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Peyton Manning


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I personally cannot stand the guy for many reasons that I am sure you have all heard before. I am still going to discuss them anyway.


The first reason is that he hasn't been able to win in big games. He never beat Florida when he was at Tennessee and I believe Tennessee won the National championship the year after he left. Also he hasn't yet takin his team to the SuperBowl. Many people said Just get him a defense and he'll do it. Well last year he had a defense and didn't get it done.


The other has to do with the lineage factor. I am sure he got many breaks growing up that other people would not have gotten. If he hadn't got these breaks is he as good as he is now?


Another is the responsibility factor. I am sure many people lost respect for him last year when he essentially blamed his offensive line for the lose against the Steelers. He refused to take any of the blame himself.


The final reason is that he seems soft. He would rather hook slide than take a hit and get a few yards. He seems scared to get his nose dirty. I don't think I have ever seen him throw a block before. Also is he willing to take the hit to complete a deep pass? I don't think so.




You sound a lot like a guy I work with who bet his brother that Michael Jordan would never win a NBA championship with the Bulls. After a few years and 3 head coaches later, he thought he was going to win the bet, then :angry:

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You sound a lot like a guy I work with who bet his brother that Michael Jordan would never win a NBA championship with the Bulls.  After a few years and 3 head coaches later, he thought he was going to win the bet, then  :lol:



Same thing was said about Elway until he won the Big One(s). By the time Elway got his ring he was well past his prime. Apparently he was no good until he was not as good as he was...then he was great. :devil:;)


"He hasn't/can't win the big one" when used against someone who plays a TEAM sport is usually a sign of very simplistic thinking.


Oh...and then there's Marty Schottenheimer. :lol:


HEY...how about them Bills?

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