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I would like to say a brief word...

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No Chef Jim wanted to point out the obvious. Maybe I should start a thread on how bad the rotten banana I ate yesterday tasted.


Yet, when the same rotten banana is made into banana bread, it opens up a whole new world of yummie goodness.

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I work in a candy factory, and trust me, how fresh something is makes all the difference. When we get new shipments in, the candy is soft, and very flavorful. However, since most of the candy doesn't expire for 1-3 years, you rarely get something that is straight from the factory. You mostly get something that's been sitting in the back of the factory for 5-6 months before we get around to packaging it.


So while most of you never get candy at it's best, I can take all the "samples" of fresh candy I want. :D


I did an inventory count at a chocolate factory once. Kinda cool and they gave me some good candy.


As to the other pressing issues in this thread, my personal research has concluded that Twizzlers suck. But they don't taste nearly as bad as rotten bananas.

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I once dated a woman who hated black licorice and root beer.

That was it. She could eat everything in sight, but not black licorice or root beer.


I don't go out of my way for licorice or root beer, but isn't life a little too short for

someone who can't appreciate those things?


In the back of my mind I have always wondered, did it not work out because she

disliked those things, or was it because she was sleep with the lights on, talk to walls,

houseplants have feelings, the nightly newscast contains secret messages,

aliens are shooting laser beams at her cranium crazy?

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In the back of my mind I have always wondered, did it not work out because she

disliked those things, or was it because she was sleep with the lights on, talk to walls,

houseplants have feelings, the nightly newscast contains secret messages,

aliens are shooting laser beams at her cranium crazy?


My guess is small breasts.

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I once dated a woman who hated black licorice and root beer.

That was it. She could eat everything in sight, but not black licorice or root beer.


I don't go out of my way for licorice or root beer, but isn't life a little too short for

someone who can't appreciate those things?


In the back of my mind I have always wondered, did it not work out because she

disliked those things, or was it because she was sleep with the lights on, talk to walls,

houseplants have feelings, the nightly newscast contains secret messages,

aliens are shooting laser beams at her cranium crazy?


Is this post a Haiku or something?

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