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Want to see just how awful the Bills really are?

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Try to sit in front of as many sets as you can. Compare what you see even bad teams like San Diego and Arizona manage to do that the Bills are completely incapable of doing.


Oh, and all you Bledsoe suck-ups...I have a bulletin for you. Drew can't find open receivers. He locks in on one guy. Yes, the line sucks. Yes, receivers drop balls. But Drew Bledsoe can't play football anymore. It's the truth.



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It's the truth.


Do you want to see that it's the truth?


watch any of the bills games. on every play, only watch Drew's head, and then look where he throws it. 95% of the time, he throws the ball where he first looks.


This is bad.


This is telegraphing where you're going. Do you NOT THINK DEFENSES SEE THIS?


Every now and then he makes a play by looking right and throwing left or vice versa. Case in point: The moulds TD vs NE.


But you don't see that often. Count how many passes are thrown to his first look. Then watch a Jets game and count how many times Pennington throws to his second, third, even fourth look.


Maybe then you'll see that Bledsoe is keeping this team down. Bledsoe is making the rest of the team look worse than it is. Bledsoe is the worst kind of problem, because he's so likeable, you want to support him. And he makes a play now and then that reminds you that he has serious tools. But those only serve to distract us from the inevitability that Drew does not have the ability to take a team to the playoffs. Not anymore. Drew is a liability to this team.


Don't just say I'm wrong...go watch the tapes and do a little research.


It's True, True, True.



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I have Sunday ticket and I agree with you. I try to watch as many games as possible. I'm not letting our D off the hook today but again, our QB is the conductor out there and the team matches his style. He is slow, plodding, methodical, boring and one dimentional.

Watching average joe's like Brees, McCown, Rattay, Carr, etc.. elude trouble and make plays when their pocket collapses is exciting. Watching the Bills is painful.

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jarthur, you're not seeing the big picture.


it's not so much that drew's a bad qb as it is that Drew is easy to defend. His bad habits are all over the tape, and he reveals his tendencies with rare consistency.


This team is hamstrung with Drew at QB. And I love the guy, so it's not an easy thing to say.

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