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If Boston choked and you know it...

Tux of Borg

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The Yankees still need to win three games, when that happens you can crow, all you guys are doing is jinxing the Yankees...I am counting on the ARod curse to start kicking in.





So be it then. The ARod curse? I believe more in that the "Ghosts" were "toying" with the Red Sox yesterday, like a cat plays with a mouse... Letting them come so close, only to b*tchslap them in the end...


Ya they might "get away" and win... This series sure is fun!



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As a Yankee fan I'm embarrased. We won ONE game in the ALCS. ONE GAME!! We still have to win 3 more and I for one will save my stevestojan talking for when I can talk it with a 27th banner going up. Don't forget that Boston put up 7 runs in 2 innings. We almost lost that game. I love the Yankees and will support them until I die but some Yankee fans are embarassing to me. Get a grip people. One game does not a series make. :doh:

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And yet, oddly enough, they all seem like cute, cuddly Cabbage Patch dolls next to anyone from the New England area.



Don't get me wrong. Boston fans are worse than any Yankee fan! :doh:;) I'm just a realist and I know that we will not walk away with this series as easily as some think. Oh well, to each his own.

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How about this:


If you hate BOTH teams and you know it, clap your hands.


(((clap))) (((clap)))


As for me, I'll be rooting for either the Cardinals or Astros in the World Series. Why not? It worked last year (as much as I've hated the Marlins for denying my beloved Tribe in '97).



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Attention my fellow Yankees fans:


Last night was an important win, yes I know ESPN will probably have a special Outside the Lines dissecting Schilling's Ankle, but it was just important for the Yankees to gain some confidence about a pitcher like Schilling. It is only 1 game, no 1918 references or choking statements needed, this series is FAR from being decided.


One note to Schilling: if you are gonna make a statement about shutting up 55,000 people, you better be healthy enough to give your best.


Boston proved that nothing will come easy in this series. Another concern of mine for the Yankees: Tom Gordon is shaky.

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Funny stuff about Outside the Lines.


ESPN is just eating this series up.


I swear to god I'm suprised they didn't have a camera inside Mariano's jet to show his status on the way to the game.


Or "jettracker"


What is up with "Scooter"?????

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