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Bush in Wonderland


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Apparently a Wall Street Journal reporter' personal letters about the situation in Iraq doesn't paint a pretty picture. I don't think Bush has a choice; he's got to hold his line until after the election. Another headline today has Rumsfeld saying we won't leave until after the election.


I'm sure the Bush lemmings will continue to believe it is a "catastrophic success...."


A Wall Street Journalist's view of Iraq

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Apparently a Wall Street Journal reporter' personal letters about the situation in Iraq doesn't paint a pretty picture.  I don't think Bush has a choice; he's got to hold his line until after the election.  Another headline today has Rumsfeld saying we won't leave until after the election. 


I'm sure the Bush lemmings will continue to believe it is a "catastrophic success...."


A Wall Street Journalist's view of Iraq



can you do anything oringinal at all? This is straight from air america radio pal. Oh well, at least you got to spread some hate today.

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I would not at all be surprised to see Saddam back in power some day - for the same reason that people in the US rallied around Bush, a guy who 50% of us dislike with varying degrees of intensity. He is a moron but at that point in time he was OUR moron and we were under attack.


Saddam was evil, but the people who were alive when we invaded were people he didn't kill. Their suffering they laid at OUR feet (sanctions) not his. Just like the morons on this board blame everyone but the guilty party for our problems ... that's the way people are. It's the fault of the French or the Germans or...but certainly not US...uh huh.


So if Saddam is tried in Iraq and not executed ... memories fade over time, and it's human nature to forget the bad and exaggerate the good. They might just want him back for the sake of the "good old days" when they could go to the market without worrying if a car bomb is going to blow them to bits.


Stranger things have happened.

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