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I just heard McGahee's press conference on NFLN

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He said "this is a fresh start for me and if the coach wants me to train up here instead of down in Florida than I'll be here"

What a tool.


Very predictable. Over time he'll likely mature and correct the mistakes he made in Buffalo, and the "U" support group in Baltimore will make him right at home.

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Just because a man is a Christian doesn't mean that he won't get angry.

Anyway.........back on topic.


The Ravens would be smart to bring in another runner to motivate Willis. That was the only time he was usefull in buffalo is when Henry was breathing down his neck.

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Dear God,


Please let McGahee not get seriously injured playing next season for the Baltimore Ravens. I do not wish him any harm, as he was once a member of the Buffalo Bills and I have some good memories of his time playing for us. Please let him stay healthy so that he has the chance to average 3.5 ypc and run for 950 yards over a full season, so that his new shining star in Baltimore may begin to tarnish and that he might slowly once again for the first time suffer the insidious biting tendrils of underachievement and overratedness and the hate filled spite of Ravens fans and press pundits that are his by right of being only a slightly above average NFL RB and by his natural birthright of being such a dumbass douchebag braindead retard.


Thanks God,


Sketch Soland


this is so weird. as i read willis's comments, this little timmo1805 with a halo popped up on my right shoulder and whispered in my ear the same prayer as you just wrote, Sketch. And it made sense to me, but then, this little timmo1805 with red horns, forked tongue and pitchfork popped up on my left shoulder and screamed:


"I really hope he gets theismaned in the pre-season..."


as of this note, i'm liking the pitchfork guy...

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Well laddy, you really should rediscover your Christian roots. You’ve had a personal visit with God this afternoon and he is very upset.



Actually no he's not. I spoke with him and he was busy banging Sarah Silverman while this thread was going on so he didn't even know about it.

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this is so weird. as i read willis's comments, this little timmo1805 with a halo popped up on my right shoulder and whispered in my ear the same prayer as you just wrote, Sketch. And it made sense to me, but then, this little timmo1805 with red horns, forked tongue and pitchfork popped up on my left shoulder and screamed:


"I really hope he gets theismaned in the pre-season..."


as of this note, i'm liking the pitchfork guy...



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It is possible to leave with some dignity and grace.... Not bashing your former imployer who used a 1st round draft pick on you!! :lol::lol:


He doesn't have to kiss anyones butt about it. If his employer valued him, he would have fixed the Oline 2 years ago. If his employer valued him, he would have signed him on a better contract. Willis can say what he wants, why do you all care. Buffalo robbed the Ravens...hahahahahaha

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