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Clinton passport breached

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I guess covering up for the messiah and his indecent travel is one thing, but lets have different standard for the wicked witch.



Again, Obama gets the outrage from the liberals but everyone it's okay or not a big news story.

So the information comes out in an article minutes ago, and you ask where is the outrage? :thumbsup:

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So the information comes out in an article minutes ago, and you ask where is the outrage? :thumbsup:

Hey, the messiahs breach was posted before it even hit any news service. Why wait on the witch and the lib wanna be? The assumption had to be that everyone probably in power has had their info breached, but everyone was making such a bnig deal over the messaihs. Why? What is he covering up? Trup to Afghanistan on 9/9/01? Little boy tours in bangkok? Cuban visits? Iraqi visits? Seems like a lot of outrage for one but not the rest.

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How is that possible?

Ask the hedd man. He was ranting for a good hour before it was posted on any news service. Even as a breaking news item. I guess he is on the official messiah, protect me at all costs mailing list.

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Ask the hedd man. He was ranting for a good hour before it was posted on any news service. Even as a breaking news item. I guess he is on the official messiah, protect me at all costs mailing list.

Just as I thought, total bullschit from you. You are, however, consistent. I gotta hand it to you.

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Just as I thought, total bullschit from you. You are, however, consistent. I gotta hand it to you.

Sorry he was ranting for 20 minutes before it hit drudge. But it was another 30 minutes before it hit a mojor news service.

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Ask the hedd man. He was ranting for a good hour before it was posted on any news service. Even as a breaking news item. I guess he is on the official messiah, protect me at all costs mailing list.


Since when is the drudge report not a news service? :thumbsup:

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Sorry he was ranting for 20 minutes before it hit drudge.


So now Drudge = newswires?


Did you check the AP, Reuters, Dow Jones newswires' timestamps before you made your claim?

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What a dumbass. If you think this is an issue, you need to find a hobby. I am sure Hillary will thank you for your concern on her behalf, but I see it's headlines regarding BOTH breaches and Condi Rice is apologizing to them both as well.

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Well - I have to ask the initiator of this thread WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE as McCain's passport has ALSO been breached, yet the only mention is of Hillary Clinton?


This might lead someone to say


VAB and Hillary

Sitting in a tree


You know the rest.


Actually this is just your forked-up government forking up again. It's nice to know they are Equal Opportunity when it comes to screwing up. Unless since they breached the Dems and figured they'd better go breach McCain's last night in order not to look bad.



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I still think it's nothing, for all of them, but the Hillary breach story is really laughable.


Her breach was a trainee, sitting with a supervisor, being taught how to use the system, and the supervisor says, "Type in any name, like your mother's" and the trainee typed in "Hillary Clinton". Then the supervisor said, "No, you can't do that." :lol::rolleyes::lol: :lol: :lol:


McCain and Obama were both looked at by the same person, and that person was just reprimanded, not fired.


The two they are questioning were both on Obama, and those two were fired.

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Who care's if Hillary's passport was leaked. She's just some old white b*tch. And McCain? Hell, He's a Repukelican


But Obama's? Oh hell no, a Black Man's rights were violtated! This is proof that "The Man" is still hard at work and Jim Crow lives.


We need Change!


Just like when the Bills went 8-8 in 2000. They needed Change! So they hired Greggg Williams :rolleyes:

And when Greggg Williams Change didn't work, they hired Meathead :lol:

And when Meathead's change didn't work, they hired Jauron :lol:


We need Change! Change! is good


Change we can believe in! Just like the Tooth Fairy



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