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Majority Oppose Calif. Spanking Ban

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CBS 5 Poll: Majority Oppose Calif. Spanking Ban


(CBS 5 / KCBS) SAN FRANCISCO Do parents have the right to spank their children? It is a controversial issue, and while a Bay Area lawmaker wants it addressed in Sacramento -- a majority of those surveyed for a new CBS 5 poll expressed opposition to a spanking ban.


In California, it's currently against the law for anyone but parents to spank a child. A proposed new law would make it illegal for them, too, if the child is 3 years old or younger.


Assemblywoman Sally Lieber (D-Mountain View) wants the practice of swatting a child on the behind outlawed and is in the process of drafting a bill to do so.


A poll of 500 Bay Area adults conducted for CBS 5 by Survey USA on Thursday found 57% would oppose such a bill, while only 23% would support it. The poll, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4%, showed 11% undecided.


Parents at the playgroup at Parent's Place in San Francisco, non-profit Jewish family child and parents service group, said they don't believe in spanking young children, but they said outlawing it worries them.


Joanna Jhanda as a one year old girl, said she understands the need for a law, but it troubles her: "There are certainly cases of extreme abuse,and those need to be addressed. I don't know if this law would help those children."


Victoria Wylie has a four month old and she's worried about where the law draws the line. She said, "If someone sees me doing something.. what they would consider spanking.. and it's not, I'm a little uncomfortable I'd be under investigation."


The proposed law would make spanking a child under 3 misdemeanor child abuse, an extenstion of current corporal punishment laws.


Violators could spend a year in jail, and pay up to $1000 in fines. Enforcement is unclear.


San Francisco assistant district attorney Paul Henderson prosecutes child abuse cases, and he welcomes a no spanking law.


"If you're going to spank your child, you need to know the limit," said Henderson, "and you need to know that doing it in a way that's cruel or traumatic causes injury, and that you could be prosecuted."


At the parenting classes at Parent's Place, spanking is considered the wrong discipline. Lee Ann Slaton leads discipline classes there. She said, "It teaches a child, if you're bigger you can hit. Violence begets violence.. and they're not learning."


An anti-spanking law in California would be the country's first. Supporters claim the U.S. is far behind some other nations in this issue. According to Lieber, fifteen countries worldwide have outlawed spanking of children, and under international law, it's considered a human rights abuse.


Critics maintain a spanking ban is an intrusion on the family, while supporters call it protecting a defenseless child.

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I'm a conservative in the Bay area, so I must be a nut by their standards. There are more of us here than you think. The local conservative talk station is rated #2 in AM drive time. The lazy liberals must not get up until noon :D !

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I'm a conservative in the Bay area, so I must be a nut by their standards. There are more of us here than you think. The local conservative talk station is rated #2 in AM drive time.


Conservative talk shows do well everywhere. Conservatives love to whine and hear others do the same. It's a fact. The liberal talk shows don't do as well.

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So...since they are well adjusted adults who appreciate their parents and realize that there are consequences for bad behavior...

Do you know much about Lawyer stuff?


When I was teaveling with Lee she would spank me quite a bit. We were in California at least a few times when this happened. Can I sue her? I probably won't anyway but want to know my options.


I realize I am more than 3, but feel that the new law has age discrimination. That would be a separate lawsuit.

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Do you know much about Lawyer stuff?


When I was teaveling with Lee she would spank me quite a bit. We were in California at least a few times when this happened. Can I sue her? I probably won't anyway but want to know my options.


I realize I am more than 3, but feel that the new law has age discrimination. That would be a separate lawsuit.

I know enough to keep myself out of trouble. In this instance I doubt that you would have a leg to stand on. Besides the age factor there is also the fact that you were in a consexual relationship. Unless you cried out "STOP THAT" the first time she took the leather to you the sex and all that it involved was consexual. (crying out "I'm sorry mommy" when she spanked you isn't a substitute for "STOP THAT" in the eyes of the law)


There is a loophole available to you however. Did you ever call her "Grandfather"?

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As you are well aware, Lee is ALL woman. I would never call her that. Plus, she's not that old.

Sorry, then you are SOL. The Grandfather Claus could have bailed you out...


I'll take your word on the all woman part. I've always wondered about the fuzzy balls though...

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So...since they are well adjusted adults who appreciate their parents and realize that there are consequences for bad behavior...




When one's 3 year old is hoisting himself up to place his hand on a hot stove burner, the natural reaction is to grab the "World's Best Kid" and give him a swat of the behind. That leaves an impression in the tyke's mind...although I'm sure there are some who think they can explain such a danger to a 3 year-old... :thumbsup:


Seems to me that people who support this nonsense would like to see the State eventually take over all aspects of parenting...Lenin, Stalin etc. would be pleased.

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