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SNL on 2/24 Head's Up


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30 Rock is the best new show on TV. Fey, Baldwin, Morgan ane the supporting cast are consistently funny and it's a half hour show.

I guess comedy is up to interpretation. As I wouldn't even say 30 Rock is the best show on NBC Thursday nights as would rank The Office and Scrubs higher. Although Scrubs isn't as good as it was in earlier seasons. Another show I have to give a nod to is Extras on HBO as Stephen Merchant who play's Andy's agent is brilliant.

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SNL is consistently mediocre because they write a 1 hour-ish show and string it out to 1 and a half. All the funny skits go on about twice as long as they really should. I can't tell you how many times I laughed at the beginning of a skit then by halfway through had grown completely disinterested. Sometimes it seems like the show is run by funny people who have absolutely no faith in their audience so they repeat the same joke ad nauseam.


And I have no idea why anyone would ever think MADtv was funny. It's always seemed to me like Sketch Comedy for Dummies. The whole sketch comedy landscape has just been getting worse and worse since the demise of Mr. Show and Upright Citizens Brigade.

MadTV is a lot funnier than SNL. SNL's schtick is that it's, well, live. The biggest problem with that is that they read those damn cue cards throughout the sketch and it's friggin' annoying! The best part of SNL is the news. Always has been, always will be. That's because they rehearse it to death and can read it LIKE they read the sketches.

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MadTV is a lot funnier than SNL. SNL's schtick is that it's, well, live. The biggest problem with that is that they read those damn cue cards throughout the sketch and it's friggin' annoying! The best part of SNL is the news. Always has been, always will be. That's because they rehearse it to death and can read it LIKE they read the sketches.

I hate that also, when you can tell during a sketch that they are reading from cue cards the way their eyes keep moving off to the side.

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MadTV is a lot funnier than SNL. SNL's schtick is that it's, well, live. The biggest problem with that is that they read those damn cue cards throughout the sketch and it's friggin' annoying! The best part of SNL is the news. Always has been, always will be. That's because they rehearse it to death and can read it LIKE they read the sketches.

Exactly. MadTV can rehears and redo sketches to make it right where as SNL has one chance after rehearsing all week. I just find that most of their sketches seemed dumbed down and lame, and like they are trying to hard to be funny. Not everything MadTV does is funny either, but I think they have some better cast members that make mediocre sketches funny. I would take vets like Bobby Lee or Micheal MacDonald over almost anyone on the SNL cast right now. I really tried to watch this week because I like the Office and think Dwight is one of the funniest ones on the show (I loved it this week when he was hanging from the banister, or in the kids room on the rocking chair while checking out the old house for safety) but I did not think it was remotly funny. The one sketch that turned me right off of the entire show was when they were in the office by the water cooler and they had the long drawn out discussion that seemed to go on forever.


As for 30 rock, Definitly not even teh funniest show on thursdays

1 - The Office

2 - My Name is Earl

3 - Scrubs (Good, but not as good as it once was)

4 - 30 Rock (and yes I too think Tina Fey is good looking and would "Hit It")


Also, I would agree with the Previous Poster who made the comment about Arcade Fire. WTF was that? One of the worst "musical" performances in a while

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