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"My views" are the dictionary definition, and how science (good science, at least) is practiced.  I suggest you get a new dictionary.


Websters and Unabridged dictionary ... what do you use?


Random House, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster (abridged and unabridged), Oxford English Dictionary.


And it's not "Webster and Unabridged". It's "Webster's Unabridged..." "Unabridged" means "complete" or "not truncated". And I highly doubt your "definition" of science is in there.



Science H Logic!

Both of your science is flawed. For only the Sea Otters know the true answer to the great question

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Random House, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster (abridged and unabridged), Oxford English Dictionary. 


And it's not "Webster and Unabridged".  It's "Webster's Unabridged..."  "Unabridged" means "complete" or "not truncated".  And I highly doubt your "definition" of science is in there.



He's using definition #1 from dictionary.com

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Random House, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster (abridged and unabridged), Oxford English Dictionary. 


And it's not "Webster and Unabridged".  It's "Webster's Unabridged..."  "Unabridged" means "complete" or "not truncated".  And I highly doubt your "definition" of science is in there.



Sorry. For some reason I didnt post the whole thing and I dont know why(??). I was trying to say Websters and Random House Unabridged. Sorry.


Anyway. From Random House Unabridged came my definition of science and Websters is similar. Look it up for yourself.


BJ/CTM/DCT, you may as well go outside, find the nearest stone and conduct this same argument. You would fare better.


Mr. Quixote can't pass up a windmill when sees one. I'm waiting with baited breath for him to get banned for his Nate Clements crusading.



Im going to take a wild guess and say you simply dont like me ... why is that? Have I ever done anything to hurt you in any way? If I bother you, why dont you just ignore me?

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Websters and Unabridged dictionary ... what do you use?


Random House, American Heritage, Merriam-Webster (abridged and unabridged), Oxford English Dictionary.


And it's not "Webster and Unabridged". It's "Webster's Unabridged..." "Unabridged" means "complete" or "not truncated". And I highly doubt your "definition" of science is in there.



Science H Logic!

Both of your science is flawed. For only the Sea Otters know the true answer to the great question



Sea Otters! Bah!

I bow down to the almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster!

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BJ/CTM/DCT, you may as well go outside, find the nearest stone and conduct this same argument. You would fare better.


Mr. Quixote can't pass up a windmill when sees one. I'm waiting with baited breath for him to get banned for his Nate Clements crusading.



100% dead on.

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Im going to take a wild guess and say you simply dont like me ... why is that? Have I ever done anything to hurt you in any way? If I bother you, why dont you just ignore me?



I do have you on Ignore.


You even make that impossible, by posting your repetitious crap in EVERY. Fvcking. Thread. So when people respond to you trying to figure out if you're just misguided or a complete moron, I have to sort through it in the quotes sections.

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I do have you on Ignore.


You even make that impossible, by posting your repetitious 'I believe it, so it's right' crap in EVERY. Fvcking. Thread. So when people respond to you trying to figure out if you're just misguided or a complete moron, I have to sort through it in the quotes sections.



Sorry man ... I will try not to disturb you as much.

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All that demonstrates is that you don't have a clue what "science" actually is.  Or a "theory". 


Actually it demonstrates your lack of knowledge. The word science, in it's essential and perennial definion (not the nominal Merriam Webster meaning), is knowledge of laws and principles. It comes from the word scire in Latin, and it commonly called scientia. Evolution has no principle, it is a hypothesis that has developed into theory with micro-evolution as the horse it uses to change it from an hypothesis to a theory.


Except that "intelligent design" proponents usually rationalize it backwards: science says "Looking at the available evidence, here is a theory that best explains its meaning."


Since you want to tell me how intelligent design proponents argue why not use the actual argument first and then analyze it. Intelligent Design isn't based on theory, but on the principles of causality: material, formal, final, etc..


Intelligent design says "Looking at the theory, here is how the available evidence can be explained."  The intelligent design argument is nothing more than using the hypothesis to prove itself...and as such is not falsifiable, and as such is not science.


You are totally incorrect. There is inductive and deductive logic. Intelligent design comes from inductive, not deductive logic. You're argumentation starts from deduction, where as intelligent design starts at induction and works together in theodicy through deduction. Why don't you learn this stuff before you fulfill the statement of Lincoln who tells us that those who open their mouths dispel all doubt they are a fool.


Evolution, on the other hand, is hard, rigorous science.  Read Darwin.


Rigorous science? Hardly: no proof of macroevolution, not one missing link that is verifiable, etc.. Yet Darwin states that if enough missing links are not found his belief is false. You should read Darwin. Read how Darwin says all his hypothesii are incorrect without enough verification of changing of species.


I'd recommend not pursuing that line of discussion, frankly.  You do, and I promise I'll own you.


Oh please, you haven't a clue between the logical application of induction and deduction and you are going to own someone?


Intelligent design is very simple (although this is an over-simplification):

For every design there is a Designer

There is a design in the world with definite intelligence

The cause cannot go to infinite regression because of the finiteness of matter, and matter has not of itself neither intelligence nor design by itself

Hence the Designer must be without matter for all matter is in contigent existence


There are other ones that maybe might help you:

All motion requires something something to move it and give it an impetus

There cannot be an infinite regression in motion for nothing in the material universe can be both the mover and the one moved

Hence there must be an unmoved Mover to create motion


It's teliological principles based on induction, whereas evolution has no proof to be valid, still remains without necessary evidence to prove anything close to conclusive, and lacks transitory species (even presently there are no species in transition).


It's funny how so many liberals deny Intelligent Design, then tell us how the environment is destroyed when men fool around with the design of the environment with pollution, and mass hunting of animals which cause ecological disasters. Why not the survival of the fittest? Darwin said we would just adapt and evolve so bring it on ecological disasters, bring it on evolution, we'll just grow into angels. Many ID deniers also live for evolution yet cannot find the reason for homosexuals who seem to be increasing in number which add nothing to the species surviving. Can someone explain that to me?

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Yeah. I did that. Didnt find many results.

Right because you know everything? Maybe instead of acting rude, why dont you share your wealth of knowledge by telling me?



1 - I don't know everything. Just more than you

2 - Acting rude is fun

3 - There's a book called "Don Quixote". You'll understand better if you read it yourself

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If you say so.


For starters I at least know what Tilting Windmills means 0:)

Do you have ANY idea how immature that sounds?


This is an internet message board, what else do you expect?



You're welcome. Knowledge is power. Reading the book allows you to form your own opinion and not have to rely on others to think for you

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This is an internet message board, what else do you expect?


Just because it is an internet message board, does not mean that people have to be rude. True, I have learned to expect it ... example: Darin. I have learned to expect that he will be an ass no matter what. Yet it still doesnt make it right or respectable.


Yes, yes Darin I know ... my opinion matters just as little as everyone elses.


You're welcome.  Knowledge is power.  Reading the book allows you to form your own opinion and not have to rely on others to think for you



Listen man. Im sure there is a book out there that someone could bring into a conversation that you have not read ... is that not very plausible?

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Just because it is an internet message board, does not mean that people have to be rude. True, I have learned to expect it ... example: Darin. I have learned to expect that he will be an ass no matter what. Yet it still doesnt make it right or respectable.


Don't diss Darin. True he's a smartass, but the difference between a smartass and a dumbass is a smartass actually knows what he's talking about


Yes, yes Darin I know ... my opinion matters just as little as everyone elses.

Listen man. Im sure there is a book out there that someone could bring into a conversation that you have not read ... is that not very plausible?


I don't mean to be rude or any disrespect, but in this case you don't know wtf you are talking about.


There is a book

It is called Don Quixote (i may have misspeeled, but i apologize since drinking and typing is bad, mmmkay). Its not some obscure text written by Ann Coulter. Its like kind of a classic of Western literature

Read the book

Understand the book

Formulate your own opinion...yes my friend, think for yourself!


You will understand what tilting a windmill means. Plus you will be able to dumbfound your unedumacated friends 0:)

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Yeah. I did that. Didnt find many results.

Right because you know everything? Maybe instead of acting rude, why dont you share your wealth of knowledge by telling me?






That's funny. I put in "Quixote" and "windmills" and the very first link pretty much told me all you'd have needed to know.


You'll just have to forgive me for "teaching a man to fish". It's one of my many "nearly biblical" personality flaws.

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