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Are you smarter than a 5th grader


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This show is embarrassing and an insult. Woman wins a tremendous sum of money and cannot subtract 7 from 12. She was asked, "Which continent is also a country" she replied "all of them".

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This show is embarrassing and an insult. Woman wins a tremendous sum of money and cannot subtract 7 from 12. She was asked, "Which continent is also a country" she replied "all of them".


I agree. I am a little fed up with this show as well. I'm sure they wouldn't even let me on because I'm not a complete retard. So why should somebody win 50k + when they are an idiot? Doesn't seem to make sense.

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I couldn't believe that she didn't use her last "cheat" and go for the 500,000. I don't think I've ever seen those kids miss a question.


BTW, I hate the show but my son likes to watch it. I love Foxworthy as a stand up but as a host of a show he's almost unbearable. :blink:

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So why should somebody win 50k + when they are an idiot? Doesn't seem to make sense.

Look around you. Morons have always enjoyed tremendous success. It's practically the only requirement. I could write a book about it called "The One Step Method To Success." Step one: Be a total ingoramus!


Except it wouldn't really be a book because it's only about 12 words total. It would be just one page, brightly colored and laminated, maybe to hang from a rearview mirror. Or maybe a refrigerator magnet.

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I will usually turn off a game show when it seems to take an hour in between questions. Why do we need an entire segment of the show to figure out the adverb of a sentence? It's the same with that 1v.100 show with Saget. I like the concept there, but the show moves soooooooooooo slowly.

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i watched for the first time last night. i couldnt believe people (adults) didnt know the answers immediately. they must reeeeally look for dumb, out-going people. i was really surprised at how easy the questions were.


How bout when the lady could have won 100k for answering the following question:


if 3x = y and y = 12 how much is 3x



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I haven't see the show yet. I presume the contestants are Wheel of Fortune rejects?


Did you see the South Park episode when Stan's father was on Wheel of Fortune? He made it to the final puzzle, so it's him and Pat Sajak standing there. The category is "People Who Annoy Us" and they give the usual letters, and then let Stan's father pick his letters. The puzzle ends up looking like this:


N _ G G E R S


Stan's father says, "I think I know what it is, but I don't want to say it..." Sajak continues to count down, "10 seconds...5 seconds..." And he says, "Okay, I'd like to solve the puzzle....!@#$s!"


The whole place goes quiet, jaws drop, and Vanna walks over and spins the letter around: N A G G E R S


For the rest of the episode he was known as the guy who said the N-word on national tv. It was very funny...

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Did you see the South Park episode when Stan's father was on Wheel of Fortune? He made it to the final puzzle, so it's him and Pat Sajak standing there. The category is "People Who Annoy Us" and they give the usual letters, and then let Stan's father pick his letters. The puzzle ends up looking like this:


N _ G G E R S


Stan's father says, "I think I know what it is, but I don't want to say it..." Sajak continues to count down, "10 seconds...5 seconds..." And he says, "Okay, I'd like to solve the puzzle....!@#$s!"


The whole place goes quiet, jaws drop, and Vanna walks over and spins the letter around: N A G G E R S


For the rest of the episode he was known as the guy who said the N-word on national tv. It was very funny...


I don't watch South Park.


Though every time someone talks about it, I inevitably ask myself "Why the hell don't I watch South Park?"

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I don't watch South Park.


Though every time someone talks about it, I inevitably ask myself "Why the hell don't I watch South Park?"



I would rather chew broken glass.

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