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Such a Peaceful Religion

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Yeah, but. The Christians, Jews and Timothy McVay did it too.


<Liberal pansy ass>

You mean because over history those religions haven't committed terrible atrocities in the name of their God?


The fact of the matter is ANY entity, if given such societal control, is going to create such people. Those guys have been brainwashed since they were old enough to understand anything (kinda like children of hardcore Democrats/Republicans, but I digress). Add to that the fact that there's little social mobility, opportunity, or hope in those societies, and you have a recipe to create people who ain't afraid to die for a cause BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MUCH TO LIVE FOR.


Continuing to try and place blame on a single factor is retarded and VERY American. As if terrorism in human history started and ends with the Muslim religion.

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You mean because over history those religions haven't committed terrible atrocities in the name of their God?


The fact of the matter is ANY entity, if given such societal control, is going to create such people. Those guys have been brainwashed since they were old enough to understand anything (kinda like children of hardcore Democrats/Republicans, but I digress). Add to that the fact that there's little social mobility, opportunity, or hope in those societies, and you have a recipe to create people who ain't afraid to die for a cause BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MUCH TO LIVE FOR.


Continuing to try and place blame on a single factor is retarded and VERY American. As if terrorism in human history started and ends with the Muslim religion.



No sh-- Sherlock. Do I need to spell out why I posted that sarcastic little line?

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Doesn't anyone remember the flight in Asia where a bomb actually WAS exploded on board, using a bottle of "saline solution"? There was, I believe, only one fatality ... they were testing to see what it would take to down the airliner. The culprit escaped although I believe he may have been captured or killed elsewhere later...I am not sure about that. I think it was a Filipino airliner and if memory serves it was TEN YEARS AGO.


So why then is THIS such new news? Oh that's right....they were targeting flights bound for America which might therefore have a lot of Americans on board. It doesn't count if it targets "foreigners" I guess.




I could give a rats ass about carrying on drinks. I buy mine after security. And I see plenty of rednecked morons bitching about having to toss their Cokes...give me a break. You people are such pinheads sometimes. This is not a liberal versus conservative issue. It is just what it is.

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AD: Can I copy and paste that post in the thread I'm arguing with OC in? :P

That would be the awseomeest. Then you can continue to make your case that we should discuss stuff that happened 700 years ago instead of arguing about stopping what is happening today. Who cares about today anyway?

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Asking Canadians to grasp the concept of history is like asking a 3rd grader to grasp the concept of unified field theory. So today is all a Canadian can care about.


What can a Canadian grasp you ask? Well they can sure grasp a hunk of back bacon. They also tend to grasp themselves while looking at pictures of Celine Dion.

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Tim McVeigh was CATHOLIC. ;):worthy::lol:


But, but...... :blink: ...they're Christians! Christians don't do terrorist stuff!!


Blaming Islam for the terrorism is just stupid. The zealots you see in the streets of Iran chanting and yelling are like the anti-war protesters here. They don't represent the majority of the country. While others may agree with the sentiment they disagree on the violent means. Some of those people in Iran are just trying to keep the zealots from hurting them by making them believe they are one of them.



Thank you for the article. All the brainless libs who complained about the ban on carrying on drinks should read this.


:P Yeah, no conservatives, libertarians or moderates complained at all.



You mean because over history those religions haven't committed terrible atrocities in the name of their God?

The fact of the matter is ANY entity, if given such societal control, is going to create such people. Those guys have been brainwashed since they were old enough to understand anything (kinda like children of hardcore Democrats/Republicans, but I digress). Add to that the fact that there's little social mobility, opportunity, or hope in those societies, and you have a recipe to create people who ain't afraid to die for a cause BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE MUCH TO LIVE FOR.


Continuing to try and place blame on a single factor is retarded and VERY American. As if terrorism in human history started and ends with the Muslim religion.



Uh-oh, I've got a lot of soul searching to do. I actually agree with Alaska Darin on something!


Is Bert from Sesame Street Evil? :lol: :lol:

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Asking Canadians to grasp the concept of history is like asking a 3rd grader to grasp the concept of unified field theory. So today is all a Canadian can care about.


What can a Canadian grasp you ask? Well they can sure grasp a hunk of back bacon. They also tend to grasp themselves while looking at pictures of Celine Dion.


:P Her husband is a pedophile.

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