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Even if he fires Jauron


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How do we know that Polian didn't tell Ralphie to keep the hog-cow on her leash before he yelled trannyc***!!!!


I'd be ticked too if I built up a top notch organzation only to have the stooge owner's "daughter" getting in the way. Polian was nice to her, I would have said much worse.


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We are 25 M under the CAP, having more money with this owner means NOTHING

Just because they are under the Cap, that doesn't mean the Bills actually have $25 mil. in extra cash lying around to spend. That just means that they are below the level that the league set as a maximum that all teams can spend on players

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The question isn't even ABOUT how much to spend on players. It's about how Ralph will never hire a Head Coach (or GM, as the topic was obviously deficient in its original verbage, my apologies) worth a sh-- because they will all cost too much for his cheap ass.

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How do we know that Polian didn't tell Ralphie to keep the hog-cow on her leash before he yelled trannyc***!!!!


I'd be ticked too if I built up a top notch organzation only to have the stooge owner's "daughter" getting in the way. Polian was nice to her, I would have said much worse.

Of course, winning is everything at all cost. If you are good at what you do, you should be entitled to get away with whatever you want, especially to family members of the owner.


Is any of this "name calling" and "meddling" actual fact, or is it all just rumors?

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Of course, winning is everything at all cost. If you are good at what you do, you should be entitled to get away with whatever you want, especially to family members of the owner.

Conversely, looking at the decades of mediocrity and utter abysmal play following Polian's rude dismissal, one might say that the dumb fatty should have been the one to suck it up and take one for the "team" (you know, the thousands of ticket-buying, merchandise-buying, and bull sh---buying FANS). And again, from what I've heard, she really IS a c*nt.

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How do we know that Polian didn't tell Ralphie to keep the hog-cow on her leash before he yelled trannyc***!!!!


I'd be ticked too if I built up a top notch organzation only to have the stooge owner's "daughter" getting in the way. Polian was nice to her, I would have said much worse.



All this bulls#it macho talk is too much, and shows the low class of many posters here. I have never worked for a company that would allow that kind of abuse from it's executives toward any employee. In this business environment, you simply can't call someone a "c*nt" if you disagree with her, or don't like her. There is never a reason for that sort of confrontation...unless you WANT to get fired. If you tough guys haven't figured out a way to show your displeasure in the workplace without stooping to using one of the most offensive words you can say to a woman, you really should get some retraining.


Seriously, you guys must not work in any professional situations, if you think that would be OK. And, you must be living on Mars if you think that an owner of a company would allow an employed to say something like that to his daughter, who also works for the company.

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Of course, winning is everything at all cost. If you are good at what you do, you should be entitled to get away with whatever you want, especially to family members of the owner.


Is any of this "name calling" and "meddling" actual fact, or is it all just rumors?


The only undisputed fact is that Polian had no problems landing another GM job and has been wildly successful everywhere he's been.

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The only undisputed fact is that Polian had no problems landing another GM job and has been wildly successful everywhere he's been.



Some in Carolina might disagree. He got the team off to a very fast start (with help from the NFL) but didn't leave it in such good shape.


Don't get me wrong, I like Polian and think he is a good football man...but it's been 15 years since he left...get over it, everyone. He wasn't the only reason the Bills had success in the 90's (although he played a big part in it), and he isn't the only man in the USA that knows football.


The point here is, Polian didn't get fired over money, so the idea that he is proof that Ralph is cheap don't wash here, I don't think. Polian had issues with Wilson on several fronts. Of course, if the remark to his daughter is true, no other issue would be necessary for his firing.

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You're a disgrace to Discordians everywhere. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


And I'm sure we've ALL been called worse. It's a freaking WORD, Dean. Jesus.



On this topic, you seem about as evolved as your avatar. I trust you don't hold a high management position at a large company, as you are a major lawsuit waiting to happen, with that attitude.

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Obviously Jim Irsay isn't too concerned about Polian's foul mouth.



Lindy Bogdan is just an entitlement whore thinking she can play fatnasty err fantasy football with people who run the front office of an NFL organization. If Lindy Bogdan had any common sense "she" wouldn't have tried to fancy herself as a football scout. I mean, that's some hilarious stuff right there. "Da mean redhead said mean awful things, and I fell down da stairs ann my shooz fell off."


The closest Lindy Bogdan should have gotten to Polian was "hi" and "bye" or "cream and sugar"???

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Obviously Jim Irsay isn't too concerned about Polian's foul mouth.



Lindy Bogdan is just an entitlement whore thinking she can play fatnasty err fantasy football with people who run the front office of an NFL organization. If Lindy Bogdan had any common sense "she" wouldn't have tried to fancy herself as a football scout. I mean, that's some hilarious stuff right there. "Da mean redhead said mean awful things, and I fell down da stairs ann my shooz fell off."


The closest Lindy Bogdan should have gotten to Polian was "hi" and "bye" or "cream and sugar"???



Do you know that Polian has made those kinds of remarks to other employees around Irsay? I will bet he has NOT. Dumb comment, Chalkie.


Your other remarks are sexist tripe that show your low class.

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I bet he's calmed down over the years too...Cmon now, one view of Lindy Bogdan provides enough side-splitting hilarity to see coffee jettison onto the computer monitor...it has a hilarity level akin to the midget in Bad Santa getting punched in the nuts.


Wilson is an inheritance whore...just don't screw up pappy's hard work...sonny does ok with his AFL venture. Actually, what Polian should have said was this..."DON'T GET IN MY F***ING WAY FATTY...any other team in the league would fire their GM at the drop of the hat to hire me." Tubsy should have looked at the bigger picture, not intervened, and therefore preventing a whining episode to jug ears.

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On this topic, you seem about as evolved as your avatar. I trust you don't hold a high management position at a large company, as you are a major lawsuit waiting to happen, with that attitude.

And you're obviously not Ivan Stang.

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On this topic, you seem about as evolved as your avatar. I trust you don't hold a high management position at a large company, as you are a major lawsuit waiting to happen, with that attitude.

That would be funny if that fat, interloper, cu#t, Linda Boogerdanoff filed a lawsuit againster her own father, wouldn't it be?

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