and the New Deal was the Big Scam. It was the beginning of socialization of US. The New Deal didn't work then and it won't now. We are in a hole that we will never recover from. You can thank Rockerfeller and Rothschild families and the other zionist vampires. While we fight over the two party system (yeah me too!) and call each other names, they continue to plot and plan the destruction of America into chaos.

These people are so smart, it is scary. Bushes/Clintons/Odumbo are all pawns, nothing else. Have a good day.

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90% of Americans don't realize the Globalist elitist pigs were around back then, and the New Deal was the Big Scam. It was the beginning of socialization of US. The New Deal didn't work then and it won't now. We are in a hole that we will never recover from. You can thank Rockerfeller and Rothschild families and the other zionist vampires. While we fight over the two party system (yeah me too!) and call each other names, they continue to plot and plan the destruction of America into chaos.

These people are so smart, it is scary. Bushes/Clintons/Odumbo are all pawns, nothing else. Have a good day.


I used to think no one could top either Molson Gruesome or the Ellegant Idiot for sheer mind numbing stupidity.


I was wrong.

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You're smug--I'll give you that. You know nothing. You're just the numb mind with very little capacity to seek out a different perspective.


Just my opinion of course, but being silent about subjects that one has little or no knowledge of is a far wiser course than endlessly spouting inane and inaccurate drivel.


This is however a free country, so feel free to continue proving that your opinion is the polar opposite of mine each and every time you post.

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Just my opinion of course, but being silent about subjects that one has little or no knowledge of is a far wiser course than endlessly spouting inane and inaccurate drivel.


This is however a free country, so feel free to continue proving that your opinion is the polar opposite of mine each and every time you post.



Oh, I see! If an opinion is the polar opposite of yours, it's inane and inaccurate.


Got it...Typical liberal intolerance.

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Oh, I see! If an opinion is the polar opposite of yours, it's inane and inaccurate.


Got it...Typical liberal intolerance.


And reading comprehension is another of your strong points, I see.


Got it.


I'll dumb the concept down to what is apparently your level.


I believe that if you constantly say stupid things you will give other people the impression that you are stupid.


You seem to believe that constantly saying stupid things will cause other people to believe you are smart.


Who is more likely to be correct in this instance? Hmm...

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And reading comprehension is another of your strong points, I see.


Got it.


I'll dumb the concept down to what is apparently your level.


I believe that if you constantly say stupid things you will give other people the impression that you are stupid.


You seem to believe that constantly saying stupid things will cause other people to believe you are smart.


Who is more likely to be correct in this instance? Hmm...



Maybe you are smarter than me. But I didn't start on you, nor did I elicit any response from you. You just dove in and got nasty with me. You call me stupid. You called me other names. I don't expect the majority of posters to agree with me...I am smart enough to know that. I'm also smart enough to know the world is full of differing opinions--some of which I won't like whatsoever. Liberals are tolerant of diversity, but obviously not of diversity in opinion. You continue to mock, suppress, repress, maim, sneer just like your friend DC Tom--somehow providing you some feeling of superiority over another human being. You choose intellectual pretense over respectful spirited discussion. I guess that's why it's so easy espousing atheism or secularism. You get to be downright mean-spirited and live with it at the same time.

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Maybe you are smarter than me. But I didn't start on you, nor did I elicit any response from you. You just dove in and got nasty with me. You call me stupid. You called me other names. I don't expect the majority of posters to agree with me...I am smart enough to know that. I'm also smart enough to know the world is full of differing opinions--some of which I won't like whatsoever. Liberals are tolerant of diversity, but obviously not of diversity in opinion. You continue to mock, suppress, repress, maim, sneer just like your friend DC Tom--somehow providing you some feeling of superiority over another human being. You choose intellectual pretense over respectful spirited discussion. I guess that's why it's so easy espousing atheism or secularism. You get to be downright mean-spirited and live with it at the same time.


I seem to have missed something. Would you please be so kind as to direct me to the thread where you have been engaged in a "respectful spirited discussion." I don't recall reading any posts where you have expressed respect for an opinion that wasn't in lockstep with yours. Nor do I recall reading any posts wherein you displayed the capacity to be respectful to any poster who expressed a differing opinion. I do recall however a plethora of rude, mean spirited, and antagonistic comments directed at both specific posters and the generic catchall class of people known as "liberals."


Unless of course your definition of respectful differs rather greatly from mine...


Which, when you think about it, actually makes the whiney diatribe above seem rather funny...

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I seem to have missed something. Would you please be so kind as to direct me to the thread where you have been engaged in a "respectful spirited discussion." I don't recall reading any posts where you have expressed respect for an opinion that wasn't in lockstep with yours. Nor do I recall reading any posts wherein you displayed the capacity to be respectful to any poster who expressed a differing opinion. I do recall however a plethora of rude, mean spirited, and antagonistic comments directed at both specific posters and the generic catchall class of people known as "liberals."


Unless of course your definition of respectful differs rather greatly from mine...


Which, when you think about it, actually makes the whiney diatribe above seem rather funny...


I agree I can be a bit antagonistic...can't deny it. But even when I have toned it down in response to it, you and DC Tom continue your rant. You're like the LA cops and I'm Rodney King. I admit being flawed, but you can't stop hitting me anyway.


I'm worn out. So, let's just call and end to it and say peace out.

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Like I said before... My grandfather hated the mofo (FDR)... He worked on the railroad (I am pretty sure it was the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad) and during the 1930's his wage was cut from 36 bucks a week to around 18... Half! Would anyone around here like that? Probably not, but it beats not working I guess. :angry: He (my grandfather) called him a "crippled bastard" till the day he died. He used to get paid in gold too until they started scaring people into cashing that in.


Funny thing is that my grandfather voted for him (FDR) everytime... :lol:<_< Maybe he knew his loss was for the better of the country? Would that play today? Not even with this (me) bleeding heart liberal... :blush::blush: And I am kinda of a "feather bedder" too... :blush::blush:

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I seem to have missed something. Would you please be so kind as to direct me to the thread where you have been engaged in a "respectful spirited discussion." I don't recall reading any posts where you have expressed respect for an opinion that wasn't in lockstep with yours. Nor do I recall reading any posts wherein you displayed the capacity to be respectful to any poster who expressed a differing opinion. I do recall however a plethora of rude, mean spirited, and antagonistic comments directed at both specific posters and the generic catchall class of people known as "liberals."


Unless of course your definition of respectful differs rather greatly from mine...


Which, when you think about it, actually makes the whiney diatribe above seem rather funny...


That is a beat down. Good job.

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FDR is the most overrated President ever IMO




He did play things politically/economically the best way they could be played... Just like other Presidents that enjoyed success... Reagan and Clinton come to mind.


Bascially, take what the "defense" gives you... This could be economically, national defense, whatever...


Now WTF Bush did with the world's good will after 911 is beyond me. He took it (the world's good will) and turned it into a one giant gadget play: "End around, Statue of Liberty, flea-flicker double reverse." And in true Bills fashion, it was a disaster.



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He did play things politically/economically the best way they could be played... Just like other Presidents that enjoyed success... Reagan and Clinton come to mind.


Bascially, take what the "defense" gives you... This could be economically, national defense, whatever...


Now WTF Bush did with the world's good will after 911 is beyond me. He took it (the world's good will) and turned it into a one giant gadget play: "End around, Statue of Liberty, flea-flicker double reverse." And in true Bills fashion, it was a disaster.



Either that or the Arab world was emboldened by the Act of terrorism, regardless of what their governments said publically. In addition since countries like France have a huge Arab population (25%) no amount of good will was going to over come their hatred for the western world.

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:blink: You are both powerfully stupid and hopelessly partisan.


What FDR did, we are still better for it as a country in the long run. If the federal gov't was never strengthened and our society never (shudder for all you baby's out there) socialized under the New Deal... How do you think our society would have faired over the past 70+years. One thing is for sure, we be already talking about the "Panic of 2008."


Just face it... We are a better society being "socialized."



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Either that or the Arab world was emboldened by the Act of terrorism, regardless of what their governments said publically. In addition since countries like France have a huge Arab population (25%) no amount of good will was going to over come their hatred for the western world.

Were the fire setting terrorists over the weekend arabs?

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