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What would you do in this situation.....dont feel like I should just l

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I stay away fron the Doc in the Box places. They're good for colds/flu type stuff and that's about it...


My 16yo son face planted on his BMX bike while jumping a dirt hill. He literally ripped his lower lip away from his gum and the entire right side of his face was road rash. Took him to Doc in the Box and the PA says we can't do anything because we can see the tendons in his lip. Took him to the ER got very good treatment fom 2 doctors and 2 nurses. They had to cut away some of the inside of his lip because of all the dirt, sew it back to his gum and also scrape the dirt out of the road rash with a scalpel. He kept bacitracin on it for about a week and no scarring. He was lucky. Here's the kicker...


THERE ARE NO TENDONS IN THE LIP! Stay away from the Doc in the Box.

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I would go to the school principal, explain what happened, and he offers nothing I would tell him you're looking at "all possible options", without telling him I'd go to the superintendent. Then I'd go to the emergency room you went to, explain what happened to a higher up person, and if it's not resolved to your satisfaction I would tell them you are considering filing a complaint to the BBB and making some other calls.


If you drop the BBB line, most businesses scurry to satisfy your problem.

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This wouldn't have happened in Canada. Actually physician's assistants are highly trained and usually are pretty good. I had one years ago in the practice where I go diagnose a deep vein thrombosis, get the physician in and get me to the hospital right away. The one you got sounds like an a-hole. Not to worry..I've come across a number of MD a-holes in my day as well.

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Cincy....it is interesting that you bring up the bloodwork (and thanks for all the specific info)


When I went in to see the CAT (right before we got into it) I asked "isn't there any type of bloodwork that can be done to make sure we know whats wrong"


He looks at me with the most sarcastic tone you could imagine "well just what type of bloodwork would you like me to do? Name one because there are not ANY TO BE DONE"


I look at him in disbelieve "why are YOU asking ME what blood work to do....ARENT YOU THE DOCTOR"


Should have asked him if he wanted his blood work done outside in the parking lot after his shift was over :lol:

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