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Being a Vegetarian shrinks your brain


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Yeah. You're a credible source. Meat was hard to come by for our ancestors, (and a tough trade of calories burned to calories eaten), many of whom probably ate no to negligible meat.


You can be perfectly healthy and not eat meat. That study was about B12 and lack thereof causing problems. You can get B12 without killing animals.

Yeah, you CAN, but why would you want to when they are just so darn tasty? :lol:

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"MELBOURNE: Scientists have discovered that going veggie could be bad for your brain-with those on a meat-free diet six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage. "




Several assumptions in this study:

- How do we know that a smaller brain implies less intellect or lower capacity ?

- How did they isolate the other sources that could have contributed to said shrinkage

- What shrunk anyway ? The volume or surface area ?

- Also indicated an effect of obesity and brain shrinkage. Which effect is more dominant ?


I can't put credence into a study that has so many holes in it. Perhaps the entire study transcript may have covered these areas. My (now) 13 year old daughter voluntarily became a vegetarian 2 years back and her grades have not suffered. That is about as scientific a conclusion as the news article itself.

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Yeah. You're a credible source. Meat was hard to come by for our ancestors, (and a tough trade of calories burned to calories eaten), many of whom probably ate no to negligible meat.



I would be very surprised if any (let alone many) of my ancestors were vegetarians, by choice. Our earliest ancestors, before farming, subsisted on a diet primarily of meat, I believe. But, as you said, when meat was scarce for some, they didn't become vegetarians, they just ate what they could get a hold of. (Many near water ate a lot of fish, which doesn't qualify them as vegetarians.)


Man's physiology, and history, makes it fairly clear, to me, that man is an omnivore. Of course, our brain lets us decide how we want to go about implementing that flexibility.


As long as they aren't self-righteous about their choice, or judgmental about mine, I have no issue with vegetarians.

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