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Iraq's soccer player to Bush

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Who cares what any Muslim says , he is lucky to be alive must be Allah saved him from Uday



Thats a ridiculous post! Mocking somebodys religion is not funny. If you think you're better than a Muslim, let me tell you- you aren't. Neither is Bush.

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Thats a ridiculous post! Mocking somebodys religion is not funny. If you think you're better than a Muslim, let me tell you- you aren't. Neither is Bush.



You actually are taking Captain America seriously?

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT

Although the WAR itself was bogus and made-up, guys like that are talking out of their arses. I guess he'd rather be tortured by Uday Hussein than be occupied. That's freedom, BUT I guess it's just a part of the 'small minority' of Iraqis who are against America being there! Yeah right...

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Although the WAR itself was bogus and made-up, guys like that are talking out of their arses. I guess he'd rather be tortured by Uday Hussein than be occupied. That's freedom, BUT I guess it's just a part of the 'small minority' of Iraqis who are against America being there! Yeah right...



Why does it have to be one or the other? They may well be thankful that Uday is gone, but that does not mean that they have to be happy for the US to stay forever. There is such a thing as overstaying your welcome.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
Why does it have to be one or the other? They may well be thankful that Uday is gone, but that does not mean that they have to be happy for the US to stay forever. There is such a thing as overstaying your welcome.



If we leave soon, Iraq ceases to be a democracy in 2 years. I GUARANTEE.

They need us now more than ever... radical Islamic extremists WANT us out quickly. The longer we stay, the more likely Iraq builds up a stronger army, hence being able to better protect itself. It's just reality.

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If we leave soon, Iraq ceases to be a democracy in 2 years. I GUARANTEE.

They need us now more than ever... radical Islamic extremists WANT us out quickly. The longer we stay, the more likely Iraq builds up a stronger army, hence being able to better protect itself. It's just reality.



I am extremely doubtful that the US wants Iraq to build up a strong army - that would make it a potential rival and threat to Israel and that is something that the US right simply would not allow. Indeed, eliminating a potential threat to Israel may well have been a big factor in why this war was fought at all. It is now well over a year since the end of the year and the Iraqi army is woefully underequipped - the most they have is machine guns and they are substantially outgunned by insurgents with RPGs and mortars.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
I am extremely doubtful that the US wants Iraq to build up a strong army - that would make it a potential rival and threat to Israel and that is something that the US right simply would not allow. Indeed, eliminating a potential threat to Israel may well have been a big factor in why this war was fought at all. It is now well over a year since the end of the year and the Iraqi army is woefully underequipped - the most they have is machine guns and they are substantially outgunned by insurgents with RPGs and mortars.



EXACTLY my point! They are underequipped, and not even CLOSE to being ready to defend the new democracy.


ZEIGLER Israel. I say let em rot, and fix their own problems... But that's our fatal weakness in Middle Eastern politics. One of these days we'll hold them to a legitimate plan by using their support money as the catalyst.

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EXACTLY my point! They are underequipped, and not even CLOSE to being ready to defend the new democracy.


ZEIGLER Israel. I say let em rot, and fix their own problems... But that's our fatal weakness in Middle Eastern politics. One of these days we'll hold them to a legitimate plan by using their support money as the catalyst.



You ever consider looking at it from the other side? If it wasn't for the US support (influence with) of Israel, a lot of the rest of the middle east might well be a shiny glass surface, which I would think the rest of the middle east might be sort of happy about.

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EXACTLY my point! They are underequipped, and not even CLOSE to being ready to defend the new democracy.


ZEIGLER Israel. I say let em rot, and fix their own problems... But that's our fatal weakness in Middle Eastern politics. One of these days we'll hold them to a legitimate plan by using their support money as the catalyst.



I completely agree on the subject of Israel. The US's unquestioning support of Israel is a major contributor to the lack of trust about the US's intentions in that region. Unfortunately, neither of the major parties is brave enough to take on the Israeli lobby, especially in an election year. Hence, Bush's endorsement of Sharon's plan to permanently annexe large chunks of the West Bank (in complete contravention of International law and UN resolutions) and Kerry's support for that position.

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From the article:


To a man, members of the Iraqi Olympic delegation say they are glad that former Olympic committee head Uday Hussein, who was responsible for the serial torture of Iraqi athletes and was killed four months after the U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003, is no longer in power.


But they also find it offensive that Bush is using Iraq for his own gain when they do not support his administration's actions. "My problems are not with the American people," says Iraqi soccer coach Adnan Hamad. "They are with what America has done in Iraq: destroy everything. The American army has killed so many people in Iraq. What is freedom when I go to the [national] stadium and there are shootings on the road?"



Does anyone else see the problem here? Basically they want freedom and are thankful for that freedom, but they want it without any cost. Whether or not you agree with Bush on the war, you have to admit this article and the statements by these players are ridiculous. No war or liberation comes without a cost. These soccer players would still be living in fear right now, instead they are enjoying the Olympic games.

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You ever consider looking at it from the other side? If it wasn't for the US support (influence with) of Israel, a lot of the rest of the middle east might well be a shiny glass surface, which I would think the rest of the middle east might be sort of happy about.


Just wondering...


What do you think the quality of the glass would be? Also what color..


Probably a dark black or Brown around Damascus and Tehran, light Brown around Baghdad.... Do you think any of it would be Waterford Quality?



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Just wondering...


What do you think the quality of the glass would be? Also what color..


Probably a dark black or Brown around Damascus and Tehran,  light Brown around Baghdad.... Do you think any of it would be Waterford Quality?





Perhaps with a touch of bronze patina.

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Guest RabidBillsFanVT
You ever consider looking at it from the other side? If it wasn't for the US support (influence with) of Israel, a lot of the rest of the middle east might well be a shiny glass surface, which I would think the rest of the middle east might be sort of happy about.



My problem with Israel was the way it was created, its contiunance to defy the international community by building more settlements unfairly, crossing over borders into other nations at WILL, and its defiance of the UN NUMEROUS times. They act so irresponsibly in the region that it is a wonder we still support them at ALL. I find it to be a disgrace....

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My problem with Israel was the way it was created, its contiunance to defy the international community by building more settlements unfairly, crossing over borders into other nations at WILL, and its defiance of the UN NUMEROUS times. They act so irresponsibly in the region that it is a wonder we still support them at ALL. I find it to be a disgrace....



But of course, you and your cuontrymen have no problem with Israel's killing of two million Arabs in the past twenty years. They have killed and imprisoned more Arabs than even your CIA death squads.

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