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Character, morals, and values, I wish there was more of it..

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It makes you wonder just what is going on in this world today. There's high profile athletes who get paid mega money and it's still not enough. Money doesn't solve all things and it certainly doesn't make for a better person. When you see what is happening on the field and especially off of it, then it's not just a fluke. There's a moral breakdown going on and Goodell can hand out all the punishment he deems necessary but all it will do is minimize it in the league but it won't eliminate it. The real solution is that there needs to be a better lifestyle at home and better parenting. I believe that's when you'll see a difference on and off the field. My prayers are with those young people who died so needlessly and their parents who are suffering so greatly. Today is a very sad and black day in American history.

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Great post and your absoulutly right. i would give anything to have the talent most NFL players posses and the privelige to play the game i love for a living. I'm 18 years old and i hate what i see on the news everyday. My generation is destoying themselves and i see no end in sight. May God help us today and everyday to be more like his image.


RIP VT Students

Our prayers are with you and your familes

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