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you said..."Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch. "


Huge difference... Comparing a political community organizer who went home every night to his beautiful wife ... to a man who provided moral LEADERSHIP to his fellow POW's while under constant mental and physical torture is the true stretch...


I think you would be better off saying you made a mistake on this one and move on... I really dont think this is an argument you can win....


Carter was a joke for many more reasons.... I think you over generalize with your statements about "Flyboys"


First off, I don't think I can win this argument. I agree. But, I don't think I made a mistake... it is a political thing...


Seriously, leadership in a POW deal is a different animal then being a "Leader of Men." Admirable, courageous yes! ,


But McCain's infamous temper and arrogance makes me believe he will not make a good leader of this country.

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First off, I don't think I can win this argument. I agree. But, I don't think I made a mistake... it is a political thing...


Seriously, leadership in a POW deal is a different animal then being a "Leader of Men." Admirable, courageous yes! ,


But McCain's infamous temper and arrogance makes me believe he will not make a good leader of this country.

LOL... Seriously he was the inspiration of many of the men he served with... he led by example! he organized his men and helped keep their hope alive.. That is leadership... You comment about OBAMA just doesn't hold any water in a serious debate... he did it for future political reasons.... McCain did it for the right reasons.


if you are upset with McCains temper and so called arrogance how can you get behind OBAMA/Biden?... Both are arrogant and Joe has displayed 10X's the temper

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LOL... Seriously he was the inspiration of many of the men he served with... he led by example! he organized his men and helped keep their hope alive.. That is leadership... You comment about OBAMA just doesn't hold any water in a serious debate... he did it for future political reasons.... McCain did it for the right reasons.


if you are upset with McCains temper and so called arrogance how can you get behind OBAMA/Biden?... Both are arrogant and Joe has displayed 10X's the temper


Biden and McCain are of the same ilk and who said I was support OBama. I won't vote for McCain, but I am not sold on Obama either. Although Palin and her fundalmental religious views make it more likely for me to vote against her. Up until this point I was thinking of voting for Donald Duck. Remember the last Jimmy Griffin election?

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Biden and McCain are of the same ilk and who said I was support OBama. I won't vote for McCain, but I am not sold on Obama either. Although Palin and her fundalmental religious views make it more likely for me to vote against her. Up until this point I was thinking of voting for Donald Duck. Remember the last Jimmy Griffin election?

No.... I think its pretty clear you with be voting for Ophra's chosen one... OBAMA don't try to use that political stuff on me!

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No.... I think its pretty clear you with be voting for Ophra's chosen one... OBAMA don't try to use that political stuff on me!


Why, I live in NY, my vote isn't going to matter anyway so why not. P.S. Nader is the most arrogant of all of them and believe or not and though I disagree with him politically, Bob Barr is at least the most respectful of all and from all I know of him a decent human being.

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Apparently, the proximity of Alaska to Russia has become a groundswell of support for Palin's foreign policy expertise. This is becoming a joke.

Also appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” Cindy McCain, the candidate’s wife, was asked about Palin’s national security experience. She replied by noting that Palin is governor of Alaska. “Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. So, it’s not as if she doesn’t understand what’s at stake here.”
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Apparently, the proximity of Alaska to Russia has become a groundswell of support for Palin's foreign policy expertise. This is becoming a joke.


I love that talking point and the "Alaska big" talking point.

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Oh I beg to differ. 10x, no McCain is Joe's equal if not worse. Obama, I don't know as well and can't make an informed opinion on that side of him. Part of my problem with him.

your right... Joe is quiet as a church mouse... an alterboy one might say... gentle as a lamb... what was i thinking

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your right... Joe is quiet as a church mouse... an alterboy one might say... gentle as a lamb... what was i thinking

Now you just discredited yourself with that last one. If you read my post, I didn't deny Joe's side, so you can't admit McCain is an a-hole??? Please, your partisanship shows through, so take your one bad day away from making it a bad day for all of us candidate and forget about it.


Even AD doesn't go that far, despite his obvious blinders for military leadership.

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I think it's more accurate to say this is more like throwing a bomb on 4th and 6, not 2nd and 6. In the 2nd and 6th scenario you have two more chances at it. To me, not that the end of the race is close, but that this race was virtually over right now if he didn't do something like this. I think McCain obviously knew he couldn't win without some bold, risky Hail Sarah pass. And again, I think it was very smart, because otherwise, a Romney or Pawlenty choice would have been like running a fullback dive on 4th and 6, basically just giving up virtually any chance of winning.

We essentially agree. However, the reason I said 2nd and not 4th? Like I said last time we talked about this: DEBATES! The debates are McCain's third down. The VP debates are like going for it on 4th down(outside shot). Obama has not proven he can stand up to tough, real-time, questioning. Notice I didn't say he can't: I said he hasn't proven it yet. The only time he has not been treated with kid gloves by the media, or his opponent, he sh-- himself, and became marble mouth--> the Russert/Stephanopolous(sp? i have no idea) debate. Maybe he has the talent to learn and get better quickly, maybe that's as good as it gets?


That's why I said 2nd and 6. The defense certainly wasn't expecting the Hail Sarah pass. :worthy: There were expecting the Romney, FB, 3 yards and a cloud of dust.(How dumb to you feel if you are Romney right now?) Btw, I don't see it as a Hail Mary because it's not late in the game, and it sure as hell isn't like McCain is that far behind.


Aside: why are you making a big deal about a convention bounce? Kelly, you know that it doesn't matter until after the Republican convention anyway. Double digits? Right. :thumbsup: Coming out tied after the primary? That was, and still is, a big deal.


I look at it like an unexpected shot at the end zone, and it's in the air and coming down. Palin is open and the only thing that stops her is a slow, elderly, debate-challenged Biden, playing safety and trying to come over and make a play. The only thing Biden has on his side is experience because he's been in the game so long. But, as evidenced by this week's cuts, raw talent often beats out experience, because of that dreaded word: potential. We know what Biden can do(C+?), we have no idea what Palin can do(she starts with a C, maybe an A later?) in terms of debate performance.


Gee, now that's a sports analogy. :devil: Can't wait for someone to come and tell me why they are bad. :worthy:

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A leader of men? When? He was a fly boy. Those guys tend to be arrogant maverick pricks. It makes them good at what they do, but not leaders. My dad was a frogman and ordinance explosive expert during the time McCain served. My Dad served his team was a leader of Men. Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch.


"Leader of Men" What is that suppose to mean?


Unbelievable - you get so fixated on your talking points that no mater how often people bring you evidence you ignore it.


The sum of McCains mlitary career was *not* spent sitting in a POW camp. Among other things, he commanded the naval station in Florida. He served until 1981, yet you woud have us believe he spent the last decade as a fly boy tossing back drinks.

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I look at it like an unexpected shot at the end zone, and it's in the air and coming down. Palin is open and the only thing that stops her is a slow, elderly, debate-challenged Biden, playing safety and trying to come over and make a play. The only thing Biden has on his side is experience because he's been in the game so long. But, as evidenced by this week's cuts, raw talent often beats out experience, because of that dreaded word: potential. We know what Biden can do(C+?), we have no idea what Palin can do(she starts with a C, maybe an A later?) in terms of debate performance.


Gee, now that's a sports analogy. :worthy: Can't wait for someone to come and tell me why they are bad. :thumbsup:


I'm sure she'll do great at the debate.


Moderator- What makes you qualified to be Vice-President

SP- Alaska's big and it's close to Russia

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I'm sure she'll do great at the debate.


Moderator- What makes you qualified to be Vice-President

SP- Alaska's big and it's close to Russia



Moderator to Biden- Same question

JB- 4 paras, barely relevant to the question followed by a "did I mention I rode the train back to Delaware every night?"


How about this gem: "Barack Obama was right about Iraq!"???? :thumbsup::worthy: :worthy: :devil: Lamest attempt at "some animals are more equal" I have ever seen. You guys didn't really expect us to eat that one, did you? Are you really that dense to think that we would buy that crap? In fact, the family, his son, the car wreck story and the train story were the only parts of his speech worth our time.


Having ridden that train myself so many times, I will give him credit for doing it before it had internet access and before cell phones. That thing can easily ruin your whole day, especially if you are supposed to meet somebody in person.


Don't, forget Molson, I told you there would be electoral pain for you if your "team" of phonies kept up the with your nonsense, and there already is. You are essentially tied in an election you had in the bag. But please, keep talking smack. Go ahead and lose it for yourselves again with another phony, Dan Rather fairyland story. I find your machinations wickedly entertaining.

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Unbelievable - you get so fixated on your talking points that no mater how often people bring you evidence you ignore it.


The sum of McCains mlitary career was *not* spent sitting in a POW camp. Among other things, he commanded the naval station in Florida. He served until 1981, yet you woud have us believe he spent the last decade as a fly boy tossing back drinks.


I know, I know just don't like McCain and that line that "he was a leader of men" just got me going. McCain spent what going on 28 years in the Senate and has hardly been considered part of the leadership. And now he wants to be President, which requires pulling people together, not being a Maverick.


We can see now what that is like over the last 8 years and how well that works. Carter was a case study why doing it alone doesn't work.


We need a President that pulls people together. Clinton did it for a while until his zipper got in the way. He and Delay, despite their on air partisanship got things done behind the scenes.


Reagan despite his cavalier appearance at times was a master at it.


Finally, I am tired of GOP large corporate governance. Trickle down doesn't work.

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