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Carmelo Anthony receives 15 game suspension

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really I think he will be executed.... :thumbdown:



Come on i think a few are for executing LSI, but come on i think that is a little too harsh of a punishment for overreacting to a punch. :thumbsup:


in all seriousness, that horse collar takedown was bush-league. that should get 20 games for that alone. melo should probably get about 15 and isaiah should just quit basketball (disgrace as a Knicks exec and his post-game comments). How can any coach admit to "giving up" and to ask for the other coach to pull his studs off the court in the pros, this isn't modified level ball here. I give the nugget players a little props for not commenting about the incident.

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Come on i think a few are for executing LSI, but come on i think that is a little too harsh of a punishment for overreacting to a punch.  :thumbdown:


in all seriousness, that horse collar takedown was bush-league. that should get 20 games for that alone. melo should probably get about 15 and isaiah should just quit basketball (disgrace as a Knicks exec and his post-game comments). How can any coach admit to "giving up" and to ask for the other coach to pull his studs off the court in the pros, this isn't modified level ball here. I give the nugget players a little props for not commenting about the incident.



Let me clarify what i said...


I want to see Carmelo suspended for the rest of the season, but I know that won't happen. I think that he will get between 15-20 games to think about what he did. Plus a very BIG fine.

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in all seriousness, that horse collar takedown was bush-league. that should get 20 games for that alone. melo should probably get about 15 and isaiah should just quit basketball (disgrace as a Knicks exec and his post-game comments). How can any coach admit to "giving up" and to ask for the other coach to pull his studs off the court in the pros, this isn't modified level ball here. I give the nugget players a little props for not commenting about the incident.


Totally agree.


What I think is funny is that (and maybe I'm jumping the gun here but my gut says no) there are a whole bunch of people here who look at this fight and say:


"That's why I hate the NBA"


"It's just a league full of thugs"


"I won't watch anymore"


Yet, many of these same people are HUGE hockey fans. The situation drips with hypocrisy. Take this scenario:


Dude takes a cheap hit to the head or from behind. Teammates come to his aid and start shoving each other. It even escalates to the point where a pair of players circle each other and start throwing punches, pulling jerseys and beating ass.

Example A: The players are wearing skates and sweaters.

Example B: The players are wearing shorts and sneakers.


Which is worse? Well, while the players in example A will most likely actually fight (blood drawn, multiple *real* blows landed), there will be a penalty.


Example B, a news shtstorm, suspensions exceeding a dozen games and an increased perception that there is something wrong with the NBA.


Like I said, maybe I'm jumping the gun here...but I'd bet my last dollar that half of all hockey fans will click on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, see this fight and shake their heads while they complain that the NBA is full of thugs. Then a hockey highlight will follow and they will cheer at what a badass fight took place.



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Let me clarify what i said...


I want to see Carmelo suspended for the rest of the season, but I know that won't happen.  I think that he will get between 15-20 games to think about what he did.  Plus a very BIG fine.



just busting your stones kid as well as taters, and congrats on getting into oneonta. Should be a good time full of alcholic stupors and nights spent trolling the internet when you should be doing hw.

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Friggin dirtbags, all of them. They wonder why no one cares about the NBA anymore, it's the criminal association of the US.


Do they also wonder why people form misconstrued racist opinions of them also?


I hope the NBA takes such a dive in popularity that salaries drop, arenas close and the whole damned league goes under.


Oh and I'm no hockey fan either, I would be if fighting wasn't such a built in aspect of the game. Doesn't bother me one bit that hockey isn't all that popular either.

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I had a ton of respect for Melo get thrown out of the window. He sucker punched a NY Knicks rookie nobody who was playing because Isaih was pissed that DEN was running up the score and he wanted to send a "message". He then had the gall to run away to his bench after he threw the punch.


Bottom line is, would you ever think about Michael Jordan doing something like this>

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Totally agree.


What I think is funny is that (and maybe I'm jumping the gun here but my gut says no) there are a whole bunch of people here who look at this fight and say:


"That's why I hate the NBA"


"It's just a league full of thugs"


"I won't watch anymore"


Yet, many of these same people are HUGE hockey fans.  The situation drips with hypocrisy.  Take this scenario:


Dude takes a cheap hit to the head or from behind.  Teammates come to his aid and start shoving each other.  It even escalates to the point where a pair of players circle each other and start throwing punches, pulling jerseys and beating ass.

Example A: The players are wearing skates and sweaters.

Example B: The players are wearing shorts and sneakers.


Which is worse?  Well, while the players in example A will most likely actually fight (blood drawn, multiple *real* blows landed), there will be a penalty.


Example B, a news shtstorm, suspensions exceeding a dozen games and an increased perception that there is something wrong with the NBA.


Like I said, maybe I'm jumping the gun here...but I'd bet my last dollar that half of all hockey fans will click on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, see this fight and shake their heads while they complain that the NBA is full of thugs.  Then a hockey highlight will follow and they will cheer at what a badass fight took place.


:thumbdown:  :thumbsup:



Exactly!! I will be the a-hole who says it: the reaction of some people (whether the realize it or not) is motivated by race.


Ok, I said it.

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Absolutely not. Race has NOTHING to do with it. Last I checked, all men were created equal. And therefore bad behavior by one person is not more acceptable than the same bad behavior by another.


The majority of players in the NBA are black. It then stands to reason that the majority of the bad guys in the NBA are also black. Thats not racism. Thats reality. If Carmelo was any other race, my outrage would be the same. This fight is a microcasm of what is wrong with the NBA. The tip of the iceberg.


Kobe Bryant - Accused of Rape

Jayson Wiliams - Manslaughter

A.I. - Gun and Assault charges

Jason Kidd - Domestic Abuse


The list goes on and on....and this carries over to the court. The whole culture of the NBA is a disaster. There needs to be a culture shift before the NBA can again be a sport i'll watch. But its worth saying. Show me the white rapist in the NBA. Show me the white guy accused of domestic abuse. Show me the white murder. Show me the white guy who gets arrested on gun charges. I'm sure there is some you can name, because its THE NBA CULTURE, but I cant think of any off the top of my head.


The NFL...better get its act in gear. Ray Lewis, Rae Carruth, Terrell Owens, Marcus Vick, Sean Taylor, and now possibly Tank Johnson. Yes. I know. All Black. Is this racism? No. Show me a white guy in the NFL who has been brought up on murder charges, spit in someones face or pointed a gun at someone in public and I will deplore those acts as vigorously as I do the above list. I cant think of any off the top of my head.


Now, the NHL is a little different story. Fighting is accepted by the league. It is part of the leagues history. Its part of every game. And it is very often done between two players who are friends and respect each other. Now, there are thugs in the NHL as well. Bertuzzi and McSorley come to mind. And there are players out there TRYING to injure players. Thats no more respectable than Collins on the Knicks yesterday. But again, show me the murder. Show me the spitter. Show me the public displays of firearms.


Making the argument that Fighting is acceptable in Hockey therefore it should be acceptable in all sports, is like saying that since fighting is acceptable in Boxing, then its acceptable in WalMart over a PS3.


So to reiterate one more time. Bad behavior is bad behavior. I dont care what race you are. If you kill someone. If you spit in someones face. If you irresponsibly use firearms. You are a bad person. Period.


What carmello did was wrong. What all 10 guys on the court did was wrong. Its not murder or gun charges, but its still wrong. But in the case of the NBA, it represents a bigger problem.

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Well said.


Totally agree.


What I think is funny is that (and maybe I'm jumping the gun here but my gut says no) there are a whole bunch of people here who look at this fight and say:


"That's why I hate the NBA"


"It's just a league full of thugs"


"I won't watch anymore"


Yet, many of these same people are HUGE hockey fans.  The situation drips with hypocrisy.  Take this scenario:


Dude takes a cheap hit to the head or from behind.  Teammates come to his aid and start shoving each other.  It even escalates to the point where a pair of players circle each other and start throwing punches, pulling jerseys and beating ass.

Example A: The players are wearing skates and sweaters.

Example B: The players are wearing shorts and sneakers.


Which is worse?  Well, while the players in example A will most likely actually fight (blood drawn, multiple *real* blows landed), there will be a penalty.


Example B, a news shtstorm, suspensions exceeding a dozen games and an increased perception that there is something wrong with the NBA.


Like I said, maybe I'm jumping the gun here...but I'd bet my last dollar that half of all hockey fans will click on Sportscenter tomorrow morning, see this fight and shake their heads while they complain that the NBA is full of thugs.  Then a hockey highlight will follow and they will cheer at what a badass fight took place.


:doh:  0:)


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Or sucker punch them hard and knock them clean out.


If the first thing you do after throwing a punch is run like hell, you probably have a pretty good idea that your punches aren't knocking anyone out. That would be another rule: If you think people will confuse your punches with being hit in the face with a flying gummy bear, you probably shouldn't be throwing punches.

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