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Are we seeing Eric Moulds last season as a Bill?


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I'd rather see Moulds gone, than have a year of more crap like this. I'd rather be 3-13 and be rebuilding than 6-10 and just be a crappy team. I love Moulds but if it comes down to it, I say release him. Evans McGahee and Losman are the future. LETS BUILD A LINE FOR THEM. Maybe we can reinstate the 9th round of the draft so we can get another H. Ballard.



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Moulds is signed through 2006. His cap numbers breakdown as follows:


2004: Salary $4.245 million, Amort bonus $2 million, Reporting bonus $1 million, workout bonus $100,000. Cap number is $7.345 million. He also has a $150,000 Pro Bowl bonus that is considered "NLTBE" because he didn't make the Pro Bowl last year.


2005: Salary $5.5 million, Amort bonus $2 million, reporting bonus $1 million, w/o bonus $100,000 which gives cap numbers of $8.6 million. It can increase to $8.775 million because he also has a PB bonus of $175,000. The $175,000 will count on the 2005 cap if he makes this years Pro Bowl


2006: Salary $6.045 million, amort bonus $2 million, reporting bonus $1 million, w/o bonus $100,000 for cap number of $9.145 million. Pro Bowl bonus of $200,000 would also count if he makes Pro Bowl after 2005 season




With the Bills facing a tight cap picture after this season, I fully suspect that Moulds will work out a cap friendlier deal but he certainly doesn't deserve a huge pay cut. Bills have about $2 million available in '04 to use for an extension for a player. I would like to see the Bills re-work Moulds contract NOW and use some of that money to get the future cap relief we will need.


I'll be highlighting this in my 2005 Cap Outlook article due out very soon at BZ  :huh:




CP, thank you SO much for this info. There is no way to form an opinion without info like this.


Would you PLEASE provide similar info for Mike Williams?

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Why on earth would any bills fan want to get rid of Eric Moulds? Regardless of what he counts against the cap, Would you really want to throw away our best offensive weapon and throw Lee Evans into the #1 slot. That has the makings of what happened to Josh Reed when we traded Price written all over it. Will Lee Evans eventually be our #1 receiver. Without a doubt I believe so. Is he ready to be our #1 receiver next year? Hell No he isn't, and all you're esentially doing if you trade moulds is putting Josh Reed back into the #2 spot. Without any kind of depth at wr and well lets face it the only 2 receivers on our team worth a damn right now are Moulds/Evans, it would be completly assanine of the bills if they were to trade or cut moulds after this year without getting something great in return.

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