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Anyone Catch McCain's 'Casual' Stroll Through Baghdad?

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Trying to back up his claim that the streets are safe, McCain, along with one hundred troops, blackhawk gun ships, massive roadblocks and a bullet proof vest took a walk in Baghdad. He sure convinced me the media was misrepresenting the situation in Baghdad!



You need more than that to walk around New Orleans if you are white.


Thanks Mayor Naggin!

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I didnt see it. Did he say that " The streets are safe " ?

Yes. You should have seen the press conference when an Iraqi journalist asked him which streets were safe. McCain about lost it. An Indiana congressman said the Baghdad market they were at was as safe as an Indian farmer's market.

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Yes. You should have seen the press conference when an Iraqi journalist asked him which streets were safe. McCain about lost it. An Indiana congressman said the Baghdad market they were at was as safe as an Indian farmer's market.


And the insurgents aren't stupid. That market will probably be bombed before the week is out.

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As usual, you're right on the money. The market place was bombed today.


It's not like it was a tough !@#$in' call, really. After what Mr. (*^*&%^$^#Indiana Congresscritter said, the insurgency gets more political capital out of bombing that market than they would out of any ten other things they might try.

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And technically I don't think that the goal of the surge is to make it safe for an American senator to walk down the street in Iraq.



Ya, whatever! I guess McCain shouldn't be running around saying the press is "misrepresenting" the violence in Iraq if his insane ass can't back it up. Of course you believe McCain and Cheney more than the media, so there is no helping you. I thought about you yesterday as I was driving home. Had Rush Limbo on for a second and he was talking about that stupid Duke University case. Said its proof why you can't believe ANYTHING you read in the papers. Said the case was a boost to the war effort because it exposed the giant lie that is our media. I guess Rush is the TRUTH. Rush, Cheney and the madman McCain, the truth tellers.

That's how screwed up the right wing is today, they want people to believe the press is out to get them. Only believe Rush, Pat Robertson, Hannity and Jerry Falwell! Oh ya, and Dick. There is a vast liberal media conspiracy to destroy America from within. The press is a Fifth Column out to wreck Christmas and the family. And they hate the military, too. I talk to so many Conservatives that believe all this sh--. Had a guy tell me the other day he likes O'Reilly because he's fair.


*This rant is now over*

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Had a guy tell me the other day he likes O'Reilly because he's fair.

Oh Jesus! Are you all right? I can't even imagine the level of trauma you must have experienced from having someone in real life tell you -- to your face -- that they like Bill O'Reilly. Have you been able to eat anything since? Can you keep anything down? Have you been able to go back to work yet? Have you been able to sleep?




To be fair, I'm the one who hates the entire press. You're the guy who thinks they are great, just as long as they're liberally biased. Anything with a conservative slant must be ruining our entire country, even if it's one cable channel.


(And I do find it funny that you probably listen to more "Rush Limbo" in any one week than I have in my entire life.)

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Oh Jesus! Are you all right? I can't even imagine the level of trauma you must have experienced from having someone in real life tell you -- to your face -- that they like Bill O'Reilly. Have you been able to eat anything since? Can you keep anything down? Have you been able to go back to work yet? Have you been able to sleep?




To be fair, I'm the one who hates the entire press. You're the guy who thinks they are great, just as long as they're liberally biased. Anything with a conservative slant must be ruining our entire country, even if it's one cable channel.


(And I do find it funny that you probably listen to more "Rush Limbo" in any one week than I have in my entire life.)

Let me expand then. A "Conservative slant" is not my problem. I do respect our free press, though they have problems. I think the only reason people think CNN, NBC or whatever is "Liberal" is because they want to completely avoid reality. The "Conservative Slant" is nothing more than outlandish bafoonery. Rush doesn''t have a "slant," he has an agenda. There is a difference. The right wing media is purely political. It's a farce, a lie, its pure propaganda. Iraq IS a fv##en disaster and the right wing media deals with this by simply saying you can't believe the media. I mean WTF??? The MSM may have its problems, but it isn't some liberal entity that is out to get Conservatives.




Do I listen to a lot of right wing radio? No. But even the small amount of time I have it on there are so many lies, distortions, false arguments and pure humbug that I really do blow a fuse over it. Then I see people who are intelligent, have decent jobs and all repeating the same absolute crap and I see that the propaganda works. So McCain comes along to "prove" the media all wrong and ends up looking like a fool. Serves him right, crazy old nut.

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Let me expand then. A "Conservative slant" is not my problem. I do respect our free press, though they have problems. I think the only reason people think CNN, NBC or whatever is "Liberal" is because they want to completely avoid reality. The "Conservative Slant" is nothing more than outlandish bafoonery. Rush doesn''t have a "slant," he has an agenda. There is a difference. The right wing media is purely political. It's a farce, a lie, its pure propaganda. Iraq IS a fv##en disaster and the right wing media deals with this by simply saying you can't believe the media. I mean WTF??? The MSM may have its problems, but it isn't some liberal entity that is out to get Conservatives.

Do I listen to a lot of right wing radio? No. But even the small amount of time I have it on there are so many lies, distortions, false arguments and pure humbug that I really do blow a fuse over it. Then I see people who are intelligent, have decent jobs and all repeating the same absolute crap and I see that the propaganda works. So McCain comes along to "prove" the media all wrong and ends up looking like a fool. Serves him right, crazy old nut.

Right, exactly, only liberals are in touch with reality. :lol:


I'm honestly still super amused that you made the fact that you met someone who liked Bill O'Reilly the grand finale of your rant. Like that's so awful and/or incredible that you had to mention it here. How much pain, tension, and anxiety does it really cause you just knowing that O'Reilly exists and some people like him?


And since when is Rush Limbaugh considered a reporter? He's a talk show host.

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1) Right, exactly, only liberals are in touch with reality. :lol:


2) I'm honestly still super amused that you made the fact that you met someone who liked Bill O'Reilly the grand finale of your rant. Like that's so awful and/or incredible that you had to mention it here. How much pain, tension, and anxiety does it really cause you just knowing that O'Reilly exists and some people like him?


3) And since when is Rush Limbaugh considered a reporter? He's a talk show host.

1) No, its just that the right wing in this country isn't. See Terri Schivo incident if you need further proof.


2) Maybe because you misread what I wrote. The guy said he was fair, which is what I thought was such a joke


3) He's a major opinion maker on the right. And since John McCain was repeating his "You can't trust the media" mantra and got made to look like a complete fool we should look at the right wing media for what it is, namely propaganda.

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Let me expand then. A "Conservative slant" is not my problem. I do respect our free press, though they have problems. I think the only reason people think CNN, NBC or whatever is "Liberal" is because they want to completely avoid reality. The "Conservative Slant" is nothing more than outlandish bafoonery. Rush doesn''t have a "slant," he has an agenda. There is a difference. The right wing media is purely political. It's a farce, a lie, its pure propaganda. Iraq IS a fv##en disaster and the right wing media deals with this by simply saying you can't believe the media. I mean WTF??? The MSM may have its problems, but it isn't some liberal entity that is out to get Conservatives.

Do I listen to a lot of right wing radio? No. But even the small amount of time I have it on there are so many lies, distortions, false arguments and pure humbug that I really do blow a fuse over it. Then I see people who are intelligent, have decent jobs and all repeating the same absolute crap and I see that the propaganda works. So McCain comes along to "prove" the media all wrong and ends up looking like a fool. Serves him right, crazy old nut.


Rush has an agenda? Holy cow who would have thought. :lol: It's when the LA Times has an agenda that we have a problem.

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