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Well it's been 3 and a half hours


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Has the economy turned to gold? Nope stock down 300. Well nothing changed there except for maybe being worse.


Do our enemies love us now? Nope. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/01/2...iban/index.html and http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/01/19/...ence/index.html


Is Gitmo still open.


Do we still have troops in Iraq?


I guess the Messiah can't work miracles.




How much time does he get?

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Has the economy turned to gold? Nope stock down 300. Well nothing changed there except for maybe being worse.


Do our enemies love us now? Nope. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/01/2...iban/index.html and http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/01/19/...ence/index.html


Is Gitmo still open.


Do we still have troops in Iraq?


I guess the Messiah can't work miracles.




How much time does he get?

And not only that , where is the f'ing parade? Very inconsiderate of the new administration to make people stand in the cold this long . But this is how Tardvilee will be run

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He gets 4 years, and then people will decide if he's still better than the alternative.

Why, you were bashing Bush before his inauguration. This is 3 and a half hours after the Messiah is in. Something good have changed. And jokes about sending kennedy and Byrd to the hospital are not in good form.

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Has the economy turned to gold? Nope stock down 300. Well nothing changed there except for maybe being worse.


Do our enemies love us now? Nope. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/01/2...iban/index.html and http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/01/19/...ence/index.html


Is Gitmo still open.


Do we still have troops in Iraq?


I guess the Messiah can't work miracles.




How much time does he get?


Should we be expecting your review of the Bills 2012 Draft sometime soon?

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I just checked with my bank and my mortgage has yet to be paid off. What the hell?

Hell even reducing my interest is something I should at least be entitled to. Oh and a reduction in the balance. Is that too much to ask from the messiah.

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I just checked with my bank and my mortgage has yet to be paid off. What the hell?

Hell even reducing my interest is something I should at least be entitled to. Oh and a reduction in the balance. Is that too much to ask from the messiah.

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Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, Gaza residents are trampling pictures of Obama and Hugo Chavez is cussing him.


Yep....its a "different world"....EVERYONE LOVES US AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keeps the printing industry booming.

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