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shaun alexander


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Not sure whether to credit the guy for being a saint or to knock him over the head for delaying it.


The longer he delays having it, the closer that his Viagra years will creep up on him.


At least he won't be sparring with Willis in the headlines on out-of-wedlock babies

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Now that's substantial moral fiber, ethical make up and belief system. Wow...what a very beautiful woman as one would expect for a dashing pro football player. Truth is even if she wasn't drop dead gorgeous, this says something about his commitment to himself and his faith. He's always been an impressive guy--my respect has only increased. A lot of folks made fun of him last year when he said the Lord would heal his injury quickly..it didn't happen but I don't think he really cared what others thought..this generations Reggie White if you will.

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I'll take one for the team and sleep with his wife when he comes out of the closet. :lol:


What a guy.. caring heart - waiting right there to give comfort and solace to the emotionally scarred...wow... :lol::lol:

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