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(OT) NY vs Boston Game 3 Thread


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The Red Sox are and always will be the Yankees bee-otches!!!!!!!!!


Nice try with the street thug look you bunch of retahds!!!!!



One of those Red Sux0rs stole the peat moss that was attached to the side of Kordell Stewart's head and glued it to his chin.


Not good, not good at all....... :D



1853 called.....it wants its "chia pet on the chin" back.

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Maybe I'm different than most Yankee fans, but I have a little bit of pitty for the Sox. Having lived in Boston (2 blocks from Fenway) for so long and having met a couple of the players, I felt bad watching the Sox get murdered tonight.


I have no qualms about people running their mouths after this win since I am well aware that had the tables been reversed, the endless Yankee bashing posts would have been unbearable. I just chose not to partake I guess.


But watching Francona during the post game press conference was HARD. He looked like he wanted to cry. And I feel bad for him because the owners and fans are going to throw him under the bus just like they did with Grady. And it's really unfair. Francona is a good manager and should be given another year or two to cultivate his team.


But he won't be. And that is why the Sox will not win anytime soon. They have the wrong mentality. They have the "Go Big or Go Home" mentality which puts too much pressure on the players and coaches.

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well look at the bosox....they have no team disipline they take unwarranted chances on the bases,they look like a bunch of freaks,i always thought the yankees rule of no mustaches and long hair was an unfair rule espicially when mattingly was my favorite player,but the sox just look like a rag tag bunch,don't look much like a team at all.it is hard to imagine that francona has much to say on what they do.i mean how many camera shots were on johnny damon alone?for a guy who has had a horrible series he was getting like 30 second camera shots!well i have no doubt in my mind that orlando will finish them off tonight.go yanks and go bills!

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Hey you know what i detest you as a Yankee fan as much as you do me...I don't even know you at all and i truely dislike you.  I'm sure your personality matches that of most Yankee fans




Again nice labeling by you, and you dont even know me....and now you have to make it personal...and now most Yankees fans are bad, is that what you are saying? What planet are you from anyway??



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Just leave it to the new yankees batting order named MURDER'S ROW.

Sweep is in order.

Arroyo could not do it. The Yankee's know how to beat Dereck Lowe pretty well.


Perhaps the Redsox should clean up there image for next season.





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Again nice labeling by you, and you dont even know me....and now you have to make it personal...and now most Yankees fans are bad, is that what you are saying?  What planet are you from anyway??




Not labeling...the number of Yankee fans I have had to associate with has given me good proof of how Yankee fans are, and I hate you people!

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